

  • Give thanks and praise: native OpenOffice arriving next month

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    No, you aren't hallucinating: Macworld UK is reporting that a truly native version of OpenOffice (not the java-powered NeoOffice port) will be shipping next month. OpenOffice's journey to running on Mac OS X in a native format has been a rollercoaster ride over the years, with a post on their site in January of '05 basically nixing a native port altogether.However, the stars have realigned and the port will see light of day after all. If you need visual proof, one of OO's developers posted some native screenshots on his blog. As far as when we can get our hands on a non-X11 OpenOffice package, we're tossing our chips in with Macworld UK's that we'll most likely see this release at September's OOoCon. Stay tuned.

  • Vice City Stories to be PSP exclusive

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    The latest episode of the 1UP Yours Podcast held an interesting revelation about the highly-anticipated Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories. Some fans felt burned by Rockstar's decision to bring the beloved Liberty City Stories over to the PS2 in a direct port. Well, according to the podcast, an editor that had a chance to play the game found out that Vice City will not makes it way to the PS2. Why? Because the game's going to be completely optimized for the handheld, making it more difficult to do a straight port Considering how Liberty City sold 2.2 million copies worldwide, it doesn't seem like a bad decision at all. [Via IGN Boards]

  • Scarface blows off the Xbox 360

    Ken Weeks
    Ken Weeks

    Say goodbye to Tony Montana's little friend. Scarface has joined the Sopranos on the hit list of gangland adaptations that won't be coming to the Xbox 360. Should we be sad that Vivendi didn't have the cash to bring us the world and everything in it, or happy that we've been spared a crappy, last-gen port a la the Godfather?

  • Just how many flaps does this thing have?

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    This is getting ridiculous. Just when we thought the mystery was solved and the conspiracy theorists were silenced, someone has to go and find another mystery flap on the Wii. What is it this time? A holographic laser cannon? An automagical DVD dongle? A nickel and dime slot for Virtual Console purchases? A scrumptious pancake maker? A completely fake photochopping attempt?We'll leave you free to speculate about its true, potentially evil purpose while we get back to eagerly pining for the flappin' games.[Via Joystiq]

  • Another Wii mystery port spotted

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    A member of the Spanish gaming forum Canal Nintendo has posted an image that appears to feature another mystery port located near the bottom of the left side of Wii.Last month, Nintendo's Reggie Fils-Aime debunked rumors that the front flap concealed anything more than a SD card port, adding that Wii will be compatible with several memory options. If this newly discovered detail is indeed another port, could it just be another expansion slot? ... Probably.

  • Sensor Bar port revealed

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Wii got back. IGN has posted some near-pornographic shots of a nude Wii, revealing its backside in what we can only assume is some drug-induced lapse of common sense on the part of the console. Really, it's always been such a well-behaved machine! IGN has even been so bold as to post pictures of cables plugging into its backside with reckless abandon. Clearly, the machine has gone wild.

  • PS3 pad loses DualShock name and vibration but picks up Wii-esque motion detection and wireless connectivity

    Dan Choi
    Dan Choi

    In a shocking turn of events, the PS3 controller has gone from banamerang to wireless DualShock 3, except without the DualShock name and vibration.If you take a good look at the back of the new control pad (see the close-up above), you'll notice that the DualShock 2 brand name imprinted on the old controller has now been supplanted by a row of LED lights to show which input has been set, either wirelessly or via the wired USB recharge port. Sony's now the only name in-line for PS3 controllers either on the pad or in the press releases (see "the new PS3 controller").

  • Virtua Fighter 5 only for PS3 next spring

    Dan Choi
    Dan Choi

    There was a time when Virtua Fighter 5 was considered a strong candidate for an arcade port to the Xbox 360, but that multiplatform hope's been dashed with the official announcement that VF5 will appear only on PS3 in the spring of 2007. Sega's technical fighter is a Sony exclusive once more.While home-console online play remains doubtful at this point, next-gen PlayStation owners can now securely look forward to facing off as El Blaze and Eileen (the new luchador and monkey kung-fu artist, respectively) along with the other 15 fighters, decked out in all sorts of items purchased in the in-game store with prize money earned through in-game matches.VF5 will support up to 720p HD resolution and will be featured in game footage in the SEGA booth at E3 (South Hall, Booth #946) later this week.[Thanks, Matt; also via Joystiq]

  • Call of Duty 3 announced; leak confirmed [update 1]

    Dan Choi
    Dan Choi

    Call of Duty 3's just been confirmed, and it looks like we were right on the money with our early leak of the WWII-related game.Back in early March, we printed the following information (and a whole lot more) on the focus of an upcoming sequel: "'CoD 3' ... is being produced by Big Red One dev Treyarch. ... The next Call of Duty World War II-based title will return gamers to the battlefields of Normandy as the Allies take on Nazi Germany to drive them out of France once and for all. This time around, American and British forces are joined by Canadian troops, Polish tanks, and French freedom fighters in a reenactment of the bloody Normandy Breakout campaign spearheaded during the summer of 1944. In the push to Paris, you'll get to choose how you approach each mission, free of menu screens and jarring non-interactive cut-scenes."Here's what IGN quoted from Activision for the announcement yesterday: "Through the eyes of four Allied soldiers, Call of Duty 3 brings players closer to the fury of combat as they fight through the Normandy Breakout, the harrowing offensive that liberated Paris and changed the fate of the world. Developed by Treyarch, Call of Duty 3 is the follow up to the #1 next-generation game and is scheduled for a 2006 release." Fingering the developer and the setting? Not too shabby -- while Joystiq pats itself on the back.Check out the IGN trailer below for a first-person look somewhat reminiscent of the FPS sequence in the Metal Gear Solid 4 trailer from TGS. At the end of the "official E3 teaser" trailer, a number of platforms are listed, with the major manufacturers (including a small "Nintendo Revolution" in text) and publisher/developer combo listed. We suspect that versions for the PC and possibly the current-gen consoles will be covered with ports as well. Now all we have to do is wait for the word on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. (Infinity Ward, we're looking at you!) More info obviously hitting at E3.[Thanks, icemorebutts, jason, & Hiro Protagonist][Update 1: Had to fix a verb. Thanks, Hiro Protagonist, John Q, & Jiiiiihad!]See also: Official E3 teaser trailer for Call of Duty 3 Next Call of Duty leaked: Modern Warfare tackles terrorists Rumor: Call of Duty joining the Revolution Kojima interacts in real-time with MGS4 trailer at TGS

  • -eNCHANT arM- coming to America

    Jennie Lees
    Jennie Lees

    From Software's RPG title [eM] -eNCHANT arM-, currently released in Japan, will be making its American and European debut this summer under the title Enchanted Arms. It's the first Japanese RPG to appear on the Xbox 360, and by the time it's released, Oblivion fans may well be looking for a new RPG to play.IGN has previewed the game, describing it as an "eccentric, epic title rich with character, story, and an evolving combat system". While its review scores in Japan have been reasonably low, the quirky nature of Enchanted Arms may increase its worldwide appeal, paving the way for more Japanese titles to travel abroad.

  • Confirmed: No World of Warcraft for the 360

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    The rumor that we might soon see World of Warcraft ported to the Xbox 360 has been a persistent one.  After all, doesn't it seem a natural to match the online capabilities of the Xbox with the most popular MMORPG?  Not so, says Blizzard, who has recently denied any plans for an Xbox port.  Says Blizzard COO Paul Sams, "Porting PC games to console often compromises games, and we’d never allow the WoW gameplay experience to suffer.”  You can insert your own joke about server performance, lag, and your gameplay experience - there are too many choices for me to pick just one. [Via TeamXbox]

  • Blast from the Past: Lemonade Stand

    Damien Barrett
    Damien Barrett

    Okay, this is the part where Damien gets ridiculously excited about something extremely silly because it reminds him of one of the very first times he used an Apple. Someone has ported the ancient but classic game Lemonade Stand to Mac OS X.By today's standards, this is a pretty boring game that doesn't stand even the remotest chance of captivating a young kid today, but back when I was a littlun, this game was incredible!