

  • Netflix makes it easier to marathon shows using your Chromecast

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    One of the most alluring (if dangerous) features of Netflix is its auto-play feature -- that's how you end up watching half of House of Cards when you only meant to check out one episode. Chromecast owners haven't had that luxury, however, so Netflix is releasing new versions of both its Android and iOS apps that enable the serial viewing option when you're using Google's streaming media stick. It works much like you'd expect if you were watching on the mobile device itself, but gives you extra time to reach for that phone buried in the couch cushions. You should see both apps surface within the next few days, and PC support is due "soon."

  • Apple TV now auto-plays the next episode of whatever you're watching on Netflix

    Daniel Cooper
    Daniel Cooper

    When you start chugging a series, it's hard to stop, even for trips to the bathroom, or going to work, or catching up on sleep. It's a problem that Netflix loves to exploit, only giving you a few seconds before offering up the next episode of whatever series you're currently immersed in. For some reason, however, this post-play feature didn't work on the Apple TV, until it suddenly did a few days ago, without warning. The Roku-rival has even popped up on Netflix's list of supported devices, so never again will you have the option of stopping House of Cards after a single episode. Well, unless you disable it, of course.

  • Netflix rolls out new 'post-play experience' on web player, PS3 (video)

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    If you've been marathoning a new favorite TV show on Netflix recently you may have noticed that on the PlayStation 3 (above) and browser-based (after the break, along with a quick demo video) players it's got a new tweak. At the end of each episode as the credits roll it pops up a quick (and very basic cable TV post movie-like) prompt with info about the next episode and, unless you select a particular viewing option, search or go back to browsing, keeps right on playing. For movies, it pops up three similar recommendations instead. This "post-play" experience takes a couple of remote presses out of long viewing sessions, and on Netflix's end probably makes it easier for folks to choose to sit through "one more episode" and keep those viewing hours boosted. On the other hand, not every one likes the automation, either here or on the Xbox 360 app. Whether that's because viewers need an emotional pause after a particularly gripping episode of Lost or they -- and by they, we mean this blogger in particular -- tend to doze off mid-episode, the good news is that every other episode it prompts the user if they want to keep playing before moving on. Like every other tweak or announcement even this move will probably be debated amongst viewers, feel free to dive into the lone season of Terriers in the name of research before letting us know if you're a fan.