

  • Sky Mobile will open signups on October 31st

    It's taken more than two years, but Sky is finally ready to launch its own mobile service. At its annual Investor Day, the company confirmed it will open registrations for Sky Mobile, its O2-powered network, from October 31st. The move will ultimately allow Sky to sit alongside BT, Virgin Media and TalkTalk as a true "quad-play" provider.

    Matt Brian
  • Redbox Instant by Verizon gets an iOS app

    Movie rental vendor Redbox recently announced that it would be taking on Netflix with its own streaming service, powered in part by Verizon. The service is still in closed beta, but Redbox has wasted no time getting up and running on iOS, as there's now an official "Redbox Instant by Verizon" app on the App Store. You can download it for free, although it won't do you much good if you don't have an invitation to the service. But there are some screenshots on iTunes of what it looks like (basically like Netflix, not surprisingly). The fact that the app is out and running already shows just how quickly Redbox is planning to get this off the ground. Personally, I think it's great. I quit Netflix a few months ago because I wasn't happy with the selections there, and competition is always good. Hopefully if Redbox and Verizon pick up a sizable audience, we'll see lots more innovation in the video-streaming market. [via App Advice]

    Mike Schramm
  • iPhone is fifth most popular in China

    Apple would like to see better numbers overseas, but China is proving to be a tough market for Western corporations to crack. All Things D is reporting that Samsung is still king of the hill in China, with Samsung products still earning triple the sales of the iPhone. China is the world's biggest mobile market, and Apple wants more than the 7.5% share it is getting there so far. And the bad news doesn't stop there: According to the latest reports,Apple's share is actually diminishing. Part of the reason Apple can't get the traction it wants is that it refuses to make a deal with China's largest telecom company, China Mobile Ltd. That's going to be difficult, because China Mobile wants a share of App Store revenues, and that's a non-starter for Apple. With the two mobile partners Apple currently has, it will never get access to more than about a third of China's active cellular users. Someone will have to blink to make a deal, but so far it is a staring contest, and Apple remains in fifth place in sales. Samsung, on the other hand, is on all three big networks in China, and is reaping the rewards.

    Mel Martin
  • Russian carrier gives $5,000 vacation to its most data hungry customer

    Use more data, win more prizes. It may sound counterintuitive, but that's exactly what Russian operator MegaFon is offering to its subscribers, as part of a curious 3G promotion. It all began back in November, when the provider announced a rather straightforward contest: customers who downloaded the most data with their 3G modems would be awarded prizes worth up to one million rubles (about $33,000), including a $5,000 vacation. According to Russian news site C News, MegaFon launched the campaign in order to showcase the expanse of its data network, which apparently covers more than 80 percent of northwestern Russia and offers speeds of up to 21Mbps. The promotion came to an official close on January 31st, with the coronation of a lucky winner who, over the course of a single week, managed to scarf down 419GB of data on the company's 3G network. MegaFon didn't offer usage statistics on the second and third place winners, nor did it say what they won for their efforts, if you wanna call them that.

    Amar Toor
  • Orange offers free Wikipedia access to mobile users in Africa and the Middle East

    There are more than 70 million Orange customers across Africa and the Middle East, but only about 10 million are able to access the web from their handsets. That gap may be narrowing, though, now that the provider has decided to offer free mobile access to Wikipedia for users throughout the region. Under the program, users with an Orange SIM card and a web-enabled phone will be able to access the site as many times as they want, without incurring any data charges. Heralding the partnership as the first of its kind, Orange says its new initiative should make it easier for emerging market consumers to access the online encyclopedia, which Wikimedia Foundation director Sue Gardner described as a "public good." The offer is slated to roll out across 20 countries in Africa and the Middle East, beginning early this year. Find more details in the press release, after the break.

    Amar Toor
  • Verizon releases Q4 results, sees jump in revenue, broadband subscribers, net loss

    Verizon has just come out with its Q4 results this morning, ending the fiscal year with yet another solid revenue report, and a decidedly less rosy net loss. According to the provider, total revenue reached $18.3 billion during the final quarter of 2011, up 13 percent from last year. Verizon saw a particularly notable spike in data revenue, which reached $6.3 billion, representing a 19.2 percent increase over the year, and comprising nearly 42 percent of all revenue. Overall, though, VZW finished the quarter with a net loss of $2.02 billion, compared to the $2.64 billion profit it saw last year. The company also saw an increase in its subscriber base, adding 98,000 broadband customers in the span of a quarter, including 201,000 FiOS internet users, 194,000 new FiOS video subscribers, and a net addition of 1.2 million postpaid customers. As far as demographics go, smartphones now comprise a full 44 percent of Verizon's consumer base, up from 39 percent last quarter. For the full year, total revenue finished at $70.2 billion, up 10.6 percent from Big Red's 2010 figures. For more stats and breakdowns, check out the full PR after the break.

    Amar Toor
  • Verizon reportedly trials VoLTE services in two cities, eyes nationwide rollout next year

    Verizon's Voice over LTE (VoLTE) platform has been in the works for a while now, and according to industry insiders, it's about ready to hit the big time. Catharine Trebnick, an analyst at Northland Capital Markets, told Light Reading Mobile this week that the service has already launched on a trial basis in two cities, and that Big Red plans to roll it out on a nationwide level in 2013. According to Light Reading Mobile, Trebnick's claims were later corroborated by a second, anonymous source. Verizon, as you may recall, had previously pegged 2012 for the commercial launch of its new platform, and could still achieve that goal with launches in select markets, before going live on a nationwide basis next year, as rumored. The company, however, is playing its cards close to the chest, saying in a statement that it's "continuing to work on VoLTE and the services it brings, and will share any launch or availability plans in due course."

    Amar Toor
  • With beta trial completed, Time Warner Cable launches HBO Go, Max Go

    Well, that didn't take very long. Just four days after launching a beta trial, Time Warner Cable has decided to bring HBO Go and Max Go to its HBO and Cinemax subscribers, fulfilling its promise to launch the services this month. With today's announcement, TWC customers will have instant streaming access to a chunk of the two channels' back catalogs, including 1,400 titles from HBO, and 400 from Cinemax. Both services, of course, will be available at no additional cost. Stream past the break for more details in the full PR.

    Amar Toor
  • FCC restarts review clock for AT&T's spectrum purchase, gives itself 180 days

    Back in August, the FCC decided to freeze the 180-day review clock on AT&T's proposed acquisition of Qualcomm's 700 MHz spectrum, citing lingering concerns over the carrier's ongoing T-Mobile saga. Now that AT&T and Deutsche Telekom have withdrawn their merger application, however, the Commission has decided to re-open the review period for the Qualcomm acquisition, giving itself a fresh 180 days to make a decision. In a letter published Friday, Wireless Bureau chief Rick Kaplan announced that the timetable would be reset, with a retroactive start date of November 29th -- the very day that the FCC granted AT&T's pullout from the T-Mobile deal. No word yet on when we can expect a decision, but we'll be keeping an eye out for the latest developments. Read the letter in full at the source link below.

    Amar Toor
  • Carrier IQ VP says software poses no threat to user privacy, backs up his argument with metaphor

    The final chapter of the Carrier IQ saga has yet to be written, but at this juncture, even the rosiest of rose-tinted observers would be hard pressed to find a silver lining. The specter of federal investigation looms larger by the day. Implicated carriers and manufacturers are washing their hands with Macbethian fury. Al Franken is on the verge of going Al Franken. And at the epicenter of all this sits Carrier IQ -- a California-based analytics company that has already gone to great lengths to defend its innocence. First, it sought to discredit Trevor Eckhart's ostensibly damning research with a cease-and-desist letter. Then, CEO Larry Lenhart flatly denied Eckhart's findings with an impassioned YouTube address. In recent days, the company has markedly softened its stance, arguing that its apps are only designed to meet operator demands and to "make your phones better." Now, Carrier IQ has elaborated upon these arguments with a more detailed breakdown of how its software functions, and a more substantive defense of its practices. Head past the break to read more.

    Amar Toor
  • AT&T, Deutsche Telekom withdraw FCC application for T-Mobile merger, look toward DoJ

    Now that FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski has called for an administrative hearing on AT&T's proposed buyout of T-Mobile, the two parties have decided to formally withdraw their application to the Commission. The confirmation came today, with an announcement from AT&T and Deutsche Telekom, which owns T-Mobile USA. In a statement, the two companies reiterated their commitment to the deal, adding that they're looking to receive final approval from the DoJ: "This formal step today is being undertaken by both companies to consolidate their strength and to focus their continuing efforts on obtaining antitrust clearance for the transaction from the Department of Justice." AT&T also reaffirmed that it would incur a $4 billion hit should the deal fall through, and that it expects to take out a pretax charge for that amount during the fourth quarter of this year. Of course, Genachowski's decision must still obtain approval from the full Commission, but it certainly looks like both parties are gearing up for a courtroom battle.

    Amar Toor
  • Texas judge says warrantless cellphone tracking violates Fourth Amendment, saga continues

    Rev up the bureaucratic turbines, because a judge in Texas has determined that warrantless cellphone tracking is indeed unconstitutional. In a brief decision issued earlier this month, US District Judge Lynn N. Hughes of the Southern District of Texas argued that seizing cellphone records without a search warrant constitutes a violation of the Fourth Amendment. "The records would show the date, time, called number, and location of the telephone when the call was made," Judge Hughes wrote in the ruling, linked below. "These data are constitutionally protected from this intrusion." The decision comes in response to an earlier ruling issued last year by Magistrate Judge Stephen Smith, also of the Southern District of Texas. In that case, Judge Smith argued against unwarranted wiretapping on similarly constitutional grounds, pointing out that with today's tracking technology, every aspect of a suspect's life could be "imperceptibly captured, compiled, and retrieved from a digital dossier somewhere in a computer cloud." The federal government appealed Judge Smith's ruling on the grounds that the Fourth Amendment would not apply to cellphone tracking, because "a customer has no privacy interest in business records held by a cell phone provider, as they are not the customer's private papers." Judge Hughes' decision, however, effectively overrules this appeal. "When the government requests records from cellular services, data disclosing the location of the telephone at the time of particular calls may be acquired only by a warrant issued on probable cause," Judge Hughes wrote. "The standard under [today's law] is below that required by the Constitution." The law in question, of course, is the Stored Communications Act -- a law bundled under the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986, which allows investigators to obtain electronic records without a warrant. This month's decision implicitly calls for this law to be reconsidered or revised, though it's certainly not the only ruling to challenge it, and it likely won't be the last, either.

    Amar Toor
  • Samsung Galaxy Note now available on O2 in the UK, priced at around $400

    Well, that didn't take long. Less than a week after O2 announced that the Galaxy Note would be "coming soon," Samsung's 5.3-inch handset has just popped up for sale on the UK carrier's site. It's available now for £250 (or about $396) on the most basic of monthly plans, offering a hybridized notepad/tablet experience, in exchange. The provider is also offering £100 worth of free movies and music to early buyers, available for download via Samsung Hub. Interested parties can grab it now, at the source link below. [Thanks, George]

    Amar Toor
  • Verizon begins collecting user data for targeted ads, is kind enough to offer 'opt-out' escape route

    Verizon still wants to collect your personal information, but it'll understand if you decide to opt out. Really, it's cool. No hard feelings. The provider said as much yesterday, in an e-mail titled "Important notice about how Verizon Wireless uses information." The missive, sent to all VZW customers, essentially lays out the company's revamped privacy policy, originally unveiled last month. Under the new framework, Verizon will be able to monitor your browsing history, location, app usage, and demographic data, all in the name of targeted advertising and vaguely-titled "business and marketing reports." The good news is that you can always opt out of the scheme, either by phone or online. The bad news is that you'll probably have to explain the whole thing to your grandma.

    Amar Toor
  • CRTC rules against traffic-based internet billing, touts 'flexibility' for small ISPs

    Chalk one up for the little guy, because Canada's telecom regulator has finally come down in favor of independent ISPs -- ostensibly, at least. Earlier this week, the CRTC ruled that major providers will not be able to bill smaller operators based on bandwidth usage, effectively reversing a controversial policy it implemented (and eventually rescinded) back in February. Under the ruling, heavyweights like BCE and Rogers will be able to sell their bandwidth to smaller ISPs on a monthly basis, with rates pre-determined according to the network capacity each independent operator requires. Large companies can continue to charge flat monthly fees, as well, but they won't be allowed to impose the same traffic-based billing that many apply to individual consumers. The regulator explained the decision thusly: "This wholesale billing model, which is based on capacity, will give independent ISPs added flexibility in offering competitive and innovative services to Canadians." For more details, surf past the break for a dose of PR. [Image courtesy of Jeff Myers/Flickr]

    Amar Toor
  • China Telecom looking to expand into US consumer market, eyes 2012 launch

    Instead of resting on its laurels as China's third-largest wireless provider, China Telecom is now looking to branch out into relatively uncharted waters -- namely, the US consumer market. In a recent interview with Bloomberg, Donald Tan, president of China Telecom Americas, confirmed that his company plans to bring its own branded wireless service to select US markets next year, in the hopes of capitalizing on the large Chinese communities and consumer bases scattered across the country. According to Tan, the proposed service would provide customers with handsets that could be used in both China and the US, theoretically appealing to Chinese-Americans, students or businessmen who travel frequently between the two countries. The exec didn't reveal much in the way of pricing, saying only that it would be "competitive," though he did acknowledge that the service is already undergoing trials with several unnamed wholesale partners. If the trial goes swimmingly, he added, China Telecom may expand it to Canada, as well, and would even consider purchasing or constructing its own network in the States (pending FCC approval, of course). The provider, which has already been marketing its services to US corporations for a decade, also has the capacity to spend "hundreds of millions or billions" on stateside acquisitions, though none are currently on the table. "We want some acquisitions in the U.S. and other countries on this continent," Tan explained. "It's a very quick way to growth."

    Amar Toor
  • Huawei MediaPad, Vision get priced in sterling, will arrive in UK within months

    We're still awaiting further details on the MediaPad's stateside arrival, but Huawei has already spilled the beans for those on the other side of the Atlantic. At an event in London this week, the Chinese manufacturer confirmed that its seven-inch, Honeycomb-plated slate will arrive in the UK by early 2012, with prices for the WiFi only version starting at £275 (around $437). The company also took the opportunity to announce the arrival of its Vision smartphone, which will invade Britain sometime before Christmas. Huawei says it'll cost around £25 (about $40), once provider subsidies are accounted for, though specific operators won't be announced until early next year. Rest assured, we'll keep you up to date.

    Amar Toor
  • Republic Wireless goes live, brings unlimited data, text and calls to LG Optimus users

    Well, that didn't take too long. As promised, Republic Wireless flipped the switch on its new unlimited everything plan today, offering a smorgasbord of wireless talk, text and data for the flat fee of $19 per month. The trick, of course, is Republic's dependence upon the UMA wireless technology, also employed by T-Mobile. You won't have to open a dedicated app to use the service (currently in beta), though you will need a home connection speed of 80kbps both ways in order to actually hold a call. You'll also need a "Hybrid Calling"-enabled LG Optimus handset (bundled under the company's $199 startup fee), though the provider plans to add more devices in the near future. For more details, hit up the source link below.

    Amar Toor
  • AT&T, DirecTV sign deal extension, guarantee bundle services through 2015

    AT&T renewed its corporate vows with DirecTV yesterday, signing a three-year contract extension to bring its suite of co-branded satellite TV, broadband and voice services through March 2015. The bundle will be offered across the 22 states where AT&T currently offers residential broadband and voice services -- and, according to a company spokeswoman, where the carrier's U-verse video service is not yet available. Speaking to Broadcasting & Cable, the rep went on to say that the renewed deal shouldn't be interpreted as an indicator of how rapidly the U-verse rollout is progressing, and that its service may eventually be offered alongside DirecTV's operations -- which, as we found out this week, aren't doing too bad at all. More details can be gleaned from the PR, after the break.

    Amar Toor
  • Verizon's My FiOS app puts your entire living room under one Android roof

    Leaving home is hard, especially when you've got a backlog of on-demand movies and TV shows staring at you with big puppy dog eyes. Fortunately, however, Verizon has now come out with My FiOS -- a new app for Android users that promises to keep you constantly connected to all your home entertainment systems, and more. Released yesterday, this app allows users to remotely access movies, Flex View TV shows and home automation and monitoring systems directly from their handsets, while managing their accounts and billing via the provider's built-in customer service tools. Verizon clients can also use My FiOS to control their TVs, DVR players or home phones, and can even access some content straight from their devices. For now, the app is only available on Android 2.1 or above, though Verizon says an iOS version should hit the market "before year-end." Skim past the break for more information in the full PR, or hit up the source link below to download My FiOS for yourself.

    Amar Toor