

  • Dots

    The next 'Dots' game is completely different, except for the dots

    Nathan Ingraham
    Nathan Ingraham

    Dots, the studio behind a beautifully-designed series of mobile games (including Two Dots and last year's Dots & Co), just announced its next game: Wilds. As the title suggests, this game will be a departure from what the studio has produced thus far: It's the first game that doesn't have the word "dots" in its title. And the announcement game via an odd, enigmatic video that shows a lone figure in the middle of a dark forest, dancing among trees and glowing orbs. Those orbs surely resemble the dots that you must connect in the studio's other puzzle games, but there's no other hint as to what players can expect when Wilds arrives.

  • Puzzle Quest spreads its addictiveness to the Wii

    John Bardinelli
    John Bardinelli

    Rumors of a Wii version of the incredibly addictive PSP/DS game Puzzle Quest have been laying still for months. Now, with an Xbox Live Arcade incarnation on its way, Amazon.com has listed Puzzle Quest Wii with a release date of September 25th. Even better: the attractive price tag of $29.99 is plastered below the box art, taunting those of us who already own a portable version of the game. Would we pick up a big-screen brother of Puzzle Quest, even if it had but a few pithy extras? Yes.[Thanks, Steve 3.2]