

  • X3F TV -- XBLA in Brief: Perfect Dark

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    It's been a long time coming, and today Perfect Dark is finally available for download on XBLA. Sporting some new Xbox Live functionality and a sparkly new coat of paint, we'd be hard-pressed to come up with a better way to drop 800 ($10) on the Xbox Live Marketplace. The game is a classic and the closest you'll get to having GoldenEye on Xbox Live. Check it out in the latest episode of XBLA in Brief above! Shortcut: Download the trial version of Perfect Dark [via Xbox.com] [iTunes] Subscribe to X3F TV directly in iTunes. [Zune] Subscribe to the X3F TV directly. [RSS] Add the X3F TV feed to your RSS aggregator and have the show delivered automatically. [MP4] Download the MP4 directly. %Gallery-70692%

  • Review: Perfect Dark (XBLA)

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    "Remastered" is the appropriate term for 4J Studios' Perfect Dark port, which takes Rare's classic console FPS and remodels it with high-resolution assets and tactful tweaks to better suit its new Xbox Live Arcade format. Perfect Dark is the third N64-generation Rare title that 4J Studios has remastered, following XBLA ports of Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie, and it's likely the most anticipated. Perfect Dark is a historical landmark, after all, and it's one that should be visited from time to time by anyone interested in games. Originally released in mid-2000, Perfect Dark arrived as I was staggering forth from my freshman year of college. I picked it up because, back in high school, we played GoldenEye until the sun came up. I never grew to worship Perfect Dark as I had Rare's acclaimed Bond shooter, but my memory recalls it as a "slightly superior" game (if not as personally beloved). As one of the more prominent entries on my "I woulda, coulda, shoulda played it more" list, I've been looking forward to this reunion -- a chance to get to know Perfect Dark better. %Gallery-70692%

  • This Wednesday: Perfect Dark KLOBBers XBLA

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    That's "This Wednesday," like, this Wednesday -- today. Sorry we waited so long to bring you this regular installment of "This Wednesday," it's just that we kind of figured this particular release would be a little hard to forget. But for those of you not paying attention, here it is: FPS classic Perfect Dark arrives on Xbox Live today for 800 ($10). If you're on the fence, check out our full review of the game. Now, if you'll excuse us, we're going to go buy some Surge and Tato Skins off eBay and hit Felicity for some King of the Bathroom. %Gallery-70692%

  • Rare to build new studio in Birmingham, England

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Rare announced today that it will soon open a new studio facility in the Digbeth area of Birmingham, England. To be housed in the Fazeley Studios complex, the new studio will serve as a "production, test and usability site to accommodate Rare's evolving methodology in game creation." Rare plans to use the new studio as a model for "change," as the company believes that the current practice of over-staffing studios has caused "a boom and bust cycle." The new studio marks a move to a development method more akin to film studios, and Rare expects the facility to house around 90 staff members, though the number is expected to fluctuate throughout different projects. The announcement notes that Digbeth's proximity to "several universities and colleges" makes the new facility "ideally placed for recruiting staff." We'd like to point out that Digbeth is also home to several pubs and bars, which should come in handy during crunch time.

  • Stadium Events sells for $41,300, becomes most expensive NES game ever

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    We're not sure which element of this story is the most newsworthy, so we'll lead with this: Some person, somewhere in the world, recently spent $41,300 on an extremely rare NES game. Someone was perusing the eBay auction block, saw Stadium Events (which Nintendo bought the rights to and retitled World Class Track Meet), and said, "you know what? That looks like the kind of thing I'd like to spend an American's median annual income on." According to Video Game Price Charts, that auction has turned Stadium Events into the most expensive NES game ever sold. There are around 200 copies of the game still floating around out there -- which should be enough to send most of you rushing to your local pawn shop in a Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory-esque tizzy. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in!]

  • Stay for the entire XBLA Block Party and receive parting gifts

    Randy Nelson
    Randy Nelson

    Microsoft has announced more details about its Xbox Live Arcade "Block Party," which is ... right around the corner. Next month's lead-up to the launch of the Xbox Game Room will see a promotion similar to the one offered during last year's Summer of Arcade, and then some. For Xbox Live Silver members that purchase all three Block Party titles released next month -- Toy Soldiers, Perfect Dark and Scrap Metal -- and then download the free Game Room "client," Microsoft will credit your account 400 ($5). So, 3200 ($40) spent on the participating XBLA titles will get you back five bucks. If you're a Gold member, though, the deal gets a little sweeter: Purchase the three titles, download Game Room, and you'll get the 400 refund and a free month of Xbox Live Gold service (worth $4 and change if you're an annual subscriber) credited to your account. A free "everyone's a Gold member" (no, not that Goldmember) weekend is also scheduled, permitting Silver members to play the three Block Party releases online (but only the Block Party releases) from 12pm ET on Friday, March 26 through 12pm ET on Monday, March 29.

  • Perfect Dark XBLA will keep GoldenEye maps

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    While you probably won't be experiencing any classic GoldenEye action on Xbox Live Arcade anytime soon, it looks like Perfect Dark will let you do the next best thing! Yes, the real GoldenEye will likely never see the light of day on XBLA, but that doesn't mean its maps and weapons can't appear in Perfect Dark. According to Kotaku, Microsoft's Ken Lobb has confirmed at DICE that the unlockable GoldenEye weapons and maps featured in the N64 version of Perfect Dark will be included in the upcoming XBLA version as well. Of course, there really wasn't any reason to think they wouldn't be, but it's nice to hear all the same. So, if you've got the unlocking talent, you'll be mowing down your friends with a Klobb* in the Felicity, Temple and Complex maps in no time. *Yes, GoldenEye fanboys, or the RCP-90.

  • Drop rate of Big Love Rocket not a bug

    Matt Low
    Matt Low

    Some concerns have been expressed recently over the abysmally low drop rate of the Big Love Rocket. The drop rate was thought to be lower than 1-2% and Bornakk chimed in on the forums to confirm it. I'm not much of a big mount fanatic myself. The only rare one I have is the Obsidian Drake mount from Sartharion with 3 Drakes up. Now that I think about it though, I have yet to see anyone in Dalaran ride around with one of these rockets. As it stands, the drop rate of this rocket mount will not be raised anytime in the near future. Heck, even if they did, I know with my luck I would never see one of these. If you're curious, as of today, there have only been 74 players with the Big Love Rocket Feat of Strength across North America and Europe. North America has seen 17 Big Love Rockets compared to the 54 for European players. if you want to read more about drop chance and probability, check out Brian's post about it back in January. It's guaranteed to make your head spin!

  • X10: A perfect storm of Perfect Dark media

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    It's been a crazy 48 hours, thanks to all of the news coming out of X10. Attendees were greeted with various playable demos, a box full of mullets and, in the case of this post, the above trailer and gallery full of screenshots for Rare's upcoming XBLA port of Perfect Dark. Featuring graphics of up to 1080p and small grey alien sidekicks named Elvis, it's one of the more high-profile games coming to Xbox Live Arcade as part of the Block Party promotion. %Gallery-85318%

  • X10: Perfect Dark, Game Room, Scrap Metal, Toy Soldiers part of XBLA Block Party this March

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    Thanks to the Summer of Arcade, we've been conditioned to compulsively check Xbox Live Arcade during the hottest months of the year. But it would seem that March is the new summer, since that month now plays host to the XBLA Block Party announced during Microsoft's X10 event today. So, what do you have to look forward to? Well, Toy Soldiers kicks things off on March 3. If that doesn't grab you, don't worry, it'll be followed throughout the month by Scrap Metal, Perfect Dark and classics hub Game Room. Also, if it's anything like every block party we've ever been to, cocktail weenies will also be served. So that's something.

  • Perfect Dark XBLA playable at X10, new screen

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    click to Perfect-size Rare has announced that its upcoming XBLA remake of Perfect Dark will be playable at the upcoming X10 event next week in San Francisco. In celebration of the announcement, Rare also released a single new screen from the game, featuring one Mr. Daniel Carrington. Click the image above for a nice, high resolution version. With appearances expected from Fable III, Alan Wake, Halo: Reach, Final Fantasy XII, Splinter Cell Conviction, Crackdown 2 and the Microsoft Game Room, X10 is certainly shaping up to be quite an event. Rest assured, we'll be covering it from the get-go next week.

  • Rare: 'No shortage of possibilities' for revisiting IP

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Speaking to CVG about the upcoming XBLA re-release of Perfect Dark, Rare's Mark Betteridge hinted that more of the studio's old IPs might return in the future. Betteridge noted that Rare hasn't announced its next project after Perfect Dark, but added, "we've got over 25 years of IP to dip into so there's no shortage of possibilities." Just glancing at Rare's list of games -- which spans all the way back to 1983 -- it's easy to see Betteridge's point. The question is, then, what property should Rare pursue next? What game would you like to see Rare resurrect? Cast your vote in the poll below, and feel free to name some other choices in the comments. %Poll-40210%

  • Xbox 360 Platinum Hits lineup adds Halo Wars, Orange Box and others

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Xbox.com has listed several new games as Platinum Hits, including Fable II (aka Game of the Year Edition), Halo Wars, Left 4 Dead, The Orange Box, Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts, Ninja Gaiden II, Kung-Fu Panda, Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection, Sonic The Hedgehog, and Sonic Unleashed. A Microsoft PR agent couldn't confirm the full list of new Platinum Hits (are we missing any above?), but said that if a game is listed as such on Xbox.com, it's a Platinum Hits title. The changes seem to have taken effect on major retailer sites, as GameStop and Amazon now reflect the discounted Platinum prices (if not always the the Platinum Hits branding), which range from $20–30. With Orange Box requiring only one Jackson ($20), it's now literally a crime to not own it. Conversely, if you're dead-set on committing a crime, buy someone Sonic The Hedgehog or Sonic Unleashed at $20 each. [Thanks, Stephen]

  • Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts now on demand

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    Though we're on record as saying that a bear with a bird in his backpack is objectively a pretty stupid thing to make a game about, we're also able to admit that Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts is a gem that didn't get the credit it deserved. If you had been holding off because you were worried about the GameStop clerk looking at you like a weirdo, you'll be happy to hear you can now indulge your most taboo desires as the bird-backpack wearing bear has made his way to Games On Demand. Go ahead ... your secret's safe with us. Shortcut: Purchase and add Banjo-Kazooie: N&B to your Xbox 360 download queue [via Xbox.com; $19.99 in US]

  • See screens and video from Perfect Dark on XBLA

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    We've all seen screens here and there from Rare's upcoming high def-ified Perfect Dark port for XBLA. Today, we're happy to report there's a whole bunch of new media out there to sift through, courtesy of Gamertag Radio. Head past the break for video of Perfect Dark's Carrington Institute level or, if you're one who worries about a sudden outbreak of motion sickness, check out some stills from the game over on GTR's flickr page. Perfect Dark is currently scheduled for a "Winter 2010" release. Source - Screens from Perfect Dark Source - Carrington Institute level video

  • OFLC posts rating for Perfect Dark on XBLA

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    The Australian Office of Film and Literature Classification has posted a rating on its website for the long-awaited XBLA port of Rare's Perfect Dark, which would hint that a release is just around the corner. (Major Nelson did say that it would drop "this winter.") The OFLC gave the shooter an MA 15+ for "strong violence," the toughest rating they hand out for video games. If a release is imminent, now might be the perfect time to play through the 360 prequel, Perfect Dark Zero, and get further acquainted with Joanna Dark before you can revisit her debut adventure in high resolution.

  • Banjo-Kazooie hit the track in Sega All-Stars Racing trailer

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Rare's bear and backpacked bird make their debut in this latest Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing trailer. The Banjo-Kazooie team tear up the track big-truck style -- mainly because they're in a big friggin' truck. The trailer also takes care to remind us Avatars will be playable in the Xbox 360 version of the game -- but, really, who cares? Banjo and Kazooie are in a big friggin' truck!

  • 'Tis the season: Rare holiday theme available

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Click image for hi-hi-hi res Rare has seen fit to brighten up your Xbox Dashboard with a new holiday-inspired theme. Everyone will be able to download this new free theme -- wait, it's not free? It costs 240? Wow, we guess Christmas really is all commercial now. Shortcut: Add Rare Holiday Theme to your Xbox 360 queue [Via Xbox.com] %Gallery-80429%

  • The ups and downs of the Battered Hilt

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Yesterday, Bornakk said clearly that the Battered Hilt drop that starts the Quel'delar questline was dropping at the right rate, which is much less than when the patch first hit. And then of course, in last night's fixes, they went ahead and increased the drop rate anyway. He also claimed there were no plans to make it BoP, but who knows what'll happen in the future? For now, however, you can still buy and sell the quest item for quite a bit of gold. We'll have to see where the price eventually ends up -- on the staff here, we've seen anything from 8,000g to over 23,000g, and Twitter tells us that people are paying an average of around 12k or so, going up to as high as 30k (or even shady real money offers in online classified ads). Our own Matt Low has actually seen the drop three different times, and lost every roll. It drops off of any of the mobs in the Heroic versions of the Frozen Halls 5-mans, and as Bornakk says, any class can use it to come up with a pretty solid weapon, so the competition will probably keep the price high, depending on where the drop rate ends up. The silver lining, if you really want one, have terrible luck, and don't ever expect to have all that money, is that the price will probably go down eventually. Bornakk says that as people move up into Icecrown and start picking up weapons that are even better than the sister blade, demand is likely to drop off a bit. But he also says that Blizzard does want this to be a special and relatively rare item, so you'll still have to probably either be lucky or ready to grind it out. Good luck -- I'm out there searching for one with you.

  • Viva Pinata: Party Animals now party on demand

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    As promised, Viva Piñata: Party Animals is now available on Xbox Live Games on Demand. Before you get too excited, just remember that Party Animals is the Viva Piñata themed party game. It doesn't involve the wonderfully addicting gardening and breeding aspects of the original Viva Piñata or its sequel, Trouble in Paradise (which is also available on demand, incidentally). That said, if you're looking for a decent game for the kids, you could probably do worse. In the US of A, the game can be had for $19.99. Be sure to check Xbox Live Marketplace for the price in other regions. Shortcut: Add Viva Piñata: Party Animals to your Xbox 360 download queue (via Xbox.com) [Via Major Nelson]