

  • Raw Fury/Upstream Arcade

    'West of Dead' is a fast-paced shooter starring Ron Perlman

    Kris Holt
    Kris Holt

    After it popped up in the Microsoft Store perhaps a little earlier than intended, twin-stick shooter West of Dead is available in open beta on Xbox One. You'll play as the Ghost Rider-esque William Mason, who's voiced by Ron Perlman of Hellboy and Sons of Anarchy fame.

  • Odd Tales

    ‘The Last Night’ is a stunning take on 16-bit games for the 4K generation

    Billy Steele
    Billy Steele

    Indie darling The Last Night stepped onto the big stage this week at E3. The game was announced as an Xbox exclusive during the same event that Microsoft officially revealed its powerful new 4K console: the Xbox One X. After those proceedings, we sat down with Odd Tales' Tim Soret for an update on the "cinematic platformer" and to discuss the recent controversy about his tweets.