

  • The Joystiq Weekend: March 17 - 18, 2007

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Just another snapshot of pinsomniac's frackin' sweet DIY Rayman Raving Rabbids cake pan. Check out the highlights for this weekend:JoystiqueryJapanese hardware sales, Mar. 5 - Mar. 11: GDC ruined everything editionToday's spoilerest game video: God of War 2 endingNewsSteam injected with Eidos gamesBest Buy done with PS3 20GB modelLowenstein's 'final' interview: Game reviews influence industryConsoul shows more bizarre European PS3 marketingWithin a Deep Forest creator Nifflas interviewedMii channel began as a DS projectLord of the Rings Online team confident entering MMO marketJack Thompson responds biblically to Take-TwoLord of the Rings Online music systemRumors & SpeculationRumorang: NiGHTS returning on the Wii -- Part 2Rumor: Beautiful Katamari to hit Xbox 360, PS3, Wii this yearCulture & CommunityHow much longer can Xbox Live charge consumers?Beware the April Fools in mid-MarchGame name stereotypesHowling Rayman Raving Rabbids cake

  • DS releases for the week of March 5th

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Here in the U.S., the best system ever DS might not have had much going on last week, but this week's release of Wario: Master of Disguise is likely to make up for all that and more. Everyone's favorite anti-Mario is one of the most anticipated games this year -- and so we can already guess what you'll be playing this weekend!DS releases in the U.S.: Rayman Raving Rabbids Shrek Smash n' Crash Racing Wario: Master of Disguise For the rest of the world's releases this week, check out the lists after the jump. It's a particularly good week for (almost) everyone! For those of you in Australia ... well, next week looks huge for you, so bide awhile.

  • Bunnies make good cupcakes

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Bunnies probably don't like to be eaten, but that didn't stop Flickr user protozoider from making these Rayman Raving Rabbids cupcakes. Some of them look like they're going to eat you! The set includes instructions on making your very own (somewhat creepy) rabbid cupcakes, and features pictures of the best efforts, and some of the not-so-successful. The secret? Bunny-themed cake pans for Easter cakes. Creative, we must admit ....See also: Metareview: Raving Rabbids Bunnies can't stand Christmas Bunnies do not value privacy Bunny tries to milk prancing cow

  • 360 Raving Rabbids to use Vision camera

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    IGN reports that the Xbox 360 version of Rayman: Raving Rabbids will contain an unexpected surprise: Vision camera support. 37 of the game's 70+ plus mini-games will utilize the Vision camera for motion based control. These mini-games will include the FPS and dancing mini-games. The Xbox 360 version of Raving Rabbids will receive some graphical upgrades and some exclusive mini-games as well. Two of the new exclusive mini-games include "Bunnies Don't Play Basketball" and "Bunnies Don't Play Rock, Paper, Scissors."The addition of Vision camera support is certainly welcome, as the peripheral's motion sensing capabilities have been underutilized thus far in its lifespan. Rayman: Raving Rabbids assaults the Xbox 360 this March. Just in case you're unfamiliar with the game, we've embedded a special Valentine's Day video after the break.[Via Digg]

  • Bunnies like Penny Arcade

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    The best part of Michel Ancel's Rayman Raving Rabbits is its humor and ad campaign. Every level is given a phrase such as "bunnies like carrot juice" or "bunnies like to rave." Ubisoft asked Penny Arcade to contribute to the Rabbid lore. Here's what Gabe and Joe Pekar (he colored) came up with: Bunnies lie about their age Bunnies are extremely good at ping pong Bunnies are nostalgic Bunnies can smell your fear So Ubisoft, how about capitalizing on Wii's online services and turn these golden ideas into party games.

  • Rabbids in your milk

    Nikki Inderlied
    Nikki Inderlied

    Young reader Preston was doing his body good one day by drinking milk. While his bones were thanking him for the generous amount of calcium (as his sweet tooth was for the chocolate), little did he know that Rabbids had invaded his lunchtime beverage. Ubisoft has found yet another way to get into the minds of gamers by placing advertisements on everyday items like this. We wonder how many other companies have used this same technique to grab our attention. In fact, if you, loyal reader, see an ad similar to this for a Wii game, take a pic and send it in! [Thanks Preston!]

  • Rabbids can't cook turkey

    Nikki Inderlied
    Nikki Inderlied

    In honor of Thanksgiving yesterday, these quirky little rabbids sent out a video to show that they have the holiday spirit too. While we could have told you that a turkey doesn't exactly cook well in a clothes dryer, they're a bit new to this whole thing; it was a good attempt on their part. Next year, they'll know better ... maybe. Catch the video after the break! [Thanks JC!]

  • Rabbids -- worse than a Chucky doll

    Nikki Inderlied
    Nikki Inderlied

    Honestly, we wouldn't want this near us. It creeps us out. Those huge, staring eyes, emotionless face and bewitched posture gives us the jitters. We used to like the Raving Rabbids but now, we aren't too sure we could become friends with something that looks as though it would torture us in our sleep. Then again, maybe it's just this rabbid. He could be the black sheep of the bunch. Still, those ... eyes. We swear they follow you wherever you go, plotting your demise. [Via Go Nintendo]

  • Rayman Raving Rabbids rumors debunked [update 1]

    Nikki Inderlied
    Nikki Inderlied

    When a game like Rayman Raving Rabbids has this much hype, the rumors go flying. It turns into a he said, she said ordeal and 1up has put that to an end. For those of you thinking that this is strictly a platformer, you are wrong friend. This, as Nintendo cleared up, is a mini-game collection. As 1up tells us: The single-player story mode does feature Rayman running around in third-person along the lines of a platformer in places, but these places are limited to the game's overworld hub set in a gladiator arena. There is no "gameplay" connected to these scenes -- they simply involve moving Rayman from one challenge to another, without camera control, watching cinema sequences and earning prizes like costumes. Next, the rumor going around that the FPS mini-game has the player changing directions with the analog stick is false. The game automatically moves you and you aim with the Wiimote. Lastly, Rayman Raving Rabbids has not been moved to release in 2007. It is considered a launch title and looks like it will be one of the best (right after Zelda, of course). [Update: Fixed a typo.]

  • More Raving Rabbids scientific facts

    Nikki Inderlied
    Nikki Inderlied

    Those silly rabbids! Baths are for kids! These quarky scientific facts about rabbids always make us smile. Yet, with this video and the next, we find ourselves missing the old music. One of the main reasons we loved watching these 30 seconds of joy had a lot to do with the crazy rabbid screaming. Now, you can't really hear it all that well. It is drained out by rather annoying music. Annoying music doesn't mean we are done watching them. In fact, we have another Raving Rabbid scientific fact for you!

  • Raving Rabbids confirmed for DS

    Nikki Inderlied
    Nikki Inderlied

    Crazy, crack-addict-like bunnies (er, rabbids) are threatening the world and our limbless hero, Rayman, is going to save our butts. He was originally only going to come to the rescue of those owning a Nintendo Wii. Just in case a Wii can't be purchased (even though we know you all are going to get one, right?), Ubisoft has announced that Rayman Raving Rabbids (try saying that five times fast) will also be available on the Nintendo DS. This also makes us question how Raving Rabbids will work on the DS. Stylus punching furry tails action? Or just plain 'ol directional pad plus ABXY?

  • Raving Rabbids, rabid World Cup fans [update 1]

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    "Allez les bleus!" cried the French fans after their team defeated Portugal -- and before that Brazil -- in the 2006 World Cup. The battle cry translates to "go blue," referencing France's blue uniform.France's win over Brazil sent fans into elation, and French developer Ubisoft was more than happy to show its support. Inspired by the wacky Rayman Raving Rabbids videos, we present to you "Allez Les B(le)unnies."France will face off against another blue-clad team, Italy, in the World Cup finals this Saturday Sunday.See Also:Raving Rabbids all about "love and power!"