
  • Droid RAZR MAXX appears in Verizon Wireless inventory, details remain mysterious

    Zachary Lutz
    Zachary Lutz

    Leave it to Motorola to milk the iconic RAZR branding for all it's worth. A new LTE phone has appeared in Verizon's inventory system, and dubbed the Droid RAZR MAXX, it seems to be at least a spiritual successor to the original MotoRAZR MAXX. Little else is known about the device, other than some EXIF data that hints at a similar 8 megapixel shooter. Like the variants we've seen floating around in China, could this option be sporting a 720p display? Perhaps a beefier battery? Or maybe it's just "maxxxxed" out with a few design tweaks and a slightly higher price. Place your bets while the gamblin' is good, folks. Soon enough, we're going to know what makes this one tick.

  • Motorola maxx Ve unboxed

    Michael Caputo
    Michael Caputo

    Well, look what we have here -- It's the Motorola maxx Ve for Verizon Wireless. It's been along time since we seen the first maxx, though the first sighting was for GSM. Just dropped off today, we snapped a few pics of the unboxing ceremony for your viewing pleasure. As a refresher point on the feature set, here ya go: dual band 1X / EVDO (sorry no Rev. A here), microSD expandable memory, a vivid 2.2 inch display, stereo Bluetooth for the music junkies, and a respectable 2 megapixel shooter with autofocus. Keep a look out for the Ve review! Motorola maxx Ve unboxed

  • Motorola teases with RAZR maxx Ve site

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    Nope, it still ain't available, but Moto's slowly letting down its defenses in the battle to find out everything there is to know about the new king of the CDMA RAZR hill. The MOTORAZR maxx Ve (the capitalization rules here are driving us nuts) will be coming to Verizon at some point in the future -- the near future, we hope -- and a new microsite thrown up by Motorola itself proves it even more conclusively than the press shots mysteriously shown several months back. With a 2 megapixel autofocus cam, EV-DO, and that oh-so-fresh RAZR styling, you've got a surefire winner on your hands, Verizon.[Thanks, Sam K. and thepump]