

  • Well Fed Buff: Runn Tum Tuber Surprise

    Well Fed Buff serves up tasty dishes to boost your HP, stats and appetite – with that special WoW twist, of course. The calendar says that spring has spring, which means we should be out Bar B Queuing, but the Earth Mother seems to disagree. It has been unseasonably cold and windy in many areas, which gives us plenty of opportunities for hot chili, soup, and stew. This week we indulge in Runn Tum Tuber Surprise. In game the recipe calls for Runn Tum Tubers and Soothing Spices. The tubers are found in Warpwood Pods in Dire Maul or drop from Pusillin, who also drops this recipe. This dish can be consumed by characters 45 and higher. It restores 1933 health over 27 seconds and increases your Intellect by ten for ten minutes. The real life version is relatively simple to make, and requires considerably less talent than the 275 Cooking skill required for the virtual version.

    Amanda Dean
  • Well Fed Buff: Savory Deviate Delight

    Every Thursday, Well Fed Buff will be serving up the tastiest dishes to boost your HP and stats, just in time for your weekend gaming. Hands down, the best recipe in all of World of Warcraft is Savory Deviate Delight. I will hear no arguments or opinions on this. I decided to try making it for dinner. I don't know what happened. All of a sudden there was a loud "Yaaarrr!" And my friend turned into a pirate in a puff of smoke. It was absolutely incredible. Your results may vary. Savory Deviate Delight is always in demand. It can turn players into a Human pirate or a ninja for an hour. It doesn't really benefit the player in anyway, but who wouldn't want to be a pirate or a ninja. The Savory Deviate Delight Recipe randomly drops in the Barrens. The materials for the in-game version are Deviate Fish which can be caught in pools in the Barrens Oases and Mild Spices which can be purchased from cooking and trade vendors. Wowhead lists auction house buyout prices of 36 gold for the recipe and 63 silver for the individual consumables. The real-life version is somewhat more complicated than the in-game rendition. Read on for my Savory Deviate Delight recipe. Get it while it's hot!

    Amanda Dean
  • World of WarCrafts: Buzzard Bite Wraps

    Every Wednesday Thursday Maureen Carter brings you World of WarCrafts, which features a recipe or craft that teaches you how to make your own real life version of in-game recipes and items. Hi again sorry I'm a day late on this, I promise not to make it a habit. For today's recipe I am using a bit of creativity and taking the in game recipe a little farther. I am making Buzzard Bite Wraps. For starters lets make the Buzzard Bites and then make them into the wrap.The in game recipe simply calls for Buzzard Meat. To me that didn't seem quite interesting enough. As you know I am more than willing to jazz up a recipe before I present it to you, so let's begin.

    Maureen Carter
  • World of WarCrafts: IRL Dirge's Kickin' Chimaerok Chops

    Every Wednesday World of WarCrafts features a recipe or craft that teaches you how to make own real life version of in-game recipes and items. This week I thought I would tackle the only (as far as I know) Epic cooking recipe that WoW has to offer, Dirge's Kickin' Chimaerok Chops. This recipe is only available upon completion of a quest and has a panda on the front. What could be better than that? Nothing is better than a recipe with a panda on the front except maybe being able to make it IRL.This recipe is a bit more involved than my past recipes have been but I figured I could get away with it since this is an Epic recipe to begin with.

    Maureen Carter
  • WoW holiday eats and treats

    'Tis the season to be hungry, friends. Looking for WoW-themed treats for a gamer Decemberween? WoW Insider will keep you well fed this holiday season. Hit up the WoW gift guide and treat your loved ones too, won't you?

    Barb Dybwad
  • Phat Loot Phriday: Delicious Chocolate Cake

    Seeing as food has been on our minds this week at WoW Insider (with both the new Well Fed Buff column and Maureen's World of WarCrafts), I figured we'd give the foodies in the audience something to pine for this week. Expect more big pointy sharp things only available from late game raids next week.Name: Delicious Chocolate CakeType: FoodDamage/Speed: N/AAbilities: "If you spend at least 5 seconds eating, you will become Very Happy for 1 hour." What does Very Happy mean? Nothing, except that you get a buff that lasts for one hour. Does the buff do anything? Nope, nothing percievable. Does it at least kick off a negative debuff? Nope. Does it replace one of your current buffs? Nope. Is there any reason to eat this cake at all, besides that it gives you a useless Happy buff? Of course! It's cake! If you are the kind of person who leaves comments on a Phat Loot post complaining that a useless piece of food is not Phat Loot, go eat some of this cake. Hopefully it will make you Very Happy, and then we'll all be that way. How to Get It: This recipe is actually new in 2.3-- it's a reward hidden in the food given to you by the cooking daily quests in Shattrath. When you finish the daily quest, you get Crates of Meat and Barrels of Fish, and this recipe, which is BoP, will be randomly hidden in one of those from time to time.And despite coming from a high level daily quest, the cake is actually only level 1, so it's pretty easy to make: you need your Simple Flour (8), 4 Ice Cold Milk, some Mild Spices (4), 8 Small Eggs, a whole Flask of Port (yowza! you can get those from most of the bartenders in the major cities), and 3 Mageroyal. Which means that there is apparently no chocolate in this cake at all, and that means that, even though I shudder to say it (as much as I like Portal, I think the meme died about a week ago), the cake is indeed a lie.But it is tasty. And who doesn't want a Very Happy buff?Getting Rid of It: A vendor will give you 1s 25c for it, but a better option would be to just go around passing them out, or give them away to guildies as birthday presents for the next year. I've heard rumors that people don't know what they are, and that they've been selling on the AH for hundreds of gold, but if you were unlucky enough to sell out for one of these, just remember that there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying 'till you run out of cake.

    Mike Schramm
  • Are you a recipe completist?

    Earlier today I was perusing the official WoW forums, looking for any new info about our favorite game, when I noticed a particular post. Warla, the player in question, was announcing that they had collected all of the cooking recipes in the game. At first glance, this might not seem like much of an accomplishment, but there are a lot of recipes that are more readily available to one faction or the other, such as Dig Rat Stew. Taking into consideration that Warla is on a PvP server and can't easily do a trade through the neutral auction house, this is actually quite a feat.I'm not really a perfectionist when it comes to my professions (and I'm definitely not the type who would announce such accomplishments in a public forum), but I have known other people that were. One guy I know is a blacksmith and spent hours researching and tracking down every last pattern that was available to him. The same guy was making a point to complete every single available quest in the game too, so his blacksmithing goal wasn't really his loftiest.

    John Himes
  • World of WarCrafts: Murloc Fin Soup

    Every Wednesday World of WarCrafts features a recipe that shows you how to make own real life version of in-game recipes and items. There are many "tasty" sounding things to eat in the wonderful world of WoW. I have often wondered what some of these things would taste like, others give me the willies just thinking about eating them but whatever. As a result of my wonderings I came up with this IRL version of Murloc Fin Soup. The only thing I had to work with was the in game recipe that called for Murloc Fins and Hot Spices, not even any Refreshing Spring Water! How could that be soup? Not exactly sure, but I figured that the recipe, or lack there of, gave me a bit of creative license. I hope you enjoy my IRL Murloc Fin Soup. You will find a translation key following to help you find the ingredients from your General Goods Vendor.

    Maureen Carter
  • Winter Veil mysteries

    The Feast of Winter Veil will be upon us in less than a week and we already know that there will be new elements added to WoW's biggest holiday. Item database and news sites have been publishing information about this year's festivities for quite awhile now, but nonetheless there are still two mysteries that are pestering me. First of all, as you are probably aware, there is a Winter Veil quest to kill the Abominable Greench and retrieve the stolen Smokywood Pastures' treats in the Alterac Mountains. Upon completion of the quest, you're rewarded with a box that can contain a special profession recipe. Alchemy, Engineering, Enchanting, Leatherworking, Blacksmithing and Tailoring have all been represented in the possible rewards. This brings us down to my burning question: Will jewelcrafters have a new design added to the gift box this year? If so, what could it possibly be?

    John Himes
  • New cooking recipes in 2.4

    In the current state of the Cooking profession, it is necessary to take up Fishing in order to progress one's skill to the maximum level. For some unknown reason, Cooking recipes between 275 and 285 skill have been changed in the recent patches. As community MVP Highlander points out, all but one of the recipes that grant skill-ups in this range require materials that can only be gained through fishing (which, I suppose, can also be purchased off of the auction house). The only recipe that doesn't require fishing is only attained through running Dire Maul, which seems to be an unrealistic requirement.While not offering any explanation as to why these recipes were ever changed in the first place, Blizzard poster Salthem gives hope of a solution. New recipes are set to be added in patch 2.4 which should hopefully fix this problem. While not providing a lot of details, he does mention that the recipes will definitely bridge this gap.Only time will tell exactly what recipes are being added, but perhaps they'll add a few more reliable ways to acquire skill points between 350 and 375 as well. What type of cooking recipes would you like to see in the patch?

    John Himes
  • Design: Chaotic Skyfire Diamond

    One of the most sought-after items in the latest patch is undoubtedly the design for the new meta gem, the Chaotic Skyfire Diamond. On my server, the Coilskar Sirens who drop the item in question have been camped incessantly since players were able to log into the game yesterday afternoon. This is understandable, since the gem is now the best of its type for most raiding DPS casters and is in high demand.Unfortunately the recipe may be bugged. Most patterns that drop off of specific creatures are bind-on-pickup and can only be farmed by those characters that actually have the profession required to learn the recipe. For instance, the pattern for Ragesteel Shoulders can only be looted by blacksmiths. Recipes that can be looted by any character tend to be world drops and do not bind-on-pickup. The plans for the Eternium Runed Blade is an example of this type of item. On the other hand, the design for the Chaotic Skyfire Diamond lives up to its name and doesn't follow the trends already set in WoW. It is not bind-on-pickup, but it drops from specific creatures and only seems to be appearing for jewelcrafters, at least according to the data and comments on Wowhead.What have your experiences with this pattern been like? I wasn't able to farm it up on any of my characters aside from my jewelcrafter, even after spending quite awhile killing Sirens. Did you experience something similar?

    John Himes
  • The farming scoop on 2.3 recipes

    Although patch 2.3 has not even been live for 24 hours yet, information about many of the new profession recipes is already leaking. Through independent investigation, Kaliope has already dug up the dirt on several of the most anticipated new goodies.For all of you fishermen out there who have been dying to get the brand new fishing book, you'll be pleased to note that it only took Kaliope two pools of wreckage in Zangarmarsh, which gave her four curious crates, before she nabbed it. Unfortunately, due to competition, pool spawns were proving somewhat scarce. If you can't wait a few days for the shores to clear, you can try pool spawns in Azeroth. While they may be less of a commodity, it will also take you longer to fish up your book. If you tried out the new daily cooking quest, then it is possible you found a new recipe in your fishy (or meaty) loot box. While Kaliope had no such luck, I managed to get myself a disappointing Broiled Bloodfin. My guildmate had slightly better luck, and came away with Spicy Hot Talbuk. Being a hunter, I was hoping for Kibler's Bits, but I would have settled for something with a buff other than the standard 20 stamina and spirit.If you're a leatherworker, and have had your eye set on the new 24 slot leatherworking bag, then head up to the Barrier Hills above Shattrath and start killing some ogres. I was expecting an intense farming experience, but Kaliope notes she received it in two kills, her guildmate in eight, and a friend within ten minutes. Unfortunately, not every recipe hunt I went on myself was as charmed as Kaliope's. While attempting to hunt Gan'arg Analyzers for the schematic for the new Field Repair Bot 110G, I noticed a severe lack of such mobs. Also, I ran into an abundance of what appeared to me to be kill-crazy gnomes swooping around in their flying machines. I gave up after about ten kills, because achieving even this took me easily ten minutes. Attempts to acquire the new meta-gem recipe for jewelcrafting reportedly were also met with hefty competition. What have your experiences been so far with the new crafting recipes?

    Amanda Miller
  • Preparing for 2.3: Pre-patch farming, part 2

    The other day I listed the items that will be used in new recipes after the patch. I did miss a few things, but with your helpful comments, I've updated the original article to be more complete. I'll mention again that it's difficult to make predictions on what will sell the best, but nonetheless I've decided to list some of my thoughts on the subject below.

    John Himes
  • Real recipes inspired by WoW

    Ever since Matthew tipped us off to the gem that is The Bronze Kettle, I've been reading everything in this husband-and-wife team blog, quite interested to see what they think and what they do. At first, when I read through their posts and saw some recipes, I thought to myself "Okay so... this is a WoW, and cooking blog? That's interesting..."Now, maybe I'm oblivious, but it wasn't till today, when they published a Dragonbreath Chili recipe that I realized they were cooking up a storm based on the recipes we find in the game itself! So far they've got the Chili I used to have a lot of fun with when I was level 40 or so, as well as Soft Banana Bread, Mudder's Milk, and Blessed Sunfruit Juice! I can't help but wonder if they'll ever pull off some of the more... "original" WoW recipe ideas (such as Gooey Spider Cake -- yuck!).Now, I can cook up my quick vegetarian meals, but when I see things like "Cook over medium heat for 1 hour" I get scared away, even though I rationally realize it shouldn't really be all that intimidating. That makes me all the more impressed when I see this couple finesse these recipes right out of the game and into real life! It fits right alongside cakes and dolls, as well as machinima and all other forms of WoW-inspired art! Who among you has the skills to try out these recipes and tell us how they taste?Update: Shelbi from the Bronze Kettle tells us that she was inspired by WoW Ladies making their very own Westfall Stew (which we've actually covered before)! I'm glad the Bronze Kettle is continuing such a neat idea.

    David Bowers
  • Kururin Doughnuts randomly appears on Gametrailers with English subtitle

    Is Kururin Doughnuts getting localized? You probably don't remember this as the donut-starring platformer with bonus dessert recipes that we highlighted back in March. It was released in Japan last week, and now some gameplay footage has appeared on Gametrailers.The mere existence of the video on Gametrailers isn't conclusive proof of anything, since undeniably Japanese clips of Stock Trader Shun, Let's Try Fortune Telling DS, and our favorite, Doki Doki Majo Shinpan, were uploaded on the same day. But what piqued our interest was the subtitle given to the game: Enchanted Pastry. It's not just a translation of the Japanese subtitle, Okashi na Recipe (Recipe for Sweets)-- so where did Gametrailers get it? Either they made it up or there's a US trailer involved. Or something else. Enjoy some video after the break![Via Game|Life]

    JC Fletcher
  • New Cooking Recipes!

    As mentioned in yesterday's Rogue post, I highly believe in Cooking as a skill that's excellent to have. You save yourself money in regards to buying food, and you have a highly portable and common source of buffs. For those of us who have classes that can't cast buffs, this is a real boon -- although every class can benefit from added buffs! So when I saw the mentioned addition of more new Cooking recipes in the patch, I had to get out there and see what was available. For those of you who haven't gotten time to check into them, here's the lowdown. There are three new recipes available from the lovely dancing barmaid, Kylene, in the bar in the Lower City. The amusing thing about these three new recipes (at least to me) is that they have you cooking the off-hand fish "weapons" that you can catch. (Of course, this means that gone are the days of Monty Python Fish Slapping Dance renditions. Wait... Maybe that's just my guild. )Nonetheless, for those with an eye for fresh fish and sampling the finest in Azerothian Cuisine, check out the Good Eats after the jump!

  • Insider Trader: When you want what they've got

    Each week, Lisa Poisso brings us Insider Trader -- your weekly inside line on making, selling, buying and using player-made products.Want to make a completist crafter crit in his pants? Give him a good whiff of something he may not even have know existed: Alliance- and Horde-only patterns. "What?!? They've got stuff I don't have?" That's right -- each faction enjoys a variety of profession patterns available only to that side via quests or faction-specific vendors.While most of these patterns are low- to mid-level frills, plenty of entrepreneurial crafters find them meaty (or profitable) enough to be worth jumping through hoops for. Beyond the satisfaction of having literally all of the available patterns in a particular trade, craftspeople may actually carve out a niche crafting items for players on their faction who don't normally have access to them.The neutral Auction Houses are a crafter's bread and butter when it comes to finding these patterns, although having a friend on the other side is even better. Almost all of these patterns (and the items they create) are tradable, although you'll find a pair of Alliance cooking patterns listed that remain stubbornly marked Bind on Pickup. But most are available for cross-faction movement via the neutral auction houses. There aren't many new Burning Crusade-era patterns to track down and agonize over, though -- just one lone Draenei pattern (listed after the jump). It seems that the bitter tears of Horde herbalists pining for Herbalist's Gloves washed the faction-specific pattern trend right down the drain.Read more for a list of faction-specific crafting patterns.

    Lisa Poisso
  • Duplicate recipes create ingame scam

    Tobold has found a strange little ingame scam that high level alchemists might fall into if they're not careful. Before the expansion came out, the recipe for Flask of Distilled Wisdom was an extremely rare drop from the last boss of Live Strat. Because it was so rare, the recipe could sell for hundreds of gold on the AH. Tobold thought he was getting one for a bargain at 150g, until he actually tried to learn it.Turns out he got the Recipe: Flask of Distilled Wisdom instead, which is exactly the same thing (produces exactly the same potion), but is available for a mere 4 gold from the Cenarion Expedition quartermaster in Zangarmarsh. The only catch is that while both are BoE (which means they can both be sold on the AH), the Cenarion version requires that you be exalted with the Expedition to learn it. Which isn't super hard, but the fact is that players who are exalted can buy this recipe for 4g, and sell it on the AH to unsuspecting alchemists for hundreds of gold.Of course, this scam has an expiration date, because as soon as word gets out that a) it's a scam, and b) the recipe is available for 4g in Zangarmarsh as long as you're exalted, the AH price will likely drop anyway. As Tobold says, Blizz could fix it by simply making the Zangarmarsh recipe BoP, but Blizzard probably thought they were doing players a favor by turning a rare drop into a rep reward. Anyway, if you happen to be shopping around for high level flask recipes, buyer beware.

    Mike Schramm
  • NoE confirms Cooking Navi localization

    It's a good time to be a DS gamer, especially if you think games could be serious business. In an interview with German financial magazine Finanzen, NoE's Laurent Fischer talked about the Wii shortage as well as the success of the DS, and the impact of bringing the talking Cooking Navigator to European handheld owners. Unsurprisingly, the cooking simulation, which guides users through recipes, is seen as a follow-up to Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training. We can't wait to see the English-language version in action![Via Kiff News]

  • Platforming and cooking: two great tastes that taste great together?

    Kururin Donuts (Spinning Donuts) is a mascot platformer starring a giant donut. That's not so crazy. It's quirky, at best. It's a nice, colorful game, at least, and it looks a lot like Sonic Rush, which we liked just fine.But here's where it gets weird, and where we start getting excited about this game: after you complete a level, you are rewarded with a recipe for a dessert. We aren't interested because it's an attempt to shoehorn one of the new DS fads into an otherwise average game. Although, now that we mention that, that is kind of noteworthy.No, we're interested because your avatar is a dessert, and the recipes are also for desserts. So, there's a good chance that you'll learn how to cook and eat your character. That is brutal. We wonder if this will get a CERO Z rating because of the violence.Screens featuring the doomed, tragic hero are after the post break.

    JC Fletcher