

  • Red Alert 3 back on PS3, with 1080p and other 'really cool' PS3 features

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    While the system may deserve the "DelayStation" moniker that many give it, delays have had some genuinely good effects on games arriving on the challenging PS3. For example, Oblivion arrived on PS3 with extra content, and better stability. BioShock made the transition to PS3 with added content and exclusive DLC. Eternal Sonata also received additional content. The upcoming Alone in the Dark features an extra chapter and bonus PS3-exclusive features like "controls." The list goes on and on.Red Alert 3 is now completed for Xbox 360 and PC. With these two projects out of the way, EA can now focus on a PS3 version, according to "If you're a PS3 owner and you don't own a PC and you don't have an Xbox 360 you don't have to write on your Christmas or Hanukkah list that you want to have an Xbox," David Silvermann said. "You can play Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3, bide your time and you'll be very pleased. We're looking at doing some really cool things with the PS3 version. Since it is shipping later we're putting in a lot of cool content and really taking advantage of both the 1080p nature and the high-defness of Blu-Ray and also the fact that it can hold just so much more space."It sounds like PS3 owners will get added content if they're truly taking advantage of Blu-ray. But let's hope that the devs at EA don't forget an oft-forgotten PS3 feature: the ability to plug in a mouse and keyboard.[Thanks, Kspraydad!]

  • EA details fixes for Red Alert 3's broken serial keys

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    EA ran into two separate, yet equally important, serial key problems with the release of Red Alert 3. The first issue was that the serial key pinged back as being "invalid," while the other involved a missing digit in the 20-digit code. Here are the solutions from the EA site: Invalid key issue: EA says the issue should be resolved by now. It involved a "small amount" of keys not being pre-loaded to the company's "backend." Coincidentally, the same place where customers probably felt like they were kicked. Manual has 19 digits instead of 20: Either click here to contact customer service, or resolve the issue by trial and error. The only thing missing is the last digit, which is either "a number from 0 - 9 or a letter from A - Z." That leaves only 36 possibilities. EA apologizes for the inconvenience. In Soviet Russia, inconvenience apologizes to EA![Thanks, Nut Man]

  • WoW Moviewatch: The Gnomeregan Revenge: Red Alert

    Natalie Mootz
    Natalie Mootz

    The Gnomeregan Revenge: Red Alert is an original tale told in pre-Arthas Azeroth, the first of a new trilogy by filmmaker Odessa. The Gnomish race is cast in the role of Soviet revolutionaries against the Alliance. In this episode they use their technological superiority to stage a surprise attack on Ironforge. The Gnomes even speak Russian, albeit with English subtitles. The machinima is excellent and the handheld out-of-focus shots work superbly to convey the surprise and confusion of the first wave of copter attacks. Since I don't speak French or Russian, it's difficult to tell the quality of the voice acting but the other sound effects are deftly done. (The English subtitles need some work; there are a lot of typos.) Still, I think it's possible to follow the story just from the visuals. The cliffhanger at the end prepares us for the next two episodes which promise to show us the war and its outcome. From just this first episode, it's difficult to tell if the film will have an allegoric theme with a larger message or if this was merely a creative tangent invented by the filmmaker. The follow-up episodes should come before the end of the year, so I guess we'll find out soon enough. [Via WarcraftMovies]If you have any suggestions for WoW Moviewatch, you can mail them to us at machinima AT wowinsider DOT com.

  • Download Red Alert for free (also legally)

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Apparently convinced that it can no longer make loads of cash from a 13-year-old PC game, publisher EA has combined motivated marketing with measured magnanimity and released real-time strategy classic Command & Conquer: Red Alert for free. Where? Right at the bottom of this Red Alert 3 promotional page, which also dangles a free copy of Red Alert 2 in front of your nose. To get it, all you need to do is pre-order the game's third, deliciously cheesy installment.And hey, if you're not sure what all this Conquer and Command stuff is, now's as good a time as any to shake Hitler by the hand and irrevocably wreck the timeline. [Thanks, WiNG]

  • GC 2008: Red Alert 3 cast not likely to be taken seriously

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    The thing about camp, i.e. the utter failure of seriousness, is that it's often difficult to judge whether it's intentional or not. The live-action cutscenes populating EA's (and Westwood's before that) Command & Conquer games have always had an aura of sincere goofiness about them, the source of which can be traced to somewhat respected actors playing all-too-silly roles all too seriously. But is this done on purpose, or did the director read about "tongue-in-cheek storytelling" in a review somewhere and just decide to go with that? Either way, we're more than happy to see EA unveil a "star studded" cast (complete list after the break) for Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3, which includes George Takei, Tim Curry and J.K. Simmons, who plays the "anti-communist U.S. President." Simmons, who doesn't give a wooden nickel about your legacy, thinks video games "are one of the new frontiers for actors" and thought of the role as a "great opportunity for a character actor like me to have some fun." Also allowed to open her mouth in the press release: Jenny McCarthy, who plays Allied commando Tanya. "What I realized is Red Alert 3 is not just a video game, it's absolutely an interactive movie. This is where the people at home get to move the story forward, and where seeing the plot thicken is a reward for a job well done." In case you weren't aware, "that's really cool."Red Alert 3 is out on Xbox 360 and PC this fall in both regular and Premier editions.

  • British model Gemma Atkinson to suit up for Red Alert 3

    Jason Dobson
    Jason Dobson

    When PS3 owners are left out of EA's Red Alert 3, they won't just be left wanting for the game's exotically tough real-time strategy. They'll also miss out on the video game acting debut of English actress/model/singer Gemma Atkinson, who will exchange her flimsy lingerie for something a little more formal as Allied communications officer Lt. Eva McKenna. EA's PR machine tells us that Atkinson is best recognized for her work on the British soap Hollyoaks, as well as one of the region's most recognized models, though to be fair we're just going to have to take their word for it. The company also notes that she'll be on hand at the UK's M Festival gaming event this Friday, just make sure that when she talks you look into her eyes, and not upon her huge ... tracts of land.

  • C&C: Red Alert will be 360 console exclusive [update]

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Update: For clarity's sake (she's a demanding girl), Eurogamer specifically says that EA has "halted work" on the PS3 version of Red Alert 3 and that development on it "has most definitely been paused." So, reeling back our fanboy speculation a touch, this means that the status of the project is still up in the air as EA hasn't officially canceled it. We cool now?Interesting news out of the EA camp today as it was just announced that the Playstation 3 version of the upcoming Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 has been canceled halted with no reason given. Eurogamer is reporting that EA has stopped production on the PS3 version leaving its development at a question mark status and will focus their developing efforts on the Xbox 360 and PC versions. Also, it's good to know that the cancellation "on pause " status of Red Alert 3 for the PS3 will not affect the game's scheduled Fall release on other platforms. So, the only place to get your console RTS fun this Fall will be Red Alert 3 on the 360 ... or Halo Wars on the 360. That is if Ensemble can get it out the door sometime this year.

  • PS3 version of Red Alert 3 'put on hold'

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    The forums went abuzz when retailer GameStop removed its PS3 listing for the upcoming Red Alert 3. Some wondered if the PS3 version of the title was in trouble, and it appears that their fears were warranted. Jonathan Goddard, PR Manager for EA, told Strategy Informer: "We can confirm that the development of Red Alert 3 for PS3 has been put on hold. EALA is focusing resources on development for PC and Xbox 360 which will ship simultaneously this autumn."It's unclear at this moment when production on the PS3 version will resume. Stay tuned for more info.[Thanks, Kspraydad!]

  • Red Alert 3 coming to PC, Xbox 360, PS3

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Following yesterday's unveiling in PC Gamer, Electronic Arts has sent us a press release providing more details on the upcoming Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3. Like C&C3: Tiberium Wars, the game will come out for consoles as well, announced for PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.In Red Alert 3, the Soviets have been toying with time travel to try and save "Mother Russia," only to inadvertently cause a third world power, The Empire of the Rising Sun. In this alternate timeline, World War III has started between the Allies, Soviets and Empire. The game will feature a co-operative campaign mode.EA also announced a PC-only beta of RA3 for anyone with a copy of C&C3: Kane's Wrath; details of the beta are expected this summer. Red Alert 3 is being developed by EA Los Angeles (Tiberium Wars, Battle for Middle-Earth). No release date was announced. While we applaud Tiberium Wars' gamepad-friendly controls, we're still crossing our fingers that the PS3 version supports keyboard and mouse. Gallery: Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 [Via PS3 Fanboy]

  • Red Alert 3 going to consoles too

    Majed Athab
    Majed Athab

    Click for high-resolution image. Perhaps you've already heard about the unveiling of Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 through the cover of PC Gamer's upcoming April issue. But perhaps you haven't heard that this latest installment in the Command & Conquer franchise is making its way to consoles. That's right, EA has announced that Red Alert 3 will be going multi-platform on both the PS3 and the Xbox 360. A big theme in the Red Alert series is time travel, and if there was any lesson that the series could teach us, it would be that it's never a good idea to try and alter the past. In Red Alert 3, history as we know it is warped by time traveling Soviets who end up doing more harm to themselves than good; instead of saving their precious "Mother Russia," they rekindle a sleeping dragon in the east, "The Empire of the Rising Sun." With a new faction vying for power, there will be tons of new units like armored bears mixing in with the more familiar likes of war blimps, tesla tanks, and intelligence dolphins. But with the Japanese Empire thrown into the mix, can we expect to see some super giant robots? We certainly hope so. On another note, Red Alert 3 features a co-operative campaign mode, which is designed to let players team up with a friend during the main campaign. Naval combat is hinted to undergo a rather large change according to EA Los Angeles executive producer Chris Corry who said that they've taken it "into the heart of the game design." So we'll probably be seeing a lot more oceanic battles in this Red Alert. Along with the announcement of World in Conflict going to the PS3, this bit of news is a double score for RTS fans. %Gallery-16114%

  • Command & Conquer 3 coming to conquer your wallet

    Conrad Quilty-Harper
    Conrad Quilty-Harper

    Can you say "sequelitis"? Several members of the 3D Realms forum have posted scans from the latest issue of PC Gamer which reveals that a third game in the Command & Conquer franchise is being worked on. The cover of the magazine features the words "Command & Conquer 3" in very large letters with a full preview inside the mag showing off pictures of units from the game. We're sure a lot of fans are very happy at this news, and that EA will be very happy to take their money! See you in ten years when Command & Conquer: The Second Decade is out.[Thanks Armin, Iced_Eagle and Russell Kinsella]

  • "Do you know where I can find some sailors?"

    Conrad Quilty-Harper
    Conrad Quilty-Harper

    The Armchair Empire has thrown together a list of what they believe to be the top ten in-game quotes. The list ranges from the bizarre (including the title to this post) to the classic ("All Your Base"). A good way to catch up on the last couple of decades of, how shall we put this, memorable lines from video games.My personal choices: "Hehehe! This is gonna be good!" - A Dwarf from Myth II just before he's about to blow up a crowd of Thrall with a molotov cocktail. It doesn't sound like much but if you've ever played Myth II you'll probably agree. "(singing) On the eleventh day of Christmas, Blizzard gave to me: eleven Science Vessels..." - This is a singing science vessel from the StarCraft Map of the Month: The Twelve Days of Starcraft. Random eh? "OBJECTION!!!" - From Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, natch. This isn't any objection in particular, although the times where either Phoenix or the Prosecution objects to the Judge's Guilty/Not Guilty verdict are probably the best. What are you favorite video game quotes?[Via Evil Avatar]