

  • Peter Moore: I want a free Wii

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    During a roundtable discussion at E3, Peter Moore discussed mostly his console, yet managed to take a second to say a thing or two on the Wii. In discussing the possibility of purchasing a Wii upon release later this year, Peter called upon Nintendo ass-kicker, and subsequent name-taker, Reggie Fils-Aime to hook him up with a free unit."Well I hope my friend Reggie [Fils-Aime] sends me one, I don't know. [laughs] Look I was there when Iwata-san pulled out that thing. I was there in the front row in Tokyo... and I said [to myself] "You've got to give 'em kudos for trying." And I'm literally going to go over there tomorrow and try to find Reggie or find Perrin [Kaplan] and I think Mario's the game... if you've got to play one game it's Mario. I'm sure I'll get one. Right now I'm trying to get my Brain Age down [laughs]. Look, it's not partisan; I love what Nintendo is doing."So even though a little bit of that comes off as condescending, which you can't blame me for assuming as I wasn't there and only have text to work with, any press is good press, no?

  • Metroid Prime 3 video surfaces

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

        The Revolution Lifestyle has posted a link to a video of some Metroid Prime 3 footage. This footage is the same that was shown last year at E3, yet instead of seeing Mr. Iwata narrate, we get The Regginator. So while the clip is indeed the footage that was shown at E3, this is clearly a different venue. Instead of showcasing any new footage, we're left to speculate as to reasons why this new video would surface with footage from last year. We envision a man, malnourished and shackled at the ankles, emerging from the depths of a dark dungeon, his eyes watering as he gazes to the sun for the first time in a year, finally managing to escape his captors and release the knowledge he had suffered for so long with to the public. Too bad pal, Nintendo showed us last year, looks like you suffered in vain. Clearly Nintendo is waiting for E3 to drown us in a tsunami of Revolution-related media and news, one that while it may very much exterminate our lives, we'd at least go down with a smile on our face. [Via Evil Avatar]

  • Reggie interview: Redesign = Innovation?

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    In Engadget's most excellent interview with Reggie Fils-Aime, Nintendo's name gathering, posterior assaulting VP of Sales and Marketing, it was revealed that we shouldn't be completely caught by surprise should Nintendo decide to release yet another DS redesign. If you count the model originally unveiled at E3 2004, this future model would represent a 3rd redesign--not that it would stop us from buying it, apparently."Look at how many times we’ve improved on the Game Boy Advance in terms of the look, the feel, screen changes, and everything else. We believe that type of constant innovation is critical to driving this industry [my emphasis], and certainly if you look at the world wide sales of Game Boy Advance, I don’t think anyone would disagree."HOLD IT! Your Honor, there is clearly a contradiction in this story! (...At least I hope so! The whole controversial case is riding on this...) Are we to believe that the act of repackaging and updating the aesthetic qualities of a platform, however attractive, is now considered to be a form of innovation? In the past, the witness has attacked the competition on the same grounds, complaining that they were simply releasing shinier and better versions of previously popular products. The implication was that their approach was the wrong kind of "innovation"! I suggest the witness revise his testimony! (Uh oh, Edgeworth has his serious / constipated face on. I hope he realizes I'm only referring to the actual hardware, not the games!)Food for thought, or lousy leftovers? Be sure to follow the link for the entire interview.

  • Engadget interviews Nintendo's Reggie Fils-Aime

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    Our brothers-in-gadgetry at Engadget have posted an interview with the singular life-force known simply as Reggie. They run him through the paces, asking about everything from a third DS revision (not an unreasonable assumption), to Xbox Live (very intriguing). He makes it clear they're going to be revealing details about the Revolution all the way up until launch, not just at E3. The interview was conducted before Reggie announced that Twilight Princess was delayed but might feature "special" functionality on the Revolution (still just a codename). We have it on good authority* that Reggie's gone into hiding after hearing the collective outcry of the world's Zelda fans.*We made it up.UPDATE: We forgot the best part! Reggie said, "I have to tell you, I read both Engadget and Joystiq on a regular basis. So keep up the great work." Thanks, Reggie! Does that mean we'll get an invite next time the Revolution controller comes around? Really, Reggie, call me... seriously... please? If that's a yes, post anything in the comments using the word "the" and I'll take it as a yes, and stay up late every night waiting for your call.