

  • French dev bringing Toki back with HD remake

    Xav de Matos
    Xav de Matos

    The classic shoot 'em up platformer Toki is getting the HD treatment, with an upcoming enhanced version from French developer Golgoth Studio. The studio -- which currently consists of six members -- intends on bringing the adventure back to life in with a "full 2D remixed version" based on the 1989 arcade original. In Toki HD, players must rescue his princess Miho from the evil sorcerer Vokimeldo, and reclaim his human form.Toki HD producer Anthony De Sa Ferreira told Joystiq via email that -- while the game has no official platform as of yet -- the game has been submitted for approval for Games for Windows Live and Xbox Live Arcade. If its goal of resurrecting a classic arcade title isn't enough to get you on its side, Golgoth's motto of "2D refuses to die" might rope you in. Way to tug at our nostalgic heartstrings, guys. Check out the first gameplay footage of Toki HD after the break.[Via GameSetWatch]

  • Earthworm Jim now launching cows on iPhone

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Gameloft's iPhone remake of Shiny's classic Earthworm Jim has found its way to the App Store, at a price of $4.99. It's a great game, but trying the iPhone version means you're willing to punish yourself by attempting the already-difficult run-and-gun without the benefit of a D-pad or buttons. We're going to have nightmares if we think too long about playing the submarine level that way.In addition to the download-anywhere convenience and painful controller substitution, the iPhone/iPod Touch release lets you play your own iPod music as you play. That should be a welcome addition to one intentionally annoying level.After the break, see gameplay footage captured by Touch Arcade.Earthworm Jim ($4.99) [Via AppShopper]

  • Earthworm Jim on iPhone looks familiar

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    We recently found out that when Gameloft announced intentions to make a new Earthworm Jim game, the company really meant it intended to remake the first one. And while the next-gen version has some cleaned-up graphics, the iPhone release, as seen in the new trailer (after the break) might as well be a port. If you ignore the total lack of buttons, it might as well be the Genesis or SNES game. And speaking of buttons, have fun playing that submarine level on a touchscreen.If the graphical improvements aren't more obvious in the WiiWare release, then the only real difference between the game on Virtual Console and WiiWare will be one extra level and difficulty selection. Awkward!

  • Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth arises in scans

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Though Konami still has yet to officially announce Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth for WiiWare, the title has shown up on the ESRB's database, Nintendo's release calendar and now in Famitsu ... with full release details. We're going to go ahead and call "case closed" on this one.As the name suggests, the new game is a "concept remake" of Castlevania: The Adventure for Game Boy; a game that desperately needed to be remade. ReBirth will have new enemies and altered level designs -- most notably, stairs have been implemented to replace the ropes from the Game Boy game. It'll also have new arrangements of classic Castlevania music. Like the other ReBirth games, this one is going for a faithful 16-bit look.ReBirth will be out in Japan on October 27 for 1,000 Wii Points. Nintendo's calendar gave it a "Q3 2009" date for North America, so it could be out here by Halloween as well!

  • Beneath a Steel Sky is now Inside the iPhone App Store

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    If you've just completed The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition on your iPhone and are eager for more prettied-up vintage adventure gaming, may we submit for your consideration Revolution Software's Beneath a Steel Sky Remastered? Actually, there's no need for us to, because it's already been submitted ... to the App Store. All right, that was a pretty awkward way to say it, but the point is that you can buy the game now for $4.99, a slightly higher price than the $2-3 designer Charles Cecil expected to charge. But still, a world in which you can buy a classic adventure game for five bucks and play it anywhere is quite a bit nicer than, say, the cyberpunk dystopia predicted by the game itself.Beneath a Steel Sky: Remastered ($4.99):

  • Dragon Quest VI: Screens of Reverie

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    At Tokyo Game Show 2009, Square Enix showed off the last in its trilogy of announced DS Dragon Quest remakes, Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Reverie, and now Famitsu has some new screens of the RPG. Unsurprisingly, it looks, graphically, just like the other two DS Dragon Quest remakes, also developed by Artepiazza.So why is it exciting? Well, for one thing, Dragon Quest games tend to be good. But most importantly, like Dragon Quest V, the Super Famicom version of Realms of Reverie never left Japan, and this DS version has already been announced for localization. North America will then finally have the whole numbered Dragon Quest series. Well, except for IX, but we can also be pretty sure that's coming.

  • First details of Earthworm Jim remake unearthed

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    GamerBytes has some details about the remake of invertebrate warrior Earthworm Jim's first outing. Speaking with Gameloft, the graphically updated title will be based on the Sega Genesis version, but will have "smoother animations" and feature several difficulty levels. The game will also include the bonus "Big Bruty" level that was featured in the Sega CD and PC releases of the original.Earthworm Jim will blast onto Xbox Live Arcade first, followed by PSN and WiiWare. Gameloft is currently "considering" a PSP Minis version.

  • Monkey Island 2 CryEngine remake defies expectations

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    We were all set to write a dismissive post about the video (after the break) of fanmade Monkey Island 2 environments in CryEngine -- "Hey, wonder what Monkey Island 2 would look like if it had all the life sucked out of it?" We don't have anything against loneclone, the modder who created the project -- we just assumed that the remake would take all the personality and quirk out, and replace it with hyperrealistic lighting effects. But we can't snark about it, because loneclone completely nailed it. It looks pretty much exactly like the original, but in 3D. You can see art comparisons at the modder's site. [Thanks, Christopher L.]

  • ESRB rates Castlevania the Adventure ReBirth for Wii

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    It's been over a year since we last heard rumors of a re-Vamped Castlevania installment on the WiiWare service -- now, a new ESRB listing has rekindled the flames of conjecture. The board recently gave a Teen rating to Castlevania the Adventure ReBirth for the Wii -- as you may have noticed, it shares the suffix applied to the similarly renovated Gradius ReBirth and Contra ReBirth, both of which surfaced on Nintendo's download platform this year. According to the ESRB rating, the game will finally deliver the "side-scrolling action" which classic 'Vania fans have been clamoring for. If it's based off the Game Boy title of the same name, our only request is that they smooth out the game's unscalable difficulty curve. To this day, we're not sure that game has a second level.

  • Minor graphical effects missing in Wii Metroid Prime

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    It turns out the word "damn" isn't the only thing missing from Metroid Prime Trilogy. This YouTube video (after the break) demonstrates a few minor, but nice, graphical effects that seem to have been excised from the Wii release of the first Metroid Prime -- specifically, the ripple effect when Samus moves around in water, and the Ice Beam's freezing condensation, which used to gather around the gun when charging Ice Beam shots. At first we thought the effects might have been a casualty of the process of cramming three games onto one disc, but this video shows that the Japanese version of Prime on Wii, which had a Wii disc all to itself, also lacks the freezing effect (skip to the last thirty seconds to see). So what happened? It could merely be a glitch, or the result of a hasty port. It's certainly nothing to get too upset or burn your Trilogy disc over. Just kind of ... odd.

  • A Boy and His Boy-Shaped Blob in a new trailer

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    WayForward has done something fairly magical with its gorgeous remake of A Boy and His Blob -- it's made the game look appealing even to someone who has played the NES game recently enough to remember the abject frustration, untinged by nostalgia. In fact, we think this game is lovely enough to attract players who don't even know there was another game. This 'launch' trailer (though the game isn't out until October) includes some animated story sequences, the use of which shouldn't be much of a surprise in a hand-drawn game. It also includes a quick look at some delightful jellybean-granted Blob abilities, like a mech and some kind of "boy" shape.

  • Remember to pre-order Silent Hill: Shattered Memories for a free soundtrack

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    GameStop's listing for Silent Hill: Shattered Memories (also on PS2, PSP) includes a pre-order item that seems perfect for a Silent Hill game: a soundtrack disc containing "18 of your favorite tracks from the Silent Hill series." Akira Yamaoka's music is one of the standout elements of the series, so if you don't already have a bunch of Silent Hill pre-order bonus soundtracks, you'll want this one. Oddly, the wording makes it sound like it's a Silent Hill sampler and not necessarily a Shattered Memories sampler, though we're sure at least a few tracks from the new game will appear.Shattered Memories does not have an official release date, but GameStop has moved its tentative date from October to November 3. So it's delayed, kind of?[Via GoNintendo]

  • New Earthworm Jim less new than expected: it's a remake

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Sega recently announced that due to a licensing issue with Interplay (a result of the newly announced Gameloft/Interplay Earthworm Jim game), Earthworm Jim would no longer be an option for a new Genesis XBLA game. The company then removed what was at that point the clear winner from its XBLA poll.Why would a new Earthworm Jim prevent the release of an old one? Because the new one, G4TV's The Feed reports, is a remake and not an original game. That means it isn't the Earthworm Jim 4 announced last year, and that the same game will be available on both Virtual Console (the Genesis version was released on VC in October) and WiiWare. [Image credit]

  • Discover the first screens, trailer for La-Mulana

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Nicalis and Nigoro officially announced the WiiWare release of La-Mulana today, launching a teaser site for the Wii remake of the 8-bit styled "Action Archaeological Ruins Exploration" game. Nicalis estimates that the game will be completed around November of this year for a "late 2009" release. We'll be able to roll right from Cave Story (presumably) into another indie platformer remake!After the break you'll find the trailer, which shows off the lush visual upgrade La-Mulana is receiving for this release. While we weren't pleased about losing the obvious MSX influence from the original, the new game looks really nice. The real draw, for us, is the music. It's so '80s-anime![Via GoNintendo]

  • Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition out on iPhone

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    That was fast -- LucasArts has released the Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition out to the iPhone, and it's available on the App Store right now for the low price of $7.99. I say low because even though that's higher than many games for the platform, this one is not only one of the best-loved games of yesteryear, but it has also had its graphics completely redone, voiceover added for every scene and character, and a completely remastered musical score as well. Plus, if you get nostalgic for the old version, you can seamlessly switch between the new and old at any time while you play the game. Pretty darn cool.Plus, the price can also be considered low because this exact same game released just about a week ago on the Xbox Live Arcade for $10. So not only do you now get to play it in a portable version, you get to play it for $2 less. Hopefully this is the first of many LucasArts classics that we'll see on the iPhone. Just keep an eye out as you play for any really evil-looking doorstops -- we hear they're quite fearsome.

  • SaGa 2 remake arrives in Japan this September with limited edition DSi

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Square Enix announced a Japanese release date for Matrix Software's DS remake of SaGa 2 (Final Fantasy Legend II): September 17. The remake is getting the same kind of treatment from Square that any major DS RPG would -- by which we mean Square is charging a lot for it and releasing an even more expensive limited edition.Though the company has yet to reveal the design, a limited-edition SaGa 20th Anniversary DSi system will be available on the game's release date, for 24,880 yen ($261). It's a good idea for Square Enix to release this limited edition and celebrate this milestone with this particular SaGa game, as ... people like this one.%Gallery-43148%[Via Siliconera]

  • Croteam seriously remaking Serious Sam for XBLA [update: It's coming to PC too]

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    The Xbox 360 is, of course, a great system for new first-person-shooters, but with XBLA re-releases of games like Doom, Wolfenstein 3D, and Duke Nukem 3D, it's also becoming the system of choice for classic FPS games. Now Croteam is working on an XBLA version of Serious Sam, called, unsurprisingly, Serious Sam HD. Publisher Majesco told Eurogamer that the remake, which will "re-imagine The First Encounter," will be available on XBLA late this summer for 1,200 Microsoft Points. The new version will include four-player online co-op. Though we look forward to blowing up stuff with abandon, we are a bit concerned that this news could mean that the "next Serious Sam FPS game" to which Croteam's CEO referred is actually the first one again. Update: cdv Software Entertainment AG has confirmed to VideoGamer that the game will also be appearing on PC. %Gallery-66818%

  • Klonoa price slashed in UK, before release

    Xav de Matos
    Xav de Matos

    Critical darling (and Wiimake) Klonoa has seen a UK price cut, prior to even being released to stores. The upcoming Nintendo Wii title is scheduled to release on May 22, but multiple retailers have cut the RRP nearly in half. UK is offering the PS1 remake for £14.99 while is selling the title for £17.99. The suggested retail price is listed as £24.99.If the price slash continues after release, Klonoa could be one of the fastest cuts we've ever seen to to a Namco title. Unless you count the cut to our hearts when Star Wars characters were unceremoniously introduced into the world of Soul Calibur. Which we do.%Gallery-33429%[Via DarkZero]

  • SaGa 2 remake arrives in Japan this fall

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Square Enix has announced a (rough) release period for the remake of SaGa 2, known in the West as Final Fantasy Legend 2. SaGa 2 Hiihou Densetsu: Goddess of Destiny will arrive on the DS in Japan this fall. No announcement has been made for the West, but this seems destined for worldwide release.A new trailer for the RPG reveals the extent of the makeover that the Game Boy classic will receive on the DS, with character art from The World Ends with You co-designer Gen Kobayashi and a new semi-cel-shaded look being incorporated. We're fond of the adorable monster designs and the even more adorable Meka design.[Via Famitsu]

  • Nintendo chooses to announce Pokemon Gold and Silver remakes

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    So, that Pokémon announcement that everyone assumed would be remakes of Gold and Silver? Totally remakes of Gold and Silver. We'll get to play new versions of the Game Boy Color Pokemans and we get the satisfaction of being right! This time, it was Nintendo that jumped the gun with the announcement. The DS remakes, called Pokémon Heart Gold and Pokémon Soul Silver, are scheduled for release in Japan this fall. Going by the time it took Diamond and Pearl to reach North America, we could possibly see these by spring 2010.[Via Kotaku; thanks, Fernando Rocker!]