Remote app


  • Seagate's GoFlex TV and FreeAgent Theater+ HD media players get iPhone, iPad and iPod remote control app

    Too busy to fiddle with another remote while your iPod touch / iPad / iPhone is already cozily tucked between your arm and chest? Seagate hears you, and it's just pushed out a new app that'll transform its bundled remotes into fantastic doorstops for those that adore iOS. The TV Remote app enables any new iOS device to control the functions of Seagate's GoFlex TV and FreeAgent Theater+ HD media players, and since it relies on WiFi, you need not worry over line-of-sight considerations. You'll also be able to use iOS' keyboard to input test into search fields on YouTube, Netflix and Pandora (just to name a few), and users will gain the ability to surf through entire media library (provided you've got an HDD connected to your media player) right on your iDevice. Hit the source link to get the download going, but make sure you update the firmware on your box before giving it a go.

    Darren Murph
  • Griffin Beacon universal remote control system hands-on

    We visited Griffin's CES booth to check out the Beacon universal remote control expecting yet another Redeye clone, but instead wound up walking away impressed. Two notable features of the prototype Bluetooth to IR converter device are that it's battery powered and includes a 360 degree IR blaster. These are key since they give users the freedom to place the transmitter almost anywhere around an entertainment center. The free iPhone remote app built by Dijit was the real highlight though. The UI and functionality was incredibly intuitive, and we especially liked that the setup process doesn't require inputting device model numbers. Instead, users just pick the brand and then test a series of code cycles to see if their components respond. The TV guide and Netflix integration are also points of distinction over competitors -- since you can select shows or movies to watch directly from the app. Last but not least, your remote settings can be saved and downloaded to as many devices as you like. To give you a feel for the system, we've included plenty of shots of the app's UI in the gallery below along with more photos the device. %Gallery-113456% %Gallery-113458%

    Ben Bowers
  • Yahoo! Connected TV Widgets shows off live TV tie-ins, iPad remote and D-Link add-on (update: video!)

    Just a couple of years after its initial debut, Yahoo's Connected TV platform is finally ready to escape the TV, among other things. One surprise shown off tonight during the pre-CES Digital Experience event is a new D-Link box that overlays the widgets on any video signal to any display by way of HDMI passthrough. Also on display are prototype remote apps for Android and iPad, both could act as a remote control, while the tablet app could also search or browse for additional programming and share videos straight to the TV Airplay-style. On the paying bills end of things however, this year's big announcement is the ability to tie in with live TV broadcasts, while the company didn't reveal what information keyed the system, it figure out if a TV program or ad being watched is a compatible one and pop up prompts accordingly. While that could lead to even more annoying ads for consumers, there's at least a few interesting applications like the one we saw voting on potential winners of a boxing match as it starts on Showtime, one of the initial partners along with CBS, ABC, Showtime, HSN, Ford and Mattel. Check out the press release after the break, we should have a video of the demo up shortly. %Gallery-113001%

    Richard Lawler
  • Apple Remote app updated for AirPlay video streaming

    Version 2.0 of the app already brought support for the new Apple TV and the iPad, but Apple's has now just released another more minor update to its Remote app for iOS devices that adds another much-anticipated feature: support for AirPlay video streaming. What's more, the app now also boasts the ability to access internet radio stations from iTunes on your computer, as well as the ability to control movies and TV shows on your computer that are rented from iTunes -- not to mention the usual stability and performance improvements. As always, it's also completely free -- you know where to find it.

    Donald Melanson
  • Apple updates iOS Remote app to version 2.1

    An update to Apple's popular Remote application just went live on the App Store. Version 2.1 brings several new features to the table including AirPlay video support and Internet radio control. I'm not entirely sure what Apple is getting at with their "AirPlay video support to control iTunes on your computer to stream videos to an Apple TV" feature. It sounds a little Rube Goldberg, but I look forward to giving it a spin. Here's a complete list of the new 2.1 features, courtesy of Apple: AirPlay video support to control iTunes on your computer to stream videos to an Apple TV Internet radio control to play thousands of internet radio streams in iTunes on your computer The ability to control iTunes on your computer to play Movies and TV shows that are rented from the iTunes Store Addresses issues connecting to an iTunes library or Apple TV Includes stability and performance improvements

    Erica Sadun
  • ThinkFlood's RedEye universal remote control becomes web compatible, leaves past woes in the dust

    After going through some rough times with its RedEye mini dongle and doing right by replacing them, ThinkFlood appears to be running full beam ahead once more. Specifically, the company has announced that RedEye owners will soon have the ability to setup and control their remote systems straight from their PC or mobile browser. On the mobile front, apparently the web app will even work on Android and BlackBerry devices, despite being optimized for Safari on iOS -- hinting that non iPhone owners could possibly let their phones control more than their social lives soon. Setup wise, the web version also allows users to automatically align and move multiple buttons at once, plus assign commands to over 70+ keyboard shortcuts. Combined with the ability to make adjustments using a mouse on a computer's larger screen, tweaking custom RedEye remote layouts just got infinitely easier -- you hear that Harmony? The iOS app 2.0 update is also now available as a free 'Plus' download in the iTunes store, and finally supports the iPad's lovely screen in either orientation. In a sense, it's further substantiating the tablet's new career path as a jumbo-buttoned geezer remote of the future, but hey -- no gripes here.

    Ben Bowers
  • Comcast Xfinity remote for iPad does streaming video, we record some for you (video)

    If you've got Comcast service and an iOS device, there's no reason you can't download the brand spanking new Xfinity TV DVR remote app right now, but it won't have the software's spiffiest feature -- direct-to-device streaming video. That's set to roll out in either "a couple of weeks" or "by the end of the year," depending on which Comcast representative you ask, and we got to try it for ourselves (along with the rest of the app) at the Web 2.0 Summit this week. Right now the featureset is fairly limited -- you just pick programs from a guide and either watch them, beam them to your TV, or tell your DVR to record -- but what is there was leagues more intuitive than a physical remote and about as responsive as we could hope for. Comcast tells us that Apple itself helped insure the user experience was polished, and it showed in every swipe and tap we made. Find out more and watch the app in action after the break!

    Sean Hollister
  • Comcast Xfinity remote app for iPhone, iPad launches, video streaming & Android version on the way

    The Xfinity remote app Comcast CEO Brian Roberts showed off earlier this year is now available in the app store for the iPad and iPhone. Currently they allow Comcast customers with compatible digital TV service to browse listings and On Demand content from their portable device and change channels right from the app. Video streaming, additional remote features and enhanced search are all promised for future releases, while other platforms should also get their own versions soon. Android apps are promised for later this year, with Blackberry to follow. For now, check out the press release and original demo video embedded after the break or grab the app from iTunes and break out your Comcast e-mail address to try it out prior to a live demo at 8:30 (EST) this evening at the Web 2.0 conference. It may not be the improved interface for our cable boxes we've been expecting for such a long time, but it's at least a step in that direction.%Gallery-107457%

    Richard Lawler
  • DVPRemote iOS app easily replaces your factory Roku remote (video)

    This, friends, is what happens when convergence is approached correctly. Rather than asking you to keep yet another remote in the hopper, one Phil Irey has crafted DVPRemote -- a lovely iOS app that enables your iPhone or iPod touch to act as your main control mechanism for any Roku set-top box. The app itself has been floating around in the App Store for a tick, but its the newly released version 2.0 that's really of interest. This build ushers in a completely overhauled user interface, and aside from providing the standard Roku shuffle controls, it actually goes above and beyond to make your night easier. There's full integration with Netflix to support automated Instant Queue navigation, full keyboard support for any screen that requires text entry, direct navigation to user-organizable Channels, toolbars for added channel functionality within Netflix and support for the new "Instant Replay", "Info", and "Back" buttons. Heck, it's even compatible with iOS 4's background operation protocol. Head on past the break for a hearty demonstration, and tap that iTunes link when you're ready to ditch Apple's own Remote App and part ways with $2.99. Update: Hey Android users -- looks like someone's lookin' out for you, too. Check out Roku Remote over on your side.

    Darren Murph
  • Denon RCD-N7 loves a wireless party, AirPlay too after $49 update

    Denon's got the Apple AirPlay bug and bad. The company was showing off several AirPlay compatible 2010 receivers (models ending with "11") at the CEDIA show last week including this new RCD-N7 CD jobbie. The $599 unit coupled with a pair of $199 SC-N7 speakers features an iPhone dock (or USB jack) for local music sourcing. Otherwise, it'll stream audio from the likes of Rhapsody, Napster, Pandora and Better yet, the receiver also features a Party Mode Plus setting for a five-system multi-zone setup scattered throughout the home, all managed by Denon's new iPod / iPhone / iPad Remote App. Look for it to hit shelves in October along side Denon's $49 AirPlay update. That's right, it's no freebie -- an unfortunate precedent for anyone hoping to update their existing audio gear. Update: Denon let us know that the AirPlay update will be free to new and existing owners from October 15th to November 7th.

    Thomas Ricker
  • Apple Remote app 2.0 adds support for new Apple TV, iPad

    No surprises here, but Apple's just released version 2.0 of the Remote app for iPhone and iPad, which adds in support for the new iOS-based Apple TV in addition to iTunes on OS X. The interface is mostly the same -- a trackpad-like screen for ATV remote control and an iPod-like interface for more direct media playback -- but it's now optimized for the Retina display on the iPhone 4 and the larger screen size of the iPad. Since the new Apple TV is streaming-only, Remote also now has better support for controlling shared music libraries, making remote control of iTunes on your HTPC slightly easier as well. It's available now and it's free, so go grab it.

    Nilay Patel