


    AI faithfully recreates paintings with the help of 3D printing

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    It's easy to get a basic reproduction of a painting, but getting a truly accurate copy is harder than you think. Modern 2D printers typically only have four inks to work with, which simply won't do if you're trying to mimic a classic. Researchers at MIT's CSAIL might have a much better solution -- they've developed RePaint, a system that recreates artwork using an AI-guided 3D printer. The technology promises color-accurate reproductions even in less-than-flattering conditions.

  • Segway i2 suffers ultimate indignity at the hands of Colorware (video)

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    How does a niche repainting outfit like Colorware grow? By literally growing the size of things it deals with, apparently. As of today, Colorware will adjust the hues of your Segway i2 any which way you like for an entirely unaffordable $1,500. If you didn't have the foresight to buy one of these personal transporters before, you can have a brand new one, replete with your personalized paintjob, for $7,500. And good news for non-Americans: the latter option is available internationally too! See this beautiful freak moving and grooving in scarlet red just after the break.