

  • EQ Next roundtable covers combat in Landmark; Landmark arrives on Steam

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    One feature that many Landmark followers are watching for is combat, and the 35th EQ Next Round Table Response addresses just that. In the video, Lead Systems Designer Michael Mann and Senior Brand Manager Omeed Dariani discuss the difference between the class-based combat of EQN and the sandbox combat of Landmark. In the latter, all players are adventurers, so instead of combat abilities being determined by class, they will be dictated by what is equipped. Focusing on versatility, players will be able to switch between weapons during combat to access the various abilities. The number of weapons available to players will increase over time; a small subset will release first, but more will be added based on player feedback. And yes, there will be magic! How do movement tools play into the combat scene? Players can utilized grappling hooks as a means to gain distance quickly and then use ranged abilities. There will also be abilities that trigger from other movement types, such as dashing and dodging. Hear about all these details in the video below. [Update: In other Landmark news, SOE has just announced that Landmark is now on Steam! Dave Georgeson has stated on Twitter that SOE is not dealing in Steam keys for existing users right now; you'll have to use the old "add game" trick.]

  • Norrathian Notebook: EverQuest Next Round Table roundup, fourth edition

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Thanks to the early launch of EverQuest Next Landmark's alpha, players have been deep in the world of voxel-mining, crafting, and building to their hearts' content. Armed with with that hands-on knowledge, players are able to offer insights and suggestions about the development of that game. But that doesn't mean that those who aren't physically in the alpha (and have access to post in those forums) don't have valuable opinions about the direction of both Landmark and EverQuest Next, and the devs want to hear from everyone! That's where the EQN Round Tables come in. And the Norrathian Notebook Round Table roundups are here to help you keep track of them all. The three previous round ups corralled 23 questions, dev opinions, and video responses. This fourth edition (not to be dismissed like certain other fourth editions) contains eight more. Do you care about specialty servers, in-game weather, or crafting? Are you burning with a desire to tell the devs exactly how you feel about other players affecting your gameplay? Then there are polls and discussions that you'll want to take part in if you haven't already. One round table even focuses on improving the new player experience. And we've got them all rounded up right here for you.

  • Norrathian Notebook: EverQuest Next Round Table roundup, round three

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Quick on the heels of our second Round Table roundup for EverQuest Next and EQN Landmark comes the third, filled with the next bushel of questions! In these (lucky) seven queries, devs asked players to give their opinions on starter zones, modding the UI, length of the day and night cycle, grouping, preferred Landmark building styles, and the role of NPC merchants. And of course, devs also offered their personal opinions on these topics. Did you participate in all the polls the first time through? If not, we've got them all right here for you. Go ahead and join in the discussions; it is never too late to voice your opinions! You never know when your comment might be the one that turns the tide of thinking or offers a new solution no one had considered before.

  • The Tattered Notebook: EverQuest Next roundtable roundup, take two

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Back in September, The Tattered Notebook gathered together the first 10 roundtable questions that EverQuest Next and EQN Landmark devs posed to fans, with their accompanying community thoughts, developer opinions, and video clip answers. However, that was only the tip of the iceberg. The Round Table discussions were not just an introductory fad; they are a permanent part of the development process. As such, new polls are put up every week for fans to vote on and to post their own feedback and thoughts about on the forum. So now that a couple of months have passed, it's time to round up the next wave of questions in one central location, focusing this time on the six questions with dev responses. Maybe there is a query or two that you missed as the weeks rolled by, or maybe you just want to see what direction the community is leaning. Got some strong opinions about death penalties or fast travel in EverQuest Next? What about in-game holidays? This is definitely the time to share them!

  • EQ Next devs weigh in on friends lists in 8th Round Table Response

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    The seventh Round table question posed to EverQuest Next fans was whether friends lists should be account-based or character-based. And in the eighth dev response video, Senior Producer Terry Michaels and Senior Brand Manager Omeed Dariani discuss the direction the devs are taking based on player feedback. The most popular player answer, raking in more than half the votes, was to offer the option of adding friends by account but allowing a denial to show only that specific character on a friends list. Micheals noted that this was the direction the devs are going, pointing out that account-wide lists offers convenience for players who don't want to manage multiple friends lists, but also providing player privacy with the opt-out feature. At the end of the video seen below, Michaels slipped in a new question for players to answer: What other stereotypically character-based features would you like to see implemented account-wide? Offer your suggestions here and on the official site. And to watch all the other dev responses, check out our Round Table roundup.

  • The Tattered Notebook: EverQuest Next Round Table roundup

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Back when EverQuest Next and EverQuest Landmark were announced, SOE President John Smedley made it clear that the two games were henceforth in "open development." That meant that the company would be soliciting feedback and opinions from players about myriad design decisions for the two games. Since then, EQ Next devs have thrown out new questions each week for players to vote on and discuss. Utilizing polls and forum discussions in a special section of the main site labeled Round Table, important topics like bearded female dwarves and armor appearance customization are delved into and player desires and feedback are gathered. After collecting the data, the devs respond, sometimes in video form. Today, The Tattered Notebook is going to round up all those roundtables, giving you a summary of which way the community is leaning on these different topics as well as the dev input. I'll even throw in snippets of their opinions as well! Of course, if you haven't added your thoughts to the mix and you'd like to, you still have time to do so as all the polls are still active.