

  • _ultraforma_ via Getty Images

    UK high court throws out lawsuit against Google (updated)

    Swapna Krishna
    Swapna Krishna

    In May, a group called "Google, You Owe Us" filed suit against Google in the UK for collecting sensitive personal data using tracking cookies in the iPhone's Safari browser. They were seeking from £1 to £3 billion in damages for an estimated 4.4 million affected users. Today, a UK high court threw out the lawsuit, according to The Guardian.

  • georgeclerk via Getty Images

    Google faces lawsuit in the UK over Safari data collection

    Rob LeFebvre
    Rob LeFebvre

    Way back in 2012, Google agreed to pay $22.5 million to settle FTC charges over the company's use of tracking cookies in the Safari browser. Now the company is being sued in the UK for the same issue, according to a report in The Guardian.