

  • Joystiq hands-on: Samba de Amigo (Wii)

    Samba de Amigo without maracas is like seeing an old friend you've missed for years; it's still the same person, but the subtle changes add up. The Wii's Fall, 2008 version of Samba De Amigo follows the idea of the first, with gamers shaking two controllers -- any two, as long as one is a Remote -- in time with music and on-screen commands. The game reads the angle of the controller, which generally simulates the low, medium, and high positions.But the Remote and Nunchuk just don't feel the same as the original maracas. Sega representatives mentioned that the company is still considering input device add-ons and alternatives; the game might even ship with a new maraca controller. (I wouldn't bet on it, but apparently, it's still a possibility.) Short of that, it might include some sort of rattling add-on, like the Wii Wheel of rhythm games.I flailed and shook to a few Samba tracks from the game's more-than-40 options. Sega is including many from the Japan-only Samba 2K release as well as classics and new tunes. Mentioned music and musicians include "La Bamba," "Take On Me," "Santana," and "The Gypsy Kings." While any music game plays better with your favorite songs, Samba has been less about the tracks and more about the maracas. I was entertained, but I missed that rattle.%Gallery-20558%

    Zack Stern
  • Gearbox Software defends in-game ad deal

    Gearbox Software founder, Randy Pitchford, has commented on the developer's blog regarding its recent in-game advertisement agreement with Double Fusion, quelling concerns that Brothers in Arms would become Brothers in Ads. "We respect any contempt for exploitive advertising that negatively effects the integrity or the quality of the game because we, as hardcore gamers, share that same contempt," writes Pitchford. He further emphasizes, "We hate exploitive advertising that doesn't offer value to the gamer."In the category of advertising Gearbox doesn't hate, lies the kind that improves authenticity. Gearbox provides the example of a Philips factory in Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway, a historical site which would detract from authenticity sans the appropriate (and accurate to 1944) branding. Pitchford also lists increased budgets and out-of-game promotion as potential benefits that "we hope come from Double Fusion helping to connect Gearbox with advertisers." "If you see in-game ads for some stupid product that has nothing to do with the context in which it occurs and actually detracts from the experience, then you can feel justified in bashing the developer, publisher, or advertiser that made that decision," concludes Pitchford. Fair enough -- but we'd better not be stopping at a Burger King in our trek across Borderlands, mister.

  • Sega Superstars Tennis de amigo

    We haven't seen much Samba de Amigo related media for Sega's upcoming tennis game, aside from a handful of screenshots. Fortunately, the Samba stage looks to be pretty great, if we do say so ourselves. The above trailer may be super short, but the stage seems to have all the elements of "awesome," like a cheetah band, good music, and bra-wearing cacti. It's nice to see some fun characters make a return from the original Dreamcast game -- we're sure our favorite maraca-playing monkey would be lonely without them.After the break, you can also check out the intro trailer for the Sonic's Green Hill Zone court.

    Candace Savino
  • First early footage of Samba de Amigo for Wii

    Since it was revealed months ago, rhythm gamers have wondered what Samba de Amigo for the Wii would actually look like in action. Now that Dutch site SegaOnline has put up what's reportedly the first footage from an early build of the game, it turns out that the Wii version looks ... a lot like the Dreamcast version.While the return of the game's signature aesthetic and gameplay is inspiring, the actual controls displayed on the video are much less so. The below footage shows the on-screen "maraca" location sensor jumping around like a Mexican bean as the player shakes it up. A rough translation of the site's report even goes so far as to say that "this version is not even equipped with good control." Here's hoping Gearbox can fix that, er, minor problem by the time the game sees eventual release.

    Kyle Orland
  • Samba de Video

    Some random observations about this Samba de Amigo video, as shot at Sega's Gamersday event earlier this month: Gearbox, we're loving the maraca sound effects that emanate with each shake of the Wii Remote and Nunchuk. Given the Wiimote's in-built speaker, this is a feature we'd have totally expected (and even the Dreamcast maracas managed this, albeit with a more low-tech solution), but it's still great to see it in action. New level ahoy! A fairground really does seem like the perfect place for a spot of maraca-shaking. It's been a while since this blogger recklessly coughed up $250 of his student loan for the Dreamcast version of the game, but one thing I don't recall is Amigo being entirely detached from the levels. On the Dreamcast, the maraca-wielding monkey would dance his way through each stage, his colorful entourage in tow. Here, he simply floats free of the levels. This seems like a fussy/picky point to raise, but we're very fussy/picky people. Especially when it comes to Sega stuff. It pleases us immensely to see the return of both Samba de Janeiro and bouncing scenery. [Via NeoGAF]

  • Samba de Former Director's interview of Samba de Amigo (the first one) director Shun Nakamura reveals the depressingly cynical genesis of the game. With something as joyful as Samba, you'd expect the director to be motivated by love of Latin music and cartoon monkeys (and the universe), but as Nakamura puts it: "To tell you the truth, I'm not really a huge music fan. However I do like soccer, so I'd often hear Latin music/chants while viewing matches and thought it could work well in a rhythm game." As he describes it, Samba was born from an interest not only in soccer-related rhythm, but a directive from Sega to diversify the Dreamcast's library, and a need for accessible titles. Nakamura continues not to be a fan of non-Samba music games.Nakamura isn't in charge of the new Samba Wii game, though developer Gearbox consults with him regularly. In this case, it seems that the new developers, who begged for the project, may actually like the game more than the original director.

    JC Fletcher
  • Gearbox kind of talks about Samba maraca controls

    Kotaku's Brian Ashcraft interviewed Gearbox Software's Randy Pitchford about their upcoming games for 2008, which include a bunch of shooters or whatever and also Samba de Amigo! Apparently Pitchford and the rest of the Gearbox folks approached Sega, hat in collective hand, begging to be allowed to create a version of the festive rhythm game for the Wii. "We totally told SEGA they had to let us do it. People want a Samba Wii game," Pitchford said, answering the question of why the developers of Brothers in Arms got assigned to a very Japanese rhythm game for the Wii.Pitchford briefly, and obliquely, broached the topic of potential dual-Wiimote maraca controls, which everyone talks about in relation to a Wii Samba. In a blanket statement about both the Wiimote/Nunchuk maraca scheme and the possibility of a dual-Wiimote scheme, Pitchford said "It's possible. You just need a lot of smart people who can do a lot of math." Like computer programmers, maybe?At least we know that the idea has been brought up at Gearbox. We'd like to see as many control schemes implemented as can be.

    JC Fletcher

    Any gamer would need a heart of blackened teak to not have a soft spot for Sega, and there's arguably no better home for a dyed-in-the-wool Sega fan than the Wii. Over the coming weeks and months, Nintendo's little white box will be hosting a number of updated classic Sega properties, including NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams, Samba De Amigo, and House of the Dead 2 & 3 Return.But our appetite for all things Sega is not yet sated! While we've already asked you which Saturn games you'd like to see on the Virtual Console, which Sega titles in general do you want to see reinvented on the Wii? A motion-sensitive Panzer Dragoon, the return of Ulala, and a Burning Rangers sequel top our list.

  • One part GlovePIE, two parts Wiimote = Samba de Amigo

    Despite getting the name of the game wrong in the initial graphic, this video showcasing the Dreamcast title Samba de Amigo being played with two Wiimotes is just too cool for school. Now, replace one of those Wiimotes with a nunchuk and it's probably a pretty accurate estimation of how the title will play once it actually releases on the Wii.Oh, and we're assuming this is a legit back-up of his own game. If it isn't, well ... we don't support piracy in the least.[Via Go Nintendo]

    David Hinkle
  • First Samba de Amigo art is exactly what we all imagined

    New developer Gearbox, at least, hasn't made many changes to Samba de Amigo's mascot character, Amigo the monkey. Same festive hat, same red neckerchief, same permanent, vacant grin. The only major difference we can see in the first promotional art for the Wii Samba de Amigo is the very obvious addition of the Wiimote. That's Sega's subtle way of telling us that this is a Wii game, that you play on the Wii using the Wii controller. The press release, after the break, confirms this, reporting that the Wiimote and Nunchuk will take the place of the sublime maracas controller from the Dreamcast and arcade versions.This is not the first time in the short history of the Wii that Sega has released Wiimote-holding-monkey artwork. This time, however, the monkey is wearing a hat.

    JC Fletcher
  • Sega serves Superstars Tennis to the Wii

    Out of nowhere, Sega announced today that it will be working with developer Sumo Digital on a new sports title, Sega Superstars Tennis, for a wide range of platforms, including the DS and Wii. As you've probably surmised from the game's title, Sega Superstars Tennis will feature a celeb-filled cast picked from Sega's stable of classics. Already, Sonic, AiAi (Super Monkey Ball), Ulala (Space Channel 5), and Amigo (Samba de Amigo) have been confirmed as four of the fifteen playable characters.Before you break out the party hats to celebrate this Sega-themed adaptation of Mario Tennis, it's worth noting that while online modes are planned for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 releases, nothing of the sort has been indicated for the Wii version. Some might feel it's a negligible issue, but being the pessimists we are, we take it as pointing to a lack of dedication towards the Wii variant. Though we can't say for certain whether the screenshots released so far are representative of what Sega Superstars Tennis' graphics will look like on the Wii (they could be grabbed from the 360/PS3 versions), you can still get a pretty good idea of what to expect from the game with the images posted after the break. Expect to see Sega Superstars Tennis early 2008.

    Eric Caoili
  • Wii Warm Up: Waggle Waggle Revolution

    With DDR Hottest Party out and Guitar Hero III and Samba de Amigo on the way, the Wii is quickly building up an outstanding library of rhythm games (and also the Alvin and the Chipmunks thing). In some cases, especially with Samba, the Wiimote makes the system ideal, but the real draws are the popularity of the Wii and the relatively low cost of development versus other next-gen consoles.What does the Wii need in order to have a truly classic music game library? Ports, remakes, sequels, or even original ideas are welcome. We long for a new version of Enix's early rhythm game Bust a Groove, whose combination of attack moves and somewhat flexible timing is still totally unique.

    JC Fletcher
  • Nintendo Power confirms Samba de Amigo

    GoNintendo readers spotted something interesting in this month's Nintendo Power. And it would have been hard for them not to-- it's right on the cover there. Samba de Amigo is indeed coming to the Wii! As card-carrying Sega fanboys (with a specialization in Dreamcast-era Sega, to be exact) we couldn't be more thrilled. What a perfect game/controller combination-- almost as perfect as the real Samba controllers.Oh, but wait. According to the GoNintendo post, the new game is being made by Gearbox Software, who we can assure you is not Sonic Team. In fact, their history features nothing but FPS games and one Tony Hawk port. A very interesting choice to develop your bouncy, cartoony rhythm game, Sega. A very interesting choice indeed. Gearbox employees-- if you're reading, here's a special message from us to you. Please don't screw up the game about a monkey shaking maracas in time to Ricky Martin songs. We're not saying you're not good developers-- far from it-- but this is about as different from Counter-Strike as a game could be.

    JC Fletcher
  • Wii has health potential

    New York Times columnist, David Pogue discusses the Wii's fitness potential in an online post. After witnessing his family burn calories while gaming, he thinks the Wii is one of the best possible indoor activities for kids. Pogue also has no sympathy for the "nerds who haven't moved their bodies in years" who claim muscle aches and broken furniture.We like this one-two punch from the mainstream press -- albeit, not in print -- exploring the health benefits of the system and dismissing the over-hyped Wii injuries. We look forward to fitness being a byproduct of active games like DDR; where's the Wii version of Samba De Amigo? Exercise games may have less appeal, but they may also work well; will we see Wiimote ankle holders to measure footwork?[Via digg]

    Zack Stern