San Jose


  • GameStop opens inaugural tournament center

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    GameStop has finally found a way to exploit those pesky loiterers through its latest PR initiative to open a new class of hybrid retail locations. No, corporate hasn't altered its strategy from making green to 'going green,' rather these new super structures will feature a "tournament center," in addition to a standard retail store, where the usual kiosk crew is no longer an obstacle, but the star attraction. San Jose will serve as the testing ground for the new tournament series where the first of these combination stores opened today with 24 networked gaming stations, each equipped with a plasma display. Competition will be hosted "most weekends" starting with a Madden tourney on Saturday. Winner takes home goes next door for a $1,000 GameStop shopping spree. Losers wait for winner in the parking lot.

  • Chris Grant co-host on Gaming Steve podcast

    Dan Choi
    Dan Choi

    Joystiq's very own Christopher Grant is not only posting from the 2006 Game Developers Conference, he's also starring in a podcast.Okay, so technically he's just co-hosting an episode of an ongoing podcast with Gaming Steve, but you can't miss this opportunity to hear Chris's laid-back, sweetly smooth voice. (There are reports that Chris also sounds somewhat like a stoner, but we wouldn't be able to tell you what those kind of people sound like anyway, so what can we say?)As for the podcast itself, Chris and Steve go into the events of the last day, enthusiastically sharing about Microsoft's bloggers breakfast with Peter Moore (inset), Phil Harrison's PS3 keynote, what the new Battlestar Galactica might have to do with games, and everything else that they saw in San Jose. And, hey, maybe if we're lucky, we'll get another guest Joystiqer co-hosting with Steve today. More from GDC as we get it...See also: Direct download link for the podcast in question [55 minute-long MP3] Gaming Steve's "Day 3" report on GDC 2006 [where we got the pic] Joystiq @ GDC: In the beginning... [w/a little bloggers breakfast info] GDC: The PS3 keynote blow by blow