

  • Amazon adds another original kid's program with high-profile pedigree

    Terrence O'Brien
    Terrence O'Brien

    Amazon doesn't have any original programming just yet that can quite compete with the buzz of House of Cards or the resurrection of Arrested Development. What it does have, however, is a compelling lineup of exclusive children's programming from big names like Angela C. Santomero and Carol Greenwald, the people responsible for Blue's Clues and Curious George, respectively. The two are collaborating on Sara Solves It, the second project from Santomero for Amazon's burgeoning Prime lineup. The series, which stars bother and sister Sara and Sam, was created with help from WGBH Boston (home of Frontline and Nova), where Greenwald works and is currently under contract for 12 episodes. It's unclear when the duo will begin solving their "absorbing and relatable" math mysteries, but our friends across the pond can rest easy knowing the interactive children's programming will be coming to Lovefilm in the UK and Germany as well.