scooby doo


  • Scoob!

    'Scoob!' is the next big movie going straight to video on-demand

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    With theaters shut down during the coronavirus pandemic, Warner Bros. has opted to release 'Scoob!' directly via video on-demand for rental or purchase starting May 15th.

  • Time Warner

    Looney Tunes and other classic cartoons get a streaming service

    Stefanie Fogel
    Stefanie Fogel

    Your favorite Saturday morning cartoons are going digital. Turner and Warner Bros. are teaming up for a new standalone video subscription service called Boomerang. It'll offer over 5,000 titles from the Hanna-Barbera, Looney Tunes and MGM animation libraries when it launches this spring.

  • DDO Update 20: The past lives of robots and vampires

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    With two Forgotten Realms-themed expansions under its belt, Dungeons and Dragons Online might look like a game that's focused on this popular setting while sweeping its "other" world of Eberron under the rug. However, Update 20 shows that Turbine has love for both worlds and the playerbase spread across them. DDO's Update 20 has three important features on the docket: an Eberron dungeon, a Forgotten Realms dungeon, and changes to the reincarnation system and enhancement tree. This looks to be a good update for the thrifty subset, as all of its content is coming to the community free of charge. This update's coming next Tuesday, November 12th, so forge ahead and prepare yourself for the adventures to come.

  • The Daily Grind: What's the best character name you've seen?

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    The other day I learned the word "onomastics," because Bree likes to club us over the head with big words so that we'll go away whimpering and leave her to playing Guild Wars 2. Anyway, we were talking about how we both have a character name file, although on my computer it's just called "character names" and not something that makes me think of doing back flips off of a high beam. I love a good name. A good name, in my opinion, sets you apart from the pack. It tells others that you didn't just slap letters together like a common monkey learning how to type for the first time. It may even generate respect among some. It gets you noticed, is what I'm saying, and it gets you remembered. So what is the best character name you've seen that wasn't one you used yourself? Was it just a great word, a clever pun, or something else that exuded awesomeness? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

  • The Perfect Ten: Pirates ahoy!

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Fantasy pirates: Love 'em or hate 'em, they're deeply ingrained in geek culture to the point that they're almost impossible to dislodge. This past Monday was International Talk Like a Pirate Day, when everyone's inner pirate was encouraged to "Arr!" heartily, look for treasure in long-forgotten places, and embrace the fashion style of bandanas and eyepatches. It seemed like a perfect week, therefore, to look at piratey life in MMOs. From entire games to mere outfits and from the token pirate union that has a chapter in each game to delusional madmen, this list aims to sate the swagger of keyboard swashbucklers. It's a testament to the pirate phenomenon that most developers can't help but include a buccaneer or two, even if the setting isn't always asking for it -- a phenomenon even the U.S. Navy has accepted. Hit the jump to start, and sail straight on 'til morning!

  • Creeper, the first computer virus, is 40 years young today

    Joseph L. Flatley
    Joseph L. Flatley

    Forty years ago today is considered by many to be the birthday of the first computer virus. Of course, in the early 1970s they weren't called computer viruses, but that doesn't make Bob Thomas's handiwork any less special. Creeper (named after a character in the old Scooby Doo cartoons) spread from BBN Technologies' DEC PDP-10 through Arpanet, displaying the message: "I'm the creeper, catch me if you can!" and messing with people's printers. One notable difference between this and the majority of viruses was the fact that it deleted old versions as it replicated itself. Incidentally, that would make 2011 the fortieth anniversary of the first antivirus software: called, appropriately enough, Reaper.

  • The Road to Mordor: Hallowed be thy burrow

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    One of my all-time favorite amusement park rides is Disney World's Haunted Mansion. More than anything else, the Haunted Mansion encapsulates the Halloween experience for my life -- a combination of goofy gloom, maudlin macabre and spooky spirits. I've never been into the gory side of Halloween, nor the freaky scares, but there's nothing I love more than traveling through a haunted house that's completely into crafting a perfect Halloween atmosphere. This is why I feel like a kid again as I spent the last couple days exploring the new Haunted Burrow in Lord of the Rings Online. While some see the notion of a haunted hobbit hole silly, lore-breaking or a frivolous waste of time, I think it's one of the best virtual haunted houses I've ever seen. As one person Tweeted, "It's like Scooby Doo, but with Hobbits and no Velma Dinkley!" The only complaint I have is that I truly wish there was more of it, and more to do in it. Instead of handing you a guide to the Haunted Burrow -- A Casual Stroll to Mordor covers all the bases, and TheREALify has a great map on the forums -- today I thought I'd just share my thoughts on each of the wings of the house and the little details that truly make this place shine. Take my hand and don't be scared... ...oh mercy me, what WAS that noise!?!

  • WoW Moviewatch: Drop of Blood: The Collection Pt. 1

    Natalie Mootz
    Natalie Mootz

    Drop of Blood: The Collection Pt. 1 is a twin set of parodies and it's the first machinima by a 15-year-old kid named Morten from Denmark. He's remade the openings of the old Spider-Man and Scooby-Doo cartoons set in Azeroth, including setting them to music of The Simpsons take-off for the former and the original music for the latter. (Apparently he's a student of ancient television history?) It's quite silly and fun; it will make anyone who used to watch those old shows smile. Let's help out Morten by giving him a few pointers. (Constructive criticism for a new guy on the block, please? I know you guys can do it!) Some of the action is tied to the music very well. The Spider-Pig pops in to "scare" us right on cue with the music. On the other hand, when he leaps through the trees, there was an opportunity to hit the last "Look out!" with the pig zooming off screen, but instead he flies away too slowly. Also, even on the high quality version on Youtube the title fonts look a bit blurry. It could be poor font choice multiplied by Internet sizing, but it's something to watch out for when you make movies to be viewed online. On the last tilt up to the top of the mountain with Spider-Pig looking over the valley takes too long. Instead, I'd consider using a faster tilt with push into the pig at the very end of the scene. The main issue I have with the Scooby-Doo parody is that we never see a WoW version of Scooby! Rut-ro! I think Scooby would be a Shaman in Ghost Wolf form, but maybe that's not goofy enough. Any other ideas?[Via The WoW Portal]If you have any suggestions for WoW Moviewatch, you can mail them to us at machinima AT wowinsider DOT com.Previously on Moviewatch ...

  • Case solved! Success Corp.'s detective games revealed

    Chris Greenhough
    Chris Greenhough

    Spencer at Siliconera recently donned his deerstalker and set about discovering the real identity of those mysterious detective games from Success Corp. that left us confounded last month. And no, they don't involve Scooby Doo (some would say that's a good thing).Instead, the two have been outed as Yajuukeiji: Tokyo Doujitahatsu Terror Wo Chinatsuseyo and Otoshi Kenji: Keiji-San, Watashi ga Yarimashita, both of which we are immensely looking forward to typing out again. Yajuukeiji: Tokyo Doujitah The former is about terrorism in Tokyo, and apparently focuses on action, while the latter is an adventure title.So there we go: two more detective games to add to this burgeoning genre. And to think they'd have got away with it, if it weren't for those pesky kids! Okay, that's probably quite enough Scooby Doo references for this week. Both of these hit Japan on May 15th, which is when we'll start to bleat for localized versions.

  • Transformers PSP in disguise

    Steven Bailey
    Steven Bailey

    Savage Entertainment is working on a PSP Transformers game based on the movie. Savage has previously made Star Wars Battlefront 2 and Scooby Doo for the PSP, so they have experience with Sony's portable. Based on Micheal Bay's upcoming Transformers movie, Transformers: The Game the title will feature Optimus Prime, Megatron, Starscream among other well known robots and give players the choice to play Autobot and save the world or Decepticon and try to take it over. Each Transformer has their own set of skills and abilities and players can choose at any moment to move from robot to vehicle form. Over the course of the game, players will travel through fully destructible environments and each character's scale and weight will affect how they fight. You'll use range and melee combat to fight your way to your ultimate goal. The console versions are being created by Traveler's Tales of Lego Star Wars fame and all versions are said to have similar content, which is very good considering how well Lego Star Wars worked on the PSP. Of course the PSP edition has exclusive content. This time it comes in the form of an expanded storyline and multiplayer. The last Transformers game (for PS2) was quite enjoyable and I have high hopes for this rendition. Anyone else looking forward to this game? [Via IGN]

  • DS releases for the week of October 9th

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Nickelodeon's Avatar is everywhere, on both the DS and the GBA, in what is something of a slow week for releases. Not to fret, fanfolk ... the holiday glut will soon be here. Any of these happen to tickle your gaming fancy? We're calling Clubhouse Games (yay for chat features) the interesting title of the week, but whatever you want, we want to hear about it. DS: Avatar: The Last Airbender Clubhouse Games Crash Boom Bang! Monster Bomber Scooby-Doo! Who's Watching Who? GBA: Avatar: The Last Airbender Justice League Heroes: The Flash Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning Noddy: A Day in Toyland As always, availability is subject to manufacturer delivery.