

  • WoW Moviewatch: The scourge invades with...

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    This video (an excellent piece of investigative journalism by moviemaker Nilzor) raises some serious questions about the scourge's most recent invasion of Azeroth. Who exactly were they expecting to fool with those flimsy floating necropolises? Well, apparently they managed to fool all of us -- but we'll know better next time!Previously on Moviewatch...

  • Know Your Lore: Arthas

    Elizabeth Wachowski
    Elizabeth Wachowski

    Arthas Menethil is a relatively new addition to the Warcraft Series -- he only appeared in Warcraft III and its expansion. Nevertheless, Arthas's impact on Azeroth is so profound that he remains one of the biggest names in WoW, even though he's never appeared in the game itself ... yet. Who: Prince Arthas Menethil, Crown Prince of Lordaeron, Knight of the Silver Hand, and Lich King. What: Human at first, kinda undead later.

  • I fought Highlord Kruul and Highlord Kruul won

    Elizabeth Wachowski
    Elizabeth Wachowski

    Hey, everyone who complained about the Scourge world event being too wussy -- the Burning Legion sends its regards. Eliah Hecht has documented that Highlord Kruul is owning everything on most servers, but no one has answered the question: Is it possible to kill this guy? Short answer: Yes. He appears to be a renamed Kazzak with most of Kazzak's abilities, plus he has Kazzak's loot table. He seems to hit harder than Kazzak and enrage sooner, but an organized, or even slightly disorganized, raid of 40 people can kill him. WoWWiki has a good strategy guide for Kazzak. Exo and Trans killed him on Smolderthorn, as did groups on Illidan, Medivh and Kalecgos, apparently. Long answer: Probably not, at least if your server's anything like mine. Kruul heals massively every time he kills a player or pet. So if Kruul spawns near a major city, it's nearly impossible due to the number of deaths. Unless you can clear the area of everything but organized 60s working in a raid group, just get naked, sit back and watch the carnage.

  • Scourge Invasion FAQ

    Mike D'Anna
    Mike D'Anna

    For those of you who have left comments asking specific questions about the ongoing Scourge Invasion event, this post over on the official forums might just be what you're looking for; it's a FAQ (frequently asked questions, for you acronym-impaired) all about the Scourge event, that answers just about all the questions we know the answers to so far. We still don't know how long the event will last or what it will take to defeat the invasion, but there are plenty of tips here to get you started on the path. Kudos to player Ghostwalka for putting it all together. My experience so far with the event has been limited to taking on a few isolated undead in Stormwind & encoutering a Necropolis in Winterspring that scared the heck out of me when I first saw it. I plan to dive headfirst into the events this weekend, though, and this post has me surious to see some of the things that will happen. Check it out & while you're out there battling the Scourge, report anything new you find back here to us!

  • The Scourge Invades!

    Mike D'Anna
    Mike D'Anna

    When I first flew into Stormwind yesterday, I thought there was something wrong with my monitor. A thick, choking haze filled the air, and a group of mysterious soldiers had set up camp in town and were spreading disturbing news. The Scourge has invaded Azeroth, and all able-bodies have been called to her defense.The invaders chosen method of conquest is by the use of an armada of flying necropolis'. Yes, it's an odd concept, and no, I have no idea how they make cities fly, much less dead ones, but I saw it with my own eyes, so take my word for it...these things are huge.Swarms of powerful undead have flooded the Plaguelands, Azshara & other areas, gaining their power from mysterious obelisks scattered throughout the land. Horde & Alliance could be seen fighting side-by-side against the unholy legions, trying to destroy the crystals. Who knows how long the combined forces of both factions will be able to stave off the invaders...but it's been pretty freakin' cool so far.Have you heeded the call to arms against the Scourge? Seen anything interesting during the event so far? Let us know...

  • Patch 1.11: Scourge Invasion Details

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    The main Warcraft site has been updated with additional information about the Scourge invasion that will be coming with patch 1.11.  So what should we expect?  A threatening necropolis over both Stormwind and the Undercity as the Scourge prepare their invasion force, as well as specific Sourge incursions in Azshara, Blasted Lands, Burning Steppes, Eastern Plaguelands, Tanaris and Winterspring.  The Argent Dawn representitives around Azeroth will be coordinating efforts in an attempt to repel the invasion - with rewards for those who aid them. 

  • Introducing Naxxramas

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    In Warcraft lore, Naxxrammas is the floating necropolis that is home to the lich Kel'Thuzad - and it's going to be introduced in World of Warcraft in patch 1.11.  (For more lore on Naxxramas and Kel'Thuzad, check WowWiki.)  There's little solid information on the place, other  than that it will be a raid dungeon with many bosses.  Tseric chimed in today with a little additional information on how casual players will be able to fit in to this grand story-line.  He cryptically informs us:In one way or another, this war will touch on players lives more directly, now that the lair of Kel'Thuzad hovers over the lands and the lich's influence is tangibly focused.In the past, Tigole has also mentioned a world even that he refered to as the Scourge Invasion, but it's still unclear as to how this will actually manifest in the game world.  Any opinions?