

  • Flickr Find: Woz playing Segway polo

    Our man Eliot, from Hack A Day, was at the Maker Faire this weekend and who did he spy playing Segway polo? Why, Woz of course!Thanks, iamdigitalman.

    Scott McNulty
  • More words from Woz

    It's always interesting when Steve Wozniak speaks about Apple. He recently chatted with The Globe and Mail following a polo match on Segways in New Zealand (why does this not surprise me?). When asked about Apple's move to Intel chips, Woz said it felt like "...consorting with the enemy." From the article:"...We've had this long history of saying the enemy is the big black-hatted guys, and they kind of represent evil. We are different, and by being different we're better. All of a sudden we're the same in this hardware regard, so it's a little hard to swallow your words from the past."He also stated that a separate iPod division should be spun off of Apple, since the hardware, OS and chips are different. I guess this makes sense.I feel that a chip is a chip is a chip, and I don't care if there's a Motorola, IBM or Intel processor inside my Mac. But, of course, I have much less invested in Apple than Woz does. Plus, I've never played polo (via horse or Segway).[Via MacDailyNews]

    Dave Caolo
  • Boston Bumblings: Woz sighting

    Laurie and I were making our approach to the Hynes Convention Center this morning chatting and laughing merrily. What a beautiful morn, I thought. I wonder what Mac marvels await me in this brave, new, Macworld.A few yards from the convention center I noticed a man gliding on the sidewalk on a Segway. I looked at him because he was on a Segway and I'm a geek. As I was lusting after the Segway I looked up and realized that the man on the Segway was none other than Steve Wozniak. I was stunned, and in my stunned state he glided on without me being able to get a snapshot of him.Only on Macworld, folks.

    Scott McNulty