

  • August House of Chanel designs Segway, for real

    Laura June Dziuban
    Laura June Dziuban

    The Vivienne Tam-designed Mini 1000 was a cute foray of high fashion into the uber-geeky tech world, but not necessarily completely out of left field. Well, this one is. The word that Chanel has designed a Segway comes as a horrifying surprise to all of us. There's not too much information floating around about this one yet, so we have no idea how many they're making or what they're going to cost (the Ferrari model runs about $12,000), but we know they won't be cheap. Looking good never is...[Via Born Rich, thanks Jody]

  • Dean Kamen wrestles with decision: should he quit the Segway?

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    It's something that any hard-nosed entrepreneur likely deals with when their invention / startup is on the edge of fail: should they simply throw in the towel, or forge ahead like no one's looking? The father of the Segway, Dean Kamen, is also wrestling with that question. In a recent interview, he stated: "You end up lying there saying, 'I'm not stopping. It would be an act of shallow cowardice. Or you decide to quit and you say, 'This is one of those ideas that just isn't going to work.' " He also noted that "it's not nearly as glamorous as people think to keep working on something and to keep hitting roadblocks and to keep going." On one hand, we could definitely see the rug being pulled from the two-wheeled transporter that never revolutionized public movement, but considering all the days in which it has lifted our spirits, do we really want it to?[Image courtesy of SimplyMoving]

  • Crapgadget CES, round 9: pimped Segway KIRF

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    Four wheels, custom rims, a fold-out DVD player, and a metallic paint job? Eat your heart out, Woz. Couple more after the break.

  • Man improves, adds a dose of trademark infringement to single-wheeled skateboard concept

    Tim Stevens
    Tim Stevens

    Did you like the idea of Ben Smither's single-wheeled, self-balancing scooter but wished the thing looked a little less... utilitarian? Check out John Dingley's one wheeled self-balancing skateboard project, aka "The No Snowboard," aka "The Hot Wheel." It was inspired by Smither's earlier creation and likewise relies on a single go cart racing slick in the center spun by a (slightly more powerful) 420W electric motor, but adds a lovely wooden surface and racing decals to the top, improving the look immensely. The rider leans in either direction to get the thing going (as demonstrated in motion below) and the slight curvature of the tire allows for turning just like you would with a normal skateboard. Right now maximum speed is a somewhat pedestrian 7 mph, but Dingley estimates that a Segway-matching 12 mph is possible with better gearing. We can't wait for the inevitable self-balancing scooter racing series.[Via Instructables]

  • Miniature "balancing" robot is sad, hilarious

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    What could possibly provide us more joy and mirth than a Segway? How about a Segway-inspired bot that fails spectacularly on a consistent basis? The tech in play here is quite simple, and the fact it can stand as long as it does being that top heavy is actually pretty surprising. The best news? Hit the read link for a guide to making your very own fail bot at home. It's fun for the whole family.[Via technabob]

  • Segway hits car at full speed, results unsurprisingly painful looking

    Ryan Block
    Ryan Block

    Our Deutsch is a little rusty, but Spiegel's got a hard-hitting, um, sounding story on Segway safety -- specifically regarding what happens when one hits a stationary object or falls off of one while riding it at full speed. Hey der Spiegel, why don't you try the same test with one of those bicycle contraptions we hear Europeans are so in love with? We have a feeling you might be slightly more horrified by the results.[Via AutoblogGreen, thanks Nate]

  • Toyota's Winglet aims to usurp Segway, why we don't know (updated with video)

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    Prepare to step aside Segway, you had your chance to revolutionize personal transportation. Introducing the Toyota Winglet. Still under development, Winglet's body has a 10.4 x 18-inch footprint and stands 1.5-, 2.2-, or 3.7-feet tall (depending upon the S, M, or L model chosen) and features an electric motor capable of a max 6km/h cruising speed for up to 10km a jaunt (only 5km for the S model). Like the Segway, the user controls the Winglet by shifting his weight to move the transporter forward and back or to make tight turns. Winglet will begin consumer testing at the Central Japan International Airport near Nagoya and Laguna Gamagori resort this Autumn with further testing in more crowded environments planned for 2009. It's planned to hit a production stride in 2010. Hey Toyota, here's a hint: you'd better start lobbying for sidewalk legalization ASAP if you're hoping for global success. All three pictured after the break in order of S, M, and Large.Update: Video added to show just how nimble the handle-less S and M versions can be.[Via Akihabara News]

  • Segway CTO joins Apple

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    Doug Field, former chief technology officer at Segway, has joined Apple as vice president of product design. As you know, the Segway is the two-wheeled transportation device that Woz loves (he even plays polo with it), but gave President Bush a bit of trouble.We wish Doug good luck in his new position at Apple. However, I am a bit nervous that he's the VP of product design, because it's impossible to ride a Segway and not look like a total tool.[Via MacDailyNews]

  • Segway CTO becoming VP of Apple product design -- yes, really

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    Yeah, we're surprised to hear it too. Nevertheless, word coming out of the SegwayChat forums has Doug Field, Chief Technology Officer at Segway, heading to Apple as VP of product design. What makes the move oh so interesting is the history between Jobs and Field. See, back in the early days, when Segway was still Ginger and Dean Kamen was harvesting pre-launch industry reactions, Kamen brought the people mover to Steve Jobs. El Jobso's reaction to Field's design is the stuff of Harvard Business school legend: "I think it sucks," said Jobs, "Its shape is not innovative, it's not elegant, and it doesn't feel anthropomorphic." How times do change. Read -- Doug Field joining AppleRead -- Steve Jobs' thoughts on Segway design

  • Anti-terrorist drill reveals Segway attack plan, legions of embarrassed patrolmen

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Ah, ha! So, that Chinese S.W.A.T. team we caught ridin' dirty on Segways earlier this week actually had a reason to be carrying on like they were -- they were performing anti-terrorist drills in preparation for security during the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing. Comically enough, the drill was said to be one of "rapid deployment," though we aren't told how many spills were taken when officers tried to actually maneuver one of these things around, aim at a target, pull a brown bag down around their head and keep it from spontaneously reversing. Just one question guys: what's with the tiny guns?[Via CNET]

  • Caption contest: Chinese S.W.A.T. team caught ridin' dirty... on Segways

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    Look, protecting the world from the terror of Jihadists is serious business -- which is why we're not sure that rolling up on a Segway is the best way to get the Axis of Evil to drop its weapon / bomb / fanatic mindset... still, Jackie Chan will be psyched. Our suggestion? the electric unicycle. Josh T: "Stop! Step out of the vehicle and agree to be my friend."Don: "Don't make me lean forward and come over there."Chris: "Do it... do it now! Get to the human transportah!"Josh F: "Snake? Snake?! SNAAAAAKE!"Ryan: "Watch yourself, Frank, we're dealing with professionals. They've got a... car."Darren: "So, um, is it safe to back away from this vehicle?"Richard: "Yes, this would be more intimidating from a Humvee, but y'know, gas prices these days..."Nilay: "Put the Roomba down!"Thomas: "Quit calling me Ginger, I'm a day walker!"[Thanks, Mike]

  • Segway sales hit all time high, thanks OPEC!

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    We get that rising gas prices are putting folks in a world of hurt, but has it really gotten so bad that we're resorting to losing our dignity riding Segways? According to a recent writeup in The Wall Street Journal, "sales at Segway Inc. have risen to an all-time high," and CEO Jim Norrod fully expects sales this quarter to "jump 50% from a year earlier." Not surprisingly, many of its new customers are universities and public service divisions who are replacing traditional vehicles with the all-electric scooters, but we still get the impression that individuals are steering clear due to its remarkably high price and laughable design. At least, that's what we'll continue to tell ourselves.

  • In other news... Jackie Chan sells Segways?!

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    Yes, it's hard to believe, but we assure you there were no special effects used to create this image. Here's beloved action movie star Jackie Chan once again doing his own stunts -- the most embarrassing one he's ever done. Believe it or not, he says these are hard to sell in China.Josh T: "Police Story 5: Loser Cop"Paul: "In his next film, Jackie Chan will pose exactly zero threat to anyone at all."Ryan: "This, Jackie Chan, is your punishment for 'The Tuxedo.'"Chris: "Jackie Chan avoids Rush Hour 4 thanks to his trusty Segway."Josh F: "Legend of Drunken Decisions"Thomas: "Enter the Dragon, exit the nerd"Jackie Chan: "Don't try to be like Jackie. There is only one Jackie. Study computers instead." (Seriously, he said that!)

  • Segs-4-Vets hooks up veterans with Segways

    Ryan Block
    Ryan Block

    Dean Kamen's done a lot of work over the years building technologies for the disabled, which lends a bit of irony to the fact that his most well-known consumer transport, the Segway, is seeing some increased use by veterans. A non-profit by the name of Disability Rights Advocates for Technology (DRAFT) has snapped up some 150 units over the past few years -- 30 of which just went out last week -- to help amputees get around quicker and further than with your run of the mill wheelchair. Results of the Segs-4-Vets program sound positive, but at $6k a pop the price continues to be prohibitive for wider rollout and donation, even at discount directly from Segway.[Thanks, Laura]

  • Segway i2 now available in Metallic Sage, still not inviting

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    We appreciate the effort, we really do, but we can't see a new hue as being the adjustment that coaxes the world to stop laughing at the Segway i2. Nevertheless, those who have convinced themselves that they just have to have a two-wheeled transporter can now snatch one up in Metallic Sage. Of course, it's not like anyone outside of the i2 owners circle will even notice the difference, but hey, we've heard that some seriously great relationships have come from within that exclusive sect. Sike.[Via Gearlog]

  • Segway has an epiphany, introduces RMP hyperdirectional transporter

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Make no mistake -- we've been blasting the ridiculousness of the two-wheeled scooter for eons now, but in one fell swoop, Segway just worked itself back into hearts. Introduced at this year's RoboBusiness, the RMP "hyperdirectional" transporter looks to hold at least one Earthling (up to 400-pounds) and can seemingly scoot about in any direction. Unfortunately, that's about it for details -- no release date or any juicy stuff like that -- but if the term "fifty thousand dollars" scares you whatsoever, the video posted after the break is probably as close as you'll ever get, anyway.

  • Video: Intel's WiMax Segway takes geek, extreme

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    Pocket protector; check. Horn-rimmed glasses and button down collar; check. Now, if only you could find the perfect vehicle to transport your geek-ass around Mobile World Congress. Enter Intel's nerd-edition Segway. These gyroscopic rollers feature a built-in streaming camera, laptop with WiMAX, and giant flag so that aged jocks can hunt you down in the crowds. Not that you'd be too far from the Android prototype booths anyway, will ya? Video with appropriately dubbed circus music after the break.[Thanks, Jared C.]

  • Woz to appear in live Segway polo match

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Just call it the WozWatch-- not only did Woz just appear in a ride at Epcot, but now he's going to appear live on your computer, playing (what else-- this is the Woz) Segway polo.A site called The Digital Lifestyle is going to be broadcasting a Segway polo match (it's what it sounds like-- polo with Segways) this Sunday afternoon at 1pm EST, and Steve Wozniak himself will be one of the players. I can't begin to imagine what eight old guys riding around on Segways trying to whack a ball must look like, but if you want to find out, set your iPhone alarms. "It's not a joke," claims the trailer, but we can't help but think there will be laughing involved.

  • Segway Polo match featuring Woz to be broadcast live on the 'net

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Curb your enthusiasm, young buck. We know you're pretty stoked to hear that a live Segway Polo match will be coming to a browser near you this Sunday, but really, you don't want your office mates to come ask what's getting you all excited. Apparently, The Digital Lifestyle is gearing up to bring us "the world's first live broadcast of a full Segway Polo match," and yes, Steve Wozniak will reportedly be in attendance. Go on, cancel any other plans you had for December 16th at 1:00PM EST -- your secret is safe with us.[Image courtesy of Flickr]

  • Second Life's Cory = Apple, Inc.'s Woz

    Akela Talamasca
    Akela Talamasca

    Cory (Ondrejka) Linden's leaving Linden Lab is the most grid-altering event this past year, and arguably of the past 2 years as well. And if I were to play the Nostradamus game, and I'm going to right now, then I'd say that Cory's headed for a life where he will eventually end up forming his own Segway polo pony league.Cory Ondrejka is Second Life's Steve Wozniak. He's the technology guru/wizard who helped write the code that made the grid what it is today. Many think of Cory and Philip as integral entities of Linden Lab, the same way people used to think of Woz and Steve Jobs for Apple, Inc. Cory is the tech guy with the answers, Philip is the front man with the charisma. And if we follow this line of reasoning, we can envision a future where, without Cory's support, LL will eventually run aground, bogged down by poorly-differentiated versions of its flagship product, causing Philip to leave the company in favor of putting his boyish good looks behind a virtual world competitor, only to return years later to save the beleaguered company like the prophesied King Arthur to Britain.Cory will be just fine, and will probably be less stressed out, gain a few more pounds, and continue to see his popularity among geeks grow to near-legendary status. Maybe he'll get a tiny avenue named after him someday, or even, if Philip would have its cultural influence, get to star in an exhibit in animatronic form. Cory, good luck with whatever you put your hand to, and we'll miss you.