

  • Segway-Ninebot

    Segway is getting into autonomous deliveries

    AJ Dellinger
    AJ Dellinger

    Most people are probably never going to own a Segway, but the company is aiming to have more people interact with its products. At CES 2019, Segway-Ninebot will debut its first ever autonomous delivery robot designed to perform the final leg like of transporting packages. It's also showing off the Model Max, its next generation of shared scooter designed to get people around the city (or be ditched on the sidewalk).

  • MIT and Segway's robo-hackathon focuses on eldercare

    Cherlynn Low
    Cherlynn Low

    Robots have become smarter and more useful over the last year alone, and Segway Robotics is turning to developers for ideas on more meaningful applications for its Loomo bot. For three days starting February 10th, the company is co-hosting the MIT Hacking Medicine Robotics hackathon in Singapore to create eldercare-based uses for Loomo. 75 teams, each consisting of three developers, a healthcare professional and a business manager, will work on ways to use Loomo to address elderly and medical care challenges in Singapore, where the population is rapidly aging. The winning teams' creations will be tested in Singapore, and successful applications will be rolled out globally.