

  • AOL

    Adobe's AI-powered Photoshop update is a time-saver

    Steve Dent
    Steve Dent

    Adobe has unveiled Photoshop 19.1 with a much-anticipated AI-based feature for photo retouchers and a fix for longstanding Windows display issues. The first feature is called "select subject," and uses Adobe's Sensei deep-learning algorithms to make it much easier to isolate subjects from backgrounds. Adobe sent Engadget a preview copy of Photoshop to test, and I found that it's a big time-saver that doesn't always work, especially if your subject and what's behind it are too similar.

  • Adobe

    Photoshop uses AI to make selecting people less of a hassle

    Steve Dent
    Steve Dent

    Masking a human or other subject out of a scene is a pretty common trick nowadays, but it's is still arguably one of the hardest and lowest-tech parts of Photoshop. Adobe's about to make that a lot easier, thanks to an upcoming AI-powered feature called Select Subject. Using it is pretty much idiot-proof: From the main or "Select and Mask" workspaces, you just need to click anywhere on the image, and it'll automatically select the subject or subjects in the image. From there, you're free to change the background or tweak the subject separately.