

  • Make your own talent tree

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    If you haven't seen this yet, it's pretty funny. A site called Unleashed Gaming has broken out a nifty little feature: it's a javascript setup that allows you to create your own talent trees. Now you too can not only create your own specs and share them with others, you can actually create all new talent trees.A few of them have been popping up in different places. Linde offers a Hunter's wishlist tree that's chuckleworthy (the 51-point Marksmanship talent is called Swoop: "The next item you loot costs 0 DKP"), and Menae has made a much more cynical (and therefore hilarious) Priest talent tree. Finally, Priests are able to get Holyform (the tooltip says that the talent was really put in place just to shut the forum QQers up), and my favorite is probably (one of) the 51-point Shadow talents: with Improved Shadowform, "Your character is replaced with a Warlock."Unfortunately, just like the WoW Item Creator, there's no way to track what other people are making-- I'd love to see a list of the "ten most-viewed talent trees," just to see what people are coming up with. But this thing is definitely a lot of fun to play around with, whether you're trying to perfect what Blizzard does, or just mock them. If you come up with a good one, post it below.[ Thanks, Ootah! ]

  • Gasp! Get your Sonic Rivals internet cards before they're all gone

    Chris Powell
    Chris Powell

    Sega has been known to do some off-the-wall advertising for their games, just check out Beta-7 if you don't believe me. Now Sega, to hype up Sonic Rivals coming to the PSP, has released character artwork cards, and I really have no clue why.Among the lucky characters to be included in this batch are Sonic (Of course), Knuckles, Shadow and Silver. Honestly, I'm not really "feeling" these cards so much. Is there really a point in numbering them? I don't think anyone's going to try to trade a Knuckles for a Silver any time soon.Anyway, Sonic Rivials should be released Nov. 21. That means you only have a little more than a month to collect the entire set. You better hurry![Via DCEmu]

  • Mad TV - Apple's iPad

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    Mad TV has produced one of the raunchier iPod spoofs we've seen to date (meaning: probably not safe for work) in the form of an advertisement of, how shall we say, pads for women who 'think different'. The 'iPad' ad wins bonus points for coming complete with a spoof of the iPod silhouette ads and a mock voice-over of Bono.

  • Answers for Those Nagging Priest Questions

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    This charmingly titled FAQ provides a nice compilation of answers to questions that are posted in the forums ten times a day by priests.  From what enchant to put on your Benediction to whether spirit gear is better than mana per 5 gear, this guide isn't covering the basics - for basic information for a starting priest you might try this FAQ instead - but it does hit on all the hot topics.  If you're a priest looking for answers, this is a very  good starting place.  Hopefully it will also slow the constant inquires over the best enchant for the Benediction, but I'm probably just being optimistic...

  • Tenchu ad raises bear trap awareness

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    If the above ad for Tenchu Dark Shadow makes you think you could be even the deadliest assassin, employing beartraps to thwart your enemies through your sexy, sleek DS Lite, opening it and slamming it shut with the deadly conviction only a master ninja possesses, then you need to stop watching TV. For the rest of us, we'll just get a kick out of the hilarious face the balding pursuer makes as he's butt-shoved back-kicked into the water. [Thanks mandarin!]