

  • Sliders, colors the themes with AT&T's new arrivals

    That black LG Shine we'd heard AT&T would be picking up is finally starting to trickle into stores, along with a green rendition of the Sony Ericsson W580i -- a phone that's no stranger to new paint jobs. Neither device is up on AT&T's site yet, so as of now, it looks like the only way to pick these two up is going to be to mosey on down to your local retailer. Sorry, couch potatoes![Thanks, BrainsOnTheMonitor]%Gallery-22563%

    Chris Ziegler
  • Engadget Mobile, LG, and Stark Industries want you to have a $1,500 Iron Man phone

    If ever there were an LG Shine to live up to its lofty name, this would definitely be it. We'd like to introduce you to the Iron Man phone -- presented here by our boy Robert Downey, Jr. -- based on the Shine slider as sold by AT&T. Unlike the garden-variety Shine, the Iron Man edition trades up to a deep red case with gold plated highlights and a solid 18K gold battery cover to commemorate the launch of the film in style. That's plenty enough element 79 to give this thing some serious heft. We're not bragging, though -- we want you to have it.The phone is valued at a princely $1,500; twenty are being given away by LG directly -- we've got the twenty first. How do you pry it out of our hands? Easy: we want to see just how nasty, disgusting, and close to complete breakdown your current face candy is. Send us a pic and tell us a little bit about your poor, dilapidated phone and the long journey it's taken to its current state of disrepair. We'll pick the saddest entry and let you retire that terrible thing for something just a little flashier.One word of advice though: don't bother breaking your phone or taking a photo of your dad's Dynatac or something, that's not what we're looking for.Check out the gallery to see shots of the very Iron Man phone that could be yours, and don't forget to enter. Good luck!The rules (yeah, there are always rules) Send us your original photo. If we find your picture elsewhere on the internet, you will so be disqualified. Don't test us here, we've seen every picture of every phone. Ever. Email submissions to contests [at] engadget [dawt] com with the subject "I am Iron Man!" And for the love of our inbox, please keep your images 1MB or under, ok? You may only enter this contest once. If you enter this contest more than once you'll be automatically disqualified, etc. Contest is open to anyone in the 50 States, 18 or older! Sorry, we don't make this rule (we hate excluding anyone), so be mad at our lawyers and contest laws if you have to be mad. Entries must be in by 11:59PM EDT, Sunday, May 18th. After that, give us some time to sort through the entries and pick out the best (or worst, depending on how you look at it). %Gallery-22129%

    Chris Ziegler
  • "Is that a $1500 Iron Man cellphone in your pocket, or are you just happy to see Engadget Mobile?"

    Yes, that's right, one lucky Engadget Mobile reader is going to walk away with a gorgeous, ultra-limited LG Shine worth more than the combined value of, like, every phone we've ever had. How exactly does one get in on this action? Head on over to Mobile for the scoop!

    Chris Ziegler
  • Hands-on with LG's Iron Man handset, it's Superhero approved

    Movie tie-ins are usually a pretty tiring lot, with garrish colors, sparkly add-ons, and outrageous campaigns being par for the course. Not so -- well almost -- for LG's Shine as Iron Man handset, this thing is so exclusive, it apparently won't ever hit the retail channels, and at about $2k a pop, nobody will miss it. Of course, there isn't much new here, it's a typical LG Shine with a dab of 18k Gold -- and by dab we mean, the battery cover is solid, solid gold -- and a fetching maroon color that nicely coordinates with Iron Man's fab suit. Follow the link for a pile more pics of the handset and a few of Iron Man, too.%Gallery-19703%

    Sean Cooper
  • AT&T release dates through May (hint: no Vu)

    We've just received a fresh round of release dates on AT&T, and if we had to pick a single word to describe the theme here, it'd be "colors." Shades upon shades of phones -- both new and old -- will see a release on AT&T in the next couple of months, starting with the Sony Ericsson Z750a, the first 3G Sony Ericsson to be released by a carrier in the States (but not in North America -- that honor belongs to Rogers); it'll hit in your choice of gray, pink, or purple in early April. The now-ancient UTStarcom 5700 finally sees release toward the end of April more than a year after we first saw it in the FCC's business, giving a lower-end choice to the Windows Mobile faithful. Finally, May should bring about the LG CU720 Shine in black, following its initial offerings of silver and red.Oh, and it looks like the Motorola Z9 and the black Centro should be widely available pretty much any minute now -- stay tuned. Strangely missing from the list is the Vu, though that doesn't necessarily mean it won't be released by the end of May, it merely means that AT&T's not sure yet. Surprise, surprise.[Thanks, Kal]

    Chris Ziegler
  • AT&T's releases through early April: yes to Centro, no to Vu?

    We've just been slipped some bittersweet information that we deliver with a heavy heart: AT&T's latest pricing information, which runs through April 7, apparently makes no mention of the hotly anticipated LG Vu. There's no mention of the Samsung Access, either, leading us to believe that the carrier's mobile TV launch may have been pushed out one more time for good measure. Of course, we suppose it's possible that there's no delay and they just haven't slipped pricing details to stores yet, but we're jaded enough at this point to say that another slip is entirely within the realm of reason. Now, onto some happier tidbits: the black version of the Shine should launch, along with the Sony Ericsson Z750 in pink, gray, and purple, the long-overdue 5700 low end smartphone, the white Centro sporting push-to-talk support, and the Motorola Z9 slider -- which AT&T curiously identifies as "ruggedized." We don't remember anything remotely rugged about the one we saw, but whatevs.[Thanks, Kal]

    Chris Ziegler
  • Red LG Shine gets real for AT&T

    Some of you good folks may have seen AT&T commercials on the telly this weekend pimping a red version of its Shine alongside a red Curve and Blackjack II -- but for those that haven't, yeah, it's here. Grab it in all its crimson sliding glory for a hundie on contract after rebates.[Thanks, William]

    Chris Ziegler
  • A fresh round of AT&T release dates

    Wouldn't it be pretty awesome to have the launch dates for, like, all of AT&T's most anticipated devices on one convenient 440 x 330 image? Well, that's not quite what we have here -- the Sony Ericsson K850 is nowhere to be found, for one -- but this is a solid start. It sounds like that SMT5700 (codename "Bulldog," how cool is that?) that we've been anticipating for nearly a year now will finally get outed on February 5 alongside the Vu. We still don't know whether AT&T's MediaFLO network will launch at the same time, and we've heard rumors that there will be a second Vu without MediaFLO support, so we could be seeing that here but we're really not sure. Despite the missing K850, Sony Ericsson's still putting up a reasonably strong showing here with a pink W580i launching this week and the 3G Z750 in grey, pink, and purple on March 11. In addition to the Vu, LG will be offering the CU720 Shine in red on January 22 and in black (ooh, that might look hot!) on February 28. Option's HSUPA data cards are now targeted for January 24, and last -- and probably least -- the Motorola V3xx outstays its welcome by making an encore appearance in "lavender" on the 22nd of this month.[Thanks, Kal]

    Chris Ziegler
  • LG Shine now showing on AT&T's website, too

    AT&T kinda sorta started offering the Shine all quiet-like through some of its brick and mortar stores earlier this week, but in case you needed any more proof that the high class slider is the real deal, here ya go. We'd characterize the Shine as resting somewhere in the upper end of AT&T's midrange offerings -- if that makes any sense -- owing in part to its 2 megapixel cam, HSDPA, and Video Share support. The carrier seems particularly proud of the phone's display, too, calling it a "mesmerizing 2.2 [inch] wide mirror LCD" and playing up its "multi-angle vision technology," so if mesmerizing LCDs and 5-way nav joysticks are your thing, go check it out. Odds are you'll be able to find this in your local store tomorrow, too.[Thanks, Jacob]

    Chris Ziegler
  • LG Shine showing up in AT&T stores

    We'd heard that AT&T wanted its own LG Shine in stores before Thanksgiving, and it looks like those hopes and dreams are coming true. A tipster hooked us up today with this shot of a Shine in all its AT&T-branded glory chilling in one of the carrier's brick and mortar stores, suggesting that they're already ready to buy if you happen to be near a store that stocks 'em -- if you've got $150 (after $50 rebate) and a signature on the dotted line to spare, anyway.[Thanks, anonymous tipster]

    Chris Ziegler
  • Shiny releases coming up for AT&T

    In case our really poorly constructed pun in the title didn't help reveal what we're talking about, let's come right out with it: we're hearing that the LG CU720 Shine slider should be launching as soon as today, and certainly within the next handful of days. Along with it will be the CU515 in "plum" (also from LG), the Samsung A747 flip, and the BlackJack2 on the smartphone end of the spectrum. It's a 3G cornucopia -- just in time for Thanksgiving, eh?[Thanks, kal]

    Chris Ziegler
  • LG gets into natural materials, announces LB2500H wooden Shine

    LG has tried just about every angle we -- and apparently they -- can think of with its enormously popular shine and seem to now be stretching as they get into faux wood grain. LG has tossed in a helping of DMB TV, a 2 megapixel camera, Bluetooth, and of course a retractable antenna to focus all that mobile TV fun. While we dig the LG Shine, we miss the original sliding form factor and even though the wood isn't real -- and seriously, since when is a wooden handset cool? -- we think this new aesthetic is a bit scary, so please LG, even gem-encrusted pink is a better direction. Pricing seems set at about $500, but don't expect to see this on these shores for a long time to come, if ever.

    Sean Cooper
  • Bell picks up LG Shine, if you can really call it that

    'Round here, we think of a slider when you tell us so-and-so is launching the LG Shine, but Bell apparently has something a little different in mind. Canadians can now pick up the metal-clad Shine flip (again -- Bell's name, not ours) for a cool $130 CAD (about $134) on a three-year contract, offering the same EV-DO data, 2 megapixel cam, A2DP, and funky sideways external display as its VX8700 cousin on Verizon. For Bell's sake, we hope they don't go launching a Shine slider down the road -- 'cause what the heck are you going to call that then? Hmm?[Via Mobile In Canada]

    Chris Ziegler
  • LG's Shine and Vu for AT&T: colors, dates, and FLO -- oh my!

    So here's the deal for AT&T's CU720 Shine: AT&T looks to be preparing the anticipated slider (or, at least it was anticipated like a year ago) for a Black Friday launch. The silvery model will launch first, with black and red both planned for early '08. The Vu -- alias Prada, alias CU920 -- is still on track for an early '08 launch, too, though LG and AT&T are apparently pushing hard to get it rolled out in December, presumably to catch some last-minute holiday sales. MediaFLO support is confirmed in this bad boy, meaning that glorious display should see a little more action than the Cellular Video and MobiTV options AT&T subscribers have today. Oh, and are you wondering how that name's pronounced? Turns out it's "view," not "voo." Thank goodness.[Thanks, Kal-El]

    Chris Ziegler
  • AT&T's LG CU720 Shine outshines the FCC

    The cat is so out of the bag on this one that we kinda wish LG would just drop the confidentiality agreement and let us have at the whole suite of FCC docs, but no dice. Instead, all we have to go on here is the model name -- CU720 -- and a couple of test reports, both confirming the presence of WCDMA 850 and 1900. Last we heard, the Shine slider had been sent back to the shop for some UI retooling, but with the launch originally planned for September, we're banking on the CU720 getting officially official any day (or week, or month) now. Anyone out there been looking forward to this thing ever since the original was introduced?

    Chris Ziegler
  • Update on LG's dealings with AT&T: Shine is the Shine, Prada is the Vu?

    We'd recently mentioned that LG was about take it to the limit with AT&T by pushing out two of its halo devices -- the Shine slider and Prada luxury touchphone -- over the course of the next few months. We'd also mentioned that AT&T would debut the "Vu" branding for the devices, and while we still haven't figured out whether that's pronounced "voo" or "view," we can provide a bit of an update on how that branding's gonna go down. It turns out that the Shine will hang on to the Shine name, probably a good idea considering the global appeal the name has garnered (Chocolate, anyone?), while the Prada will be christened the Vu. Thing is, we're hearing it'll come in two versions: the Vu with MediaFLO mobile TV (we're still reeling from the fact that AT&T actually made that move) and the Vu2 without. So yeah, if you only wanted AT&T to carry this thing so that you could get the Prada branding slapped on a carrier-subsidized handset, you're probably out of luck for the time being -- but regardless of what it's called, it should be an exceptionally hot device and a helluva competitor for that Voyager over there on Verizon, a phone that just happens to hail from the same manufacturer. What tangled webs we weave![Thanks, anonymous tipster]

    Chris Ziegler
  • LG Shine, Prada coming to AT&T as Vu, Vu2?

    If the iPhone is AT&T's cake, its own version of the LG Prada may very well be the icing. Gizmodo has scored shots of what appears to be LG's high-end, touchable superphone running AT&T firmware that's clearly been tweaked for the better from the original KE850 (better web browser, please!). Don't expect to stuff stockings with this one, though -- despite earlier rumors that it might squeeze in by December, we're hearing that AT&T and LG are targeting a Q1 '08 release for the device, apparently called the "Vu2." If there's a Vu2, there's gotta be a Vu, right? Indeed, it turns out that AT&T's Shine will bear the moniker when it gets released. The carrier had originally targeted September for the Vu, but that obviously didn't happen; word on the street is that they're back in the labs tweaking the user interface as we speak and we haven't heard when a launch might actually go down. Both phones offer 3G, of course -- so between the Vu's nav stick and the Vu2's expansive touchscreen, we've got a couple of unique offerings on our hands here. Strong work picking these up, AT&T![Thanks, anonymous tipster]Read - LG Shine for AT&T (Vu)Read - LG Prada for AT&T (Vu2)

    Chris Ziegler
  • Keepin' it real fake, part LXXXIII: LG's Shine gets a clone

    The Shine may already be available in a variety of colors, but we're confident that LG had no part in this one. The so-called Venus JXD205 purports to be your average PMP, sporting AVI / MP3 / WMA / WAV support, a 2.4-inch QVGA color screen, FM tuner, built-in gaming function and an expansion slot that supports cards up to 2GB in size. Interestingly enough, it looks almost identical to a famed member of the Black Label series, but we doubt you'll do much any calling on this thing. Nevertheless, those willing to buy a potential heap can grab the 1GB version for 399CNY ($53), or you can double your capacity for just 100CNY ($13) more.[Via PMPToday, thanks Brian B.]

    Darren Murph
  • Black Label adds another color, LG Shine now available in Hot Pink

    Is it possible that we could have too much of a good thing? LG is gambling that we can't, especially when it comes to their Black Label Shine handsets. With many phones coming in a plethora of colors, why not add another? Hot Pink is the next pigment of choice for LG, and it will be an exclusive for Orange (the carrier, not the color) starting at the end of this month. Just in case the specs have slipped your mind, we'll give you a quick refresh -- Triband GSM radio, 2 megapixel shooter with autofocus, expandable memory via microSD, Bluetooth, and a MP3 player. The Hot Pink Shine should be free on contracts with plans starting at $60.00 or higher.

    Michael Caputo
  • Orange busts out the Christmas phone launch list, too

    Nothing says Christmas like a jauntily doffed Santa hat and a big cellphone blowout list, of course. Orange has such a list but instead of heading into new and slick territory like its neighbor Vodafone, they've just broken out the pastels and had a coloring session. Featuring the LG Shine, Samsung F210, and Sony Ericsson's W580i and W200i, sound hot? yeah, kinda, except they're all in pink. We'll also see the launch of the Sammy U600 in purple and the Sony Ericsson W910, in red. Here's hoping there's something else under the tree from Orange during the holidays this year, because we just aren't getting a festive feel from that lot.

    Sean Cooper