

  • X3F TV -- XBLA in Brief: Galaga Legions

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    And the August Xbox Live Arcade onslaught continues. This week it's time for Galaga to make a comeback. We're talking about Galaga Legions of course. Created by the same team that transformed Pac-Man into Pac-Man Championship Edition, Galaga Legions takes the original Galaga formula and expands upon it, making an old game feel new again. The only question, especially given the quality we've seen this month, is whether or not it feels new enough. Check out the latest episode of XBLA in Brief to find out. [iTunes] Subscribe to X3F TV directly in iTunes. [Zune] Subscribe to the X3F TV directly (Zune Marketplace link coming soon). [RSS] Add the X3F TV feed to your RSS aggregator and have the show delivered automatically. [M4V] Download the M4V directly.

  • Now on XBLA: Galaga Legions

    Xav de Matos
    Xav de Matos

    From the people who brought you Pac-Man: Championship Edition comes another arcade classic remake to the Xbox Live Arcade. Asking 800MS points from your digital wallet, Galaga Legions is now available on the Xbox Live Marketplace. Initial reactions to the game peg it as a mixture of Geometry Wars and Pac-Man: CE and if either of those comparisons are accurate then the Xbox Live Arcade could have itself another winner from Namco Bandai. %Gallery-27821%

  • Geometry Wars song eases the pain

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Bizarre Creations, hire this man. His name is Matthew McCarthy and he has done something wonderful. Specifically, he's taken his frustrations with Geometry Wars 2 and channeled them into something creative: a song. Entitled "Geometry Wars Will Be the Death of Me," we think that most gamers can relate. So, the next time Geometry Wars 2 gets you down, turn up the volume, listen to the song, and remember that you're not alone. Seriously, this song is awesome though, and not the new, watered-down version of awesome either. No, this is the original awesome in that it actually inspires awe. This is like Grand Canyon awesome. Watch out Johnathan Coulton. [Thanks to everyone that sent this in!]

  • Can Geometry Wars make you mad enough to sing?

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    When we get really frustrated by Geometry Wars 2 (and we do) we deal with our anger the only way we know how: We become physically abusive towards loved ones and pets. But not Matthew McCarthy. No, Matthew McCarthy just picks up a guitar and channels the rage into a song about why he hates all those stupid, cruel shapes. We tried to ape McCarthy's far healthier anger management, but after picking up our guitar we just used that to be physically abusive to loved ones and pets, which really isn't much better, when you think about it. [Via ToaRG]

  • This Wednesday: Galaga Legions invades XBLA

    Randy Nelson
    Randy Nelson

    Caution: Do not look directly at the above screenshot. Doing so will result in your eyes melting. If you're still able to read this, it means that A) you don't just come to Joystiq to look at all the pretty pictures and B) you're also a good listener. Congratulations! It also means that you'll still be able to play the latest "Summer of Arcade" release, Galaga Legions, this Wednesday – provided you remember to wear welding goggles while doing so. This re-imagining of the classic coin-op shooter is the work of the same Namco-Bandai dev team responsible for Pac-Man Championship Edition, hence the hella-rad-neon-raver shader being employed. The full game will set you back 800 ($10). The requisite googles can be had for $11.99 from Amazon. %Gallery-29424%

  • Reminder: Galaga Legions swarms XBLA this week

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Hey kids, just a quick reminder that this week's Xbox Live Arcade game is none other than Galaga Legions. Created by the same team that reinvented the Pac-Man formula for Pac-Man CE, Galaga Legions adds significant changes to the Galaga formula while still retaining the feel of the original. We had a chance to play it at E3 last month and we were definitely impressed. Priced at 800 Microsoft Points, Galaga Legions will hit XBLA this Wednesday.

  • Show the internets your Geometry Wars 2 'talent'

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Morgon over at just sent word that they've released a new Geometry Wars 2 scorecard to their ever growing list of generated scorecard images, which means you can now gloat about your crazy high GeoWars2 scores on every forum, personal website or comment thread across the internets. That, or how absolutely embarrassing your GeoWars2 "skills" are. Whichever it is, this scorecard (which showcases your high scores and rank for all six gametypes) is rather nifty and something we'll constantly use to keep us motivated to get better at our XBLA geometry crack. Enjoy.

  • Today's timesink: Geometry Wars 2 leaderboard site live

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    Hey gang, terrible, terrible news: You can now check your status on the Geometry Wars 2 leaderboards at any moment of the day, thanks to a Bizarre Creations application that's just gone live. While you can't check your status as it compares to your friends, you can see, in real-time, how you stack up against the rest of the world. It's not just the time you'll spend plugging gamertags into the site to see how everyone ranks that's so troubling. It's watching your status slipping while you toil at the office, debating if it's worth faking food poisoning to get back in the Pacifism top 10,000 that's really going to mess with you. (Spoiler alert: It's totally worth it.) [Via CVG]

  • A brief history of Treasure's shooters

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    var digg_url = ''; Whether you're a fan of shmups or wish to throw a pile of dictionaries at us for using such an egregious portmanteau, you could learn a thing or two from DS Fanboy's tribute to the shoot-em-up kings at Treasure. From 1993's Gunstar Heroes (released last year as a Virtual Console title) to this year's Bangai-O Spirits, the piece covers all of the developers' projectile-favored games (sorry Dynamite Heddy fanatics). Click here and get edumucated.

  • VC Monday Madness: Break In and Star Parodier

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    With the Wii bursting at the seams with content this week, we've got two new Virtual Console games, imports, to check out. Up on the block is Break In and Star Parodier, both for the Turbografx16 (Star Parodier is a CD-ROM title, though). Hit up the video above to check out some footage and commentary, then head past the break for a little more.

  • Geometry Wars is 'not going to stop'

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Much like the endless assault of the franchise's squirrely squares, devious diamonds and annoying arrows, Geometry Wars is sure to keep gamers frantically twiddling their thumbsticks for some time to come. Speaking to MTV Multiplayer, geometric warlord Stephen Cakebread has assured fans that the creative team hasn't run out of ideas yet. "We have enough game ideas to do 'Geometry Wars' for probably about 10 games," said Cakebread. "It depends on what will work." Things that didn't work and ended up being removed from Geometry Wars 2: Gimmicky multiplayer modes, such as a a soccer/football-style game that had players shooting objects into gravity-well goals. Things that might work in the future: Developer Bizarre Creations isn't saying, as it might "use them in the future for god knows what." Things that work in today's industry: Good franchises! "Geometry Wars is definitely a franchise," noted Bizarre manager Craig Howard. "It's not going to stop." Well, not unless you release a bomb.

  • How to get Geometry Wars 2's 'Smile' achievement

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    The "Smile" achievement in Geometry Wars 2 seems to giving people a run for their 800 MS points. Rooster Teeth's new achievement site, Achievement Hunter, has produced a spiffy little walkthrough vid of how to painlessly get attempt to get the 25 gamer point reward. Nobody says it's going to be easy, but then the best rewards in life (that leave you feeling alone and used at the end of the day) never are. [Via X3F]

  • See what you're doing wrong with Geometry Wars' 3D camera

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    We're not sure if you've noticed, but there are an awful lot of things trying to kill you in Geometry Wars 2. With so many sinister shapes boxing you in and particles exploding from every angle, it can be difficult to see what the hell's going on, never mind a clear escape route. If you're tired of hearing that final bang and seeing your ranking in the friends leaderboard slip ever lower, might we suggest trying the game's hidden 3D camera? The fine folks at Giant Bomb (who, in turn, credit former Joystiq writer Jared Rea) have pointed us to this neat little Easter egg which pauses the game's frantic action and allows you to swoop through the battle grid ... and even to the stars beyond. To access it, press the right bumper together with the back button during any of the game's modes. The analog sticks control the movement and direction of the camera, while the left and right triggers enable vertical adjustment. Neat! If this still doesn't aid you in getting your blaster bearings, you'd best adopt our strategy for remaining atop the leaderboard: Delete your friends.

  • OFLC rates R-Type Dimensions for Xbox 360

    Jason Dobson
    Jason Dobson

    The Bydo Empire just won't stay dead, as Australia's Office of Film and Literature has rated a previously unknown title called R-Type Dimensions for the Xbox 360. Little is known about the game other than it is being authored by Lode Runner dev Tozai, leading us to believe that the title, be it a shooter, strategy game, or some kind of R-Type-themed cooking sim, will be released over XBLA.While R-Type Dimensions has yet to be rated by the ESRB, we doubt an official announcement is far behind. What we do wonder, however, is that if this does turn out to be a XBLA shooter, what the folks at Tozai know that Cave does not.[Via GamerBytes]

  • How to freeze and explore Geometry Wars 2 in 3D

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Courtesy of ModiusX11 from the official Geometry Wars 2 forums, we have a cool in-game Geometry Wars 2 trick for you to try the next time you play the game. At anytime during any of the six GeoWars2 single player modes, simply press the RB + Back buttons at the same time. What does it do? It insta-freezes the action and enables a really nifty (albeit hard to control) detached camera mode that allows you to roam around the Geometry Wars universe in 3D space. This little 3D freezing trick is actually a development tool that was used to help debug the game's graphics and was accidentally left in the final build. Doh! It's pretty useless in context of racking up a high score, but its screenshot and "WOW!" factor applications are nothing to scoff at.

  • XBLA in Brief: Geometry Wars 2

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Geometry Wars is back. There isn't a lot more to say about it really. If you liked the first Geometry Wars, you will love Geometry Wars 2. If you didn't play the first game but love action games, you will love Geometry Wars 2. It's a good game. Yes, there is no online play, but it's not a deal breaker at all. You'll still compete on the leaderboards with your friends anyway. Check out the video and find out what makes Geometry Wars 2 worth the money. [iTunes] Subscribe to X3F TV directly in iTunes. [Zune] Subscribe to the X3F TV directly (Zune Marketplace link coming soon). [RSS] Add the X3F TV feed to your RSS aggregator and have the show delivered automatically. [M4V] Download the M4V directly.

  • This Wednesday (today, we mean): Geometry Wars 2

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    Wow, how long have we waited to write that headline? 100 years? 150? Even now as the momentous day has arrived, it still puzzles us that we had to wait so long for the reigning king of dual-stick shooters to return to us. C'mon guys, you just bump all the sliders from 8 to 10, it's not rocket science. In case you've forgotten, your 800 point purchase is going to net you a "remixed" version of the first game and five new modes: Waves, Pacifism, King, Deadline and Sequence. Also: 4-player multiplayer locally. Now, seriously ... what are you still doing reading this? Gallery: Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2

  • Geometry Wars 2 retro evolves onto the XBLA

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Available for an 800 Microsoft point purchase (or free trial) off the Xbox Live Arcade is Bizarre Creations' true Geometry Wars sequel ever so rightly named Geometry Wars Retro Evolved 2. And even though this sequel costs twice as much as its predecessor, know that it's packed with much more content. Content like six game modes including Deadline, King, Evolved, Pacifism, Waves and Sequence as well as new enemies, new power-ups and up to four player local co-op all in native 1080p. It's nearly a complete GeoWars experience if not for the missing Xbox Live co-op support. Oh well, we'll have to do without. Enjoy and have fun attempting to unlock the game's rather difficult achievements. %Gallery-27593%

  • Video: A Geometry Wars 2 video explosion!

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Gather round the children, roommates, significant other(s) and your favorite stuffed animals, because there's a whole bunch of new Geometry Wars Retro Evolved 2 in-game videos to watch. Take in all the colorful destruction, the geometry explosions, the four player (local) co-op and the general excitement that is Geometry Wars. There's more video goodness after the break, so we advise making your eyes happy and watching each and every video in their entirety.

  • Geometry Wars 2 realigned for July 30, 800 points

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    What's the antonym for delay? Whatever the word, we're not used to using it around here. So when Bizarre Creations community lead Ben Ward let us know this morning that Geometry Wars 2 will be released on Xbox Live Arcade one week earlier than expected (next Wednesday!), we were at a loss for the word (of course, we could have settled along the lines of "bumped up," but opted instead for a geeky math-related term: realigned -- get it?). Ward also confirmed that the age of super-budget priced geometric space shooters is over, as we'll be paying 800 Microsoft Points ($10) this time (of course, the premium comes with a whole lot more game -- more on that in a minute). In addition, Ward revealed that the Geometry Wars 2 trial version is "basically" the full Deadline game mode, including multiplayer support (up to four players locally). We've posted Bizarre's descriptions of Deadline and the 5 additional game modes, preserved in their original British flavour, after the break. (But before you read on ... FUN FACT: Geometry Wars 2 is the first Bizarre game published by proud, sorta new parent company Activision.) %Gallery-27606%