sid meier


  • Sid Meier mentions possibility of a Civilization MMO

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    Be sure to take this one with a grain of salt, but Sid Meier is apparently very interested in making a Civilization MMO at some point in the future -- according to a recent interview. However, Sid basically goes on to say that he doesn't think that sort of game is his next project, as he's interested in doing some more single-player games (Alpha Centauri 2, please?) before tackling something else.We've got to admit it though, the concept of an MMO where you start your very own civilization and slowly expand it over time sounds intriguing to say the least. Aside from all sorts of design hurdles, there are some very exciting ideas in the concept. The easiest method of doing a massively Civilization game would be to take a few notes from Guild Wars in terms of subscription-style. That way, a player could work on their civilization for as long as they wanted, take a break for however long they felt like and then come back for expansions or just because they felt like it -- all monthly-payment free.[via MMORPGdot]

  • Sid Meier receiving Lifetime Achievement award at GDC

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    At this year's Game Developers Conference, Sid Meier will receive a lifetime achievement honor during the Game Developers Choice Awards -- he will then promptly be whacked with a shovel and buried in the Moscone Center basement. How awkward to give Meier a "one-foot-in-the-grave" award while he's still making games. Last year's winner was Shigeru Miyamoto who obviously still has steam left in him, and the year before that it was Richard Garriott -- actually, they kinda have a point on that one.Jamil Moledina, executive director of the Game Developers Conference, states Meier is receiving the award because he's been creating "fun and intelligent games for a diverse public long before it was popular." And despite the implication of a Lifetime Achievement Award we hope he still does it for at least another decade.

  • Former Auran producer defends staff, management

    Louis McLaughlin
    Louis McLaughlin

    The entire Auran staff may have been let go earlier this week, but former Producer David Gillespie has a post up on his personal blog that defends Auran's staff, and the decisions made by management. This is the "Game flopped and the entire team was laid off, but the staff were the best!" law -- a far too frequent occurrence in the gaming industry. This law works in opposites, too. Sid Meier eats babies.David Gillespie left Auran long before it went into administration, but he obviously had a lot of respect for everyone there. I didn't know Auran were the same developers responsible for 90's RTS classic Dark Reign, though. And there's an industry lesson to learn from this -- no matter how talented your team, how great your working environment, how successful your studio has been up till now -- if you make a commercial MMO that's a failure, you're in a whole world of trouble.Maybe now that Fury is free, I should download it just to see what it was really like-- but on second thoughts, I think I'll pass for now.[Via]

  • Cinemassively Specials: PotBS Machinima preview

    Moo Money
    Moo Money

    When I was growing up, Sid Meier's Pirates! was one of my favorite games. Released in 1987, you could choose your own destiny by being a dirty swashbuckler, or serving your King. Pirates of the Burning Sea brings me back to those simpler days, when the biggest dilemma was whether to use a rapier or a cutlass in battles of honor. Alas, I went for the Leisure Suit Larry style of MMO, otherwise known as Second Life. Oh, how things could have been if PotBS had come out sooner ...During a recent conversation with an SL friend, Bebop Vox, of Natural Selection Studios, he mentioned that he was in the closed-beta program. When asked about the Machinima capabilities, he admitted that they were a bit rough around the edges. However, when the NDA lifted today and he showed me this video, I wasn't expecting that kind of quality at all!As you can see from this short clip, you can sail the gorgeous seas and engage in gun fights with a rival crew. At the end of the day, you can relax with a brew in the local bar. I'm sure you can even meet a real lusty wench or two, although you could do that in SL as well. There's no doubt about it - PotBS is the action-packed MMO that we've been waiting for, and Massively has all the dirt you're looking for on it!

  • Sid Meier talks about consoles stepping up to strategy

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    When we got our first real look at Civilization Revolution at E3 -- the Civilization designed for consoles -- it was a strange sensation. You know you're looking at a Civilization game, just a very different type of Civilization game. Civ guru Sid Meier recently spoke with CVG about Revolution and says, "I think the console audience has evolved to where it's not just hand-eye action games that we're seeing, there's a much wider variety of game genres becoming interesting on the consoles." Meier makes sure to point out that Revolution isn't hurting Civilization 5, it's just a different path. The game is expected in the spring of '08. We're definitely looking forward to seeing more of Revolution -- what we've seen so far just shows it as being more playful than its PC counterpart. We have no idea how it'll control, so we're definitely looking forward to getting some hands-on time to see how easy it'll be to manage an empire without a keyboard and mouse. %Gallery-4355%

  • Joystiq impressions: Civilization: Beyond the Sword

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Firaxis flat out says that Civilization IV's expansion, Beyond the Sword, is so huge, that it's actually more like Civilization IV.V (4.5). Much of the information was already known. The regular game looks fine, they're adding more non-military options and corporations in the game have a similar effect as religion. They also introduce spys which act in a similar way to diplomats in the original Civilization.What they did show off which was interesting was the scenarios. Unlike the previous Civ expansion Warlords, Beyond the Sword has a whole outer space scenario with completely new graphics and a alien-style game called Afterworld. The expansion comes with many different scenarios that don't really change the game as much as they are completely different games just using the Civ engine as a springboard..The actual Civ IV game looks like it's going to get some fresh air by allowing players to start later in the game if they want to experience the new content which is designed to make the end of the game more exciting and not feel like you're just pushing through it. Let's face it, most people know whether they can win or lose by the time the B.C. to A.D. switch happens. Beyond the Sword is expected to give peaceful players (an ironic) fighting chance to win the game. The game will release July 23 and it just looks like anybody still playing Civ IV might find the game worth getting, especially if it cleans up the end of the game.

  • Video: Civilization Revolution debut trailer

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Announced just this morning, the first trailer for Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution has appeared online. The trailer relies solely on cinematics, so don't get your hopes up for any gameplay. Still, we do get a peek at some of the various groups and technologies you'll be controlling. More or less, think of this as a video version of the press release. It is there merely to whet the appetites of strategy-hungry gamers everywhere. Mission accomplished fellas. Now let's see some gameplay.%Gallery-4369%

  • Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution coming to PSP

    Peter vrabel
    Peter vrabel

    Not to be left out of the Civ lovin', the PSP is getting a Civ fix in the form of the brand new rendition, Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution. The official press release is a bit loose on exactly which handhelds will be getting this title, saying only that Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution will be coming to "next gen consoles and handhelds." We think we can safely assume a Nintendo DS version will be dropping in tune with the Sony PSP's release but hey, why get the Nintendo version? (wink, wink). The game is said to have "extensive multiplayer capabilities" with "integrated video and voice chat." Voice chat on the PSP? Maybe not, but at least having "extensive multiplayer capabilities" and "downloadable content" should prove a worthwhile venture on the PSP, especially for Civ gamers on the go. 16 civilizations are making the grade here, with Sid Meier himself in the hotseat as lead designer. Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution is set for a Spring 2008 release, so we imagine it won't be much longer before we can share some screen shots. Stay tuned.[Via Joystiq]

  • Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution is coming to PS3 [Update]

    Peter vrabel
    Peter vrabel

    2K Games, courtesy of Take-Two Interactive, dropped a Civ bomb today, announcing their publishing deal for Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution for both PS3 and Xbox 360. As of yet, no announced plans for a PC release. That's because consoles rule and PC's drool. (/Humor) In all seriousness, this endeavor should pose quite a challenge, as the console audience is vastly different in control and appeal (especially considering the plethora of trigger-happy preteens from FPS overload). This marks the first time Sid Meier actually has a hand in producing a Civilization console release, which we hope will bear significance on its quality and polish. Sixteen civilizations will be available for player control with real-time interaction with leaders and advisors, packed with "extensive multiplayer capabilities" featuring "integrated video and voice chat." No screenshots as of yet, but that should change as the sands of time bear down on us. According to Sid Meier, "Civilization Revolution is the game I've always wanted to make! We are excited to take advantage of the power of next generation consoles and the ingenuity of handhelds, to create a great and unique strategy game for newcomers to the series, as well as the millions of fans around the world who enjoy Civilization on the PC." We guess he wasn't kidding when he professed his love for Sony. Welcome to the party, Sid. Glad you came aboard.[Via Joystiq][Update: Added the newly-released trailer, embedded for your enjoyment.]

  • Sid Meier loves his PS3 so much he's going to develop for it

    Colin Torretta
    Colin Torretta

    The PlayStation 3 has been garnering some surprising defenders these days, and we can now add another developer the list. In an interview posted on, legendary game designer Sid Meier exposed at length about his love for the PlayStation 3 and the PlayStation brand in general. According to the article, Meier owns a PlayStation 2, a PSP, and a PlayStation 3 and actively uses them all (with Resistance being one of his recent favorite titles). Most interestingly though is that he feels that with the arrival of the PlayStation 3, it's time for him and Firaxis (his development group) to move into console gaming. While Meier has dabbled in console gaming before, most famously with Pirates! and it's recent sequel, this appears to be a major paradigm shift for him. He explains his reasoning behind the shift a little more in-depth:"Computers no longer have the edge on set-top systems. The technology is there; the audience is ready for deeper and more gripping experiences; and the bar's formally been raised in terms of enthusiasts' expectations. I hate to use the word convergence, but I don't know how else to describe the situation... The timing couldn't be more perfect."Now, before people take to the streets and start screaming about how Civilization couldn't work with a controller, keep in mind that he has not specified at all what his next-gen projects are. Also keep in mind that the PlayStation 3 supports bluetooth keyboards/mice as well as the obvious USB support. So if Civilization did come out for the PS3, there's no reason to automatically assume he would 'dumb it down' for consoles. Still, it's much more likely that we'll see entirely new games released, though you can pretty much be guaranteed sure they'll carry at least a shred of the classic tactical style gameplay he's known for.

  • Sid Meier keeping eye on Civilization for consoles

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    In a recent interview with Gamespot, Sid Meier, the man who built an empire with Civilization, says a version of the strategy masterpiece may finally make its way onto consoles. While promoting Civilization Chronicles on Gamespot, a compilation set of Civilization games I - IV, Meier responds to EA's successful porting of classic PC genres like RTS' to consoles by saying, "Yes. I think the latest consoles have the processing power to deliver fun experiences with the bigger strategy games. It's definitely something we've been keeping our eyes on and we'll let you know where we'll go from here."PC Civilization addicts can still seek treatment, but for those who think quitting is for losers, Meier says they'll keep making more Civ as long as the fans want it, he also says they are looking into digital distribution for Civ IV campaigns and other "ideas." No announcement of a Civilization V. Love the Civilization, now let's talk about that sequel to Alpha Centauri ...

  • Download Railroad Tycoon for free

    Zack Stern
    Zack Stern

    var digg_url = ''; 2K Games recently posted the original Railroad Tycoon as a free download, as part of a promotion for Sid Meier's Railroads! We had problems with the original link, so we didn't mention it right away. 2K has just helped us get the download working, and we're passing the savings to you.The game's Flash site -- boo -- with auto-loading sound -- boo -- doesn't have an easy, direct link to the game; find in the center of the page. Users with puny 1,024x768 displays, like us, will have to scroll down.This 15MB PC classic includes the manual and documentation in case you get stuck. Play a little bit of gaming history and see how far we've progressed -- and stayed the same.

  • Shelley on the history of Civilization

    Alan Rose
    Alan Rose

    Ensemble Studios' Bruce Campbell Shelley has been a force in strategy gaming for over 20 years (PC Gamer proclaimed him a "Game God" in 1999). Anyone who's ever played Civilization I and II, the original Railroad Tycoon, or the Age of Empires and Age of Mythology titles should be familiar with his work. What you may be less familiar with is the iterative design process he and former MicroProse colleague Sid Meier used to craft the very first Civilization game. In a recent interview, Shelley offered a little history lesson on the "design by playing" methodology -- a process he and his design teams still use at Ensemble today. The strategy pioneer fondly recalls being the second person ever to play the first Civilization prototype on a 5 ¼" floppy disc, and also describes how working with Sid Meier is like going to a game design university. In discussing the influence of Civilization on AoE, Shelley had this to say: "There is certainly some Civilization in the Age of Empires series. The vision for the original Age of Empires game was something like the historical and economic aspects of Civilization merged with the gameplay of Warcraft and Command & Conquer."See also: Metareview - Age of Empires III vs. Civilization IV

  • 2K Games publishing Civilization compilation, Jade Empire PC

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    For those discerning gamers who prefer to employ their hands in sculpting lives and constructing sprawling empires, 2K Games have announced the forthcoming release of a completely compelling compilation of Civilization games. Though the chosen title, Sid Meier's Civilization Chronicles, may lead you to believe that the package comprises a stack of yellow paper hastily scribbled upon by the esteemed Mr. Meier and thoroughly detailing his development trials, tribulations and battles with encroaching madness ... it actually just contains all the games in the series. Those would be: Sid Meier's Civilization I Sid Meier's Civilization II Civilization II: Fantastic Worlds Civilization II: Conflicts in Civilization Civilization II: Test of Time Sid Meier's Civilization III Sid Meier's Civilization III: Play the World Sid Meier's Civilization III: Conquests Sid Meier's Civilization IV Sid and Nancy's Civilization 2K6: Stoned Age (unconfirmed) In addition, the undoubtedly heavy box will house a Civilization tabletop card game with over 250 custom cards, a 96-page book detailing the history of the series, a making-of DVD, tech-tree posters, podcast MP3s, wallpaper images and, err, more (it says here). Grab it from a shelf this October and, should you choose to pay for it, hand the inept cashier $69.99. 2K Games also revealed that they will be publishing the PC (that's personal computer, in this case) version of Bioware's martial arts RPG, Jade Empire. Picking it up in lieu of the April 2005 Xbox version will net you enhanced graphics and AI, new fighting styles, more monsters, an art booklet and an unusual desire to dispense flying kicks. Get it this January and struggle to find out why Sid Meier's Jade Empire isn't a real game. Read -- Sid Meier's Civilization Chronicles press release Read -- Jade Empire PC press release

  • Metareview - CivCity: Rome

    Alan Rose
    Alan Rose

    What do you get when you combine the Roman Empire building of Caesar, the city planning of SimCity, and the wonders and tech trees of the ever popular Civilization? It would probably look something like CivCity: Rome, developed by Firefly Studios (Stronghold, Space Colony), where your task is to create and manage the economy of ancient Rome, collect taxes, and keep your citizens happy. The critics have been all over the map so far, but there is an alternative right around the corner for aspiring urban planners. VU Games plans to release the long-awaited Caesar IV in September, which should provide a basis for comparison -- and give Firefly some time to patch the buggy CivCity. IGN (82/100) appreciates the attention to detail: "CivCity: Rome is definitely full of Roman flavor. Not only are the structures and commodities designed to heighten your appreciation and understanding of Roman life, but even your citizens will give you insight into topics as diverse as makeup and warfare. If you crave more information, the Civilopedia and the manual offer some interesting commentaries on the buildings and activities of a Roman's daily life." GameSpot (66/100) has issues with CivCity's look and feel: "For starters, the game is ugly. Although it is nifty how roofs peel back to show you citizens going about their daily lives, and how clicking on homes and businesses create arrows connecting them to their wandering citizens, the jagged visuals are three years out of date." 1UP (50/100) isn't bullish on the game's combat system: "Once you've struggled with troop facing, watched them surround and ignore an invader, and shrieked as enemies walk right through closed city gates, you'll convert entirely to the boring (but less troublesome) map-level warfare. You can also opt to entirely skip this disappointing tradeoff by sticking to the peaceful game, though at a cost of about one-third of the game's content."

  • Civ IV Warlords preview vids

    Alan Rose
    Alan Rose

    The Warlords expansion pack for Civilization IV hits store shelves this week, and Civilization resource site Apolyton has uploaded some exclusive preview videos from their ApolyCon '06 conference. Firaxis designer Jon Schafer gives attendees a walkthrough of the new features in three downloadable segments.You can also view the E3 trailer and some gameplay vids at GameSpot.See also: New Civ IV patch won't melt your Mac CivCity: Rome updated screens, interview 2K's Firaxis trifecta for 2006

  • Civilization gets kudos for educational value

    Alan Rose
    Alan Rose

    Planet Civilization has posted an article highlighting the educational value of Sid Meier's popular strategy series. The games are noted for their geography-honing skills and interactive decision making tasks that provide kids with levels of engagement and direct feedback not found in textbooks. In response to similar write-ups of the Civ series, developer Firaxis has launched Teacher Features, an online resource inviting educators to share their experiences with video game-based curricula.A certain shareholder of publisher Take-Two Interactive might be interested in knowing that the company he's invested in isn't all blood and guns.

  • Sid Meier, Soren Johnson on state of games

    Alan Rose
    Alan Rose

    GameSpy spoke with industry luminary Sid Meier and Civilization IV co-designer Soren Johnson at DICE last month. The Firaxis dynamic duo weighed in on everything from the state of PC gaming to World of Warcraft to escalating game budgets. Here are some quick takes: Meier: "I think there are a lot of opportunities for the PC to make a comeback. It has some inherent strengths. Connectivity, certainly. Massively multiplayer games. Email! The things that a PC does well, what snuck it into the home in the first place, is still there." Johnson: "I think the thing is, if you're going to make a multiplayer game, the days of trying to 'shoehorn' in multiplayer are over. As an aside, I think we're almost reaching a point where single-player games are getting under-served. One reason I really enjoy World of Warcraft is that there's so few good single-player RPGs for the PC right now."

  • Sid Meier sits down with the Europeans

    Ben Zackheim
    Ben Zackheim

    Sid Meier, the ultimate in Game Gods, the peak of game design gurus, the upper crust of digital cake, etc. sits down with Eurogamer to give his two Euros on Pirates! The newly released game is getting the kudos it deserves. Anytime you follow up on one of the most beloved titles of all time, you have to be a little nervous. But now is his time to relax, and work on the Xbox version of the game, and, of course, Civilization IV. The interview is short, but we should be grateful for every word we get from this man of mans, this gamer of legends, etc.