

  • T-Mobile Sidekick 3 gets official

    Peter Rojas
    Peter Rojas

    No shocker here: T-Mobile and Danger are officially unveiling the new Sidekick 3 today. (Note that it's not called the "Sidekick III". T-Mob has requested that it only be written as "Sidekick 3".) The specs are no surprise, either, since they've been rumbling around for weeks now, but we'll run down the official details for ya: Size: 130 x 59 x 21.8mm Weight: 6.7 ounces 240 x 160 pixel, 65,000 color display Trackball (!) Tri-band GSM/GPRS/EDGE Bluetooth 1.2 (limited to Hands-Free profile and vCard exchange) 1.3 megapixel digital camera w/LED flash miniSD memory card slot (supports up to 2GB cards) 64MB of SDRAM/64MB Flash memory Music player software Word has it that T-Mobile will be opening up pre-orders to current Sidekick owners first, with the rest of us getting a crack at it sometime around July 10th.Stay tuned for a slew of hands-on pics.

  • Swiped Sidekick's new owner pays the price

    Ryan Block
    Ryan Block

    Now where have we heard this story before? Person gets cellphone that doesn't belong to them, starts snapping pics of themselves all around town without knowing that said photos are being uploaded to the internet, and is then surreptitiously monitored and eventually made a spectacle of by the phone's previous owner? Well, guess what, little girl -- that Sidekick II you so want so desperately just landed your face on Engadget Mobile. Sweet, sweet justice -- as if she reads this site anyway. Well, maybe she does, because her and her family are now severely busted as this story climbs all up and over the internets.P.S. You really should head over to the stolen Sidekick site. The former owner's been corresponding with this girl's brother, and the results are, well, priceless.P.P.S. -Anyone else wondering if she feels like she's having a Paris Hilton moment?[Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • FCC spills the remaining beans on the Sidekick III

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    We like to think we've had you pretty well covered on every aspect of the Sidekick III's imminent release, but if you just can't get enough, our loose-lipped buddies at the FCC are on the case. Not only is the user guide posted, but they've snapped the device from every angle imaginable for our viewing pleasure. If these guys aren't careful, they're going to start rivaling the 700p for the title of Worst Kept Secret. From the draft manual, we can confirm the big new hardware features, Bluetooth and MiniSD expansion, but we're having a hard time making heads or tails of the unified instant messaging we've mentioned before -- no IM services are called out by name in the book. We have the Sidekick III striking some poses for you after the break.[Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • More live shots of the Sidekick III

    Ryan Block
    Ryan Block

    Yet more live photos of the Sidekick III. Yep, we know it's out there, we know it's ready, we know when it's being launched, T-Mobile just has to get the damned thing out the door already. Until then we're just gonna keep on publishing pics because oh, how we lust after those things we can't have. By the way, Nice music player, Danger.

  • Sidekick III gives us a peep show

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    Hiptop news is all the rage today, it seems. Not satisfied merely showing off her shapely exterior, Sidekick III may be bringing us her first screen capture, as well. (Scrawled handwriting not included. We hope.) The UI appears to be refined while still retaining that youthful Danger charm, and if this screen cap is real, the unified messenging is definitely a welcome a bonus. But let's be honest -- the real story here is Bluetooth and expandable memory, right? We grafted the screen cap onto the Sidekick III's body for your viewing pleasure above -- see the original after the break.

  • Sidekick III shows up on the FCC

    Ryan Block
    Ryan Block

    As soon as a Sharp-made handset shows up on the FCC with a whole bunch of confidentiality-request paperwork affixed, you know it's gonna be good. Sidekick fans, feast your eyes on the real deal up in the grill (yep, all those pics were legit), and the um, naked, battery-less tail end of the Sidekick III (model PV200). Can't be long now, can it? And yes, this confirms pretty much much of the info we'd already heard about the forthcoming device: 1.3 megapixel camera, expandable memory (miniSD), and Bluetooth.

  • The Sidekick III "reviewed"

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    So, it might seem a bit ridiculous for someone to write up a review of a product that is not only so far unannounced and unavailable, but that he hasn't even managed to personally photograph. But that's not stopping BSD of the Sidekick 3 blog, who has managed to eke out a review. Obviously we can't verify his claims, but he seems to have a few sources to help him out with info, along with the fact that most of his details seem pretty common sensical and/or confirmed by the pics we've seen so far. He says the unit has a 1.3 megapixel camera with flash, Bluetooth, a SD card slot, built-in MP3, and support for multiple IM protocols. The form factor is a sort of mix between the original Sidekick and the Sidekick II, and is notably bulky for a modern phone. There's a new cursor nubbin, which works well but feels a little flaky, along with an updated keyboard. Sadly, the screen is the same size and resolution as always, which is starting to thoroughly date the device. Luckily the SD slot makes music playback and PC file interchange easy, and the Bluetooth not only works well, but seems to provide some sort of PC functionality, which is always nice. Sounds like the device is mostly the same as far software goes, but it does seem the interface has been spruced a bit, and the AIM, Yahoo and MSN IM support are a big plus. We'll try and reserve judgement until we manage to get a Sidekick III in hand, but if this review is for real we can't have too terribly long to wait.