

  • Nintendo confident core will be satisfied in 2009

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Well, we would think, given that there are a bunch of really unique and fun-looking games coming down the pipe next year. MadWorld, Sin & Punishment 2, The Conduit, and Punch-Out!! are just a few of the games that the core are likely excited for. "I think that next year you're going to see the tide turn a little bit, in terms of people realizing that the Wii can have something of interest for everybody," said Cammie Dunaway in a MTV Multiplayer interview. "So, yeah, I think next year is going to be a pretty good year in terms of the breadth of offerings that are going to be out there for a bunch of folks."The full interview with Cammie hasn't been published yet, but we'll let you know when it does. Frankly, we're interested in hearing more from her on these games, because, well, we're as excited for them as you are![Via CVG]

  • Wii Warm Up: Your favorite reveal

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    There was a ton of stuff to come from Nintendo's big news day last week. What we're wondering is what your favorite item was? Were you stoked about a certain game more than any others? Are you thrilled to hear about Club Nintendo coming to the States? Was the Nintendo DSi your favorite thing from the show? Nintendo's storage solution? What was your favorite thing to come out of Nintendo's fall media summit?

  • Knockout Sin and Punishment 2, Punch-Out!! screens and video

    Randy Nelson
    Randy Nelson

    Since the games were announced last week, all we've had to go on for Nintendo's unexpected, one-two "core" game punch of Sin and Punishment 2 and the new Punch-Out!! for Wii has been second-hand media. Now that the embargo on our Nintendo Fall Media Summit coverage has (finally) lifted, we can offer up these official, pristine screens and gameplay footage.We've already covered the basics on both games – now it's your chance to sit back, crank up the volume, and get every bit as excited as we were when Nintendo rolled these teasers and passed out anything-but-blurry screens. Of course, there are no firm release dates yet for either game, but they're coming, and that's exciting enough ... for the time being. (Click through after the break for silky-smooth Sin and Punishment 2 footage.)%Gallery-33783%%Gallery-33784%

  • Wii Warm Up: Punish-Out!!

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Tough question today, people: Sin & Punishment 2 vs. Punch-Out!! (it just seems appropriate). Ready? FIGHT.

  • Highlights from Nintendo's big news day

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    The last 24 hours have been pretty amazing. We've gotten a dream sequel, a new Punch-Out!! and a new handheld to geek out to. There was a lot of news coming out of Nintendo's Japanese and American fall press conferences. As a recap, find all of the news from the show below, in case you missed something.Highlights from the American show Cave Story coming to WiiWare this year Sin & Punishment 2 coming to US in 2009 Punch-Out!! coming in first half of 2009 Nintendo dates Pikmin port, names other Play on Wii titles North America gets Club Nintendo Nintendo sneaks Wii Speak Channel announcement out Rhythm Heaven, Mario & Luigi 3 vaguely dated for US Fire Emblem dated for US, fantastic Wi-Fi mode detailed Nintendo DSi not to reach North America until 'well into 2009' Brain Age getting retooled for DSi launch Highlights from the Japanese show Nintendo encourages friends to help each other get Wiis online Nintendo conference reveals one billion new games Sin & Punishment 2 and other third-party gems confirmed Pikmin leads off Wii collection of GameCube masterpieces Nintendo unveils new Punch-Out!! for Wii Nintendo's storage solution: Load items direct from the SD slot Wii Points officially being renamed to Nintendo Points Let's tap into the site for Yuji Naka's latest New DS games make their Stage Debut Nintendo unveils pedometer for upcoming DS fitness title Nintendo announces Nintendo DSi And don't forget to check out all of the new screens from these DS games and Wii games! Gallery: Nintendo DSi

  • Six of our favorite Media Summit videos

    Chris Greenhough
    Chris Greenhough

    You've already had the chance to examine scores of wonderful screens from new Wii games announced at the Nintendo Media Summit. This new post is dedicated to displaying thousands of more screens (squashed together to create videos) of some of the bigger titles that have been shown at the event.We settled on placing Nintendo's official Punch-Out!! trailer at the top of this post, but could have easily led with some truly fantastic Sin & Punishment 2 footage, an impressive tech demo of The Conduit, or Yuji Naka's wacky-looking Let's Tap. Instead, all of those (and more) are past the break, and need to be viewed right now. Before you go, though, one final note: if any game released this year has a funkier soundtrack than Let's Tap, we'll be gobsmacked.

  • Sin & Punishment 2 coming to US in 2009

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Okay, now we're excited. Cammie Dunaway just announced another new release for 2009: Treasure's Sin & Punishment 2. We suppose that the Virtual Console release of the first Sin & Punishment actually went well enough for Nintendo of America to consider publishing a second one as a retail game. We admit to being slightly worried, since the first game was originally planned by Treasure to be released stateside as well. This time is different, because they've got Nintendo of America's stated support, but we tend to be quite touchy about our Treasure games. It's a L'eggo my Eggo kind of impulse.%Gallery-33389%

  • Nintendo conference video reveals one billion new games

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Well, it's a bit late for accurate estimation. Let's just say a lot of new games. And rather than write a separate post about each new game seen for the first time in this Nintendo media conference video, we'll just list out every new game we see in the order we see them, with a bit of description in case you can't figure out which is which. We'll also point out known games for which we're seeing the first video. Okay? Let's Tap, developed by Prope, published by Sega. The sidescrolling platformer/fireworks ... thing. Karaoke Joysound, developed and published by Hudson. We knew about the game, but this video was the first look. It's the one with the rabbity avatar. Klonoa: Door to Phantomile. We saw scans of this remake this morning, and now there's the first video. Taiko no Tatsujin Wii. It's the one that looks like a Taiko game! Coming December 11! And many Nintendo-published games for 2009!

  • Sin & Punishment 2 and other third-party gems confirmed [update]

    Chris Greenhough
    Chris Greenhough

    Update: Screen grab from Nintendo's media page, which has video of all these new games! Check it out right here.Nintendo just unleashed a demo reel of upcoming third-party Wii games, including Taiko no Tatsujin Wii, a new Tsumi to Batsu/Sin & Punishment game from Treasure, a Wii version ofAnother Code (otherwise known as Trace Memory, the DS adventure game), Let's Tap (Yuji Naka's latest project, a.k.a. the game that even penguins can play), Sengoku Musou 3 (Samurai Warriors 3) and a new "mothership" title in the Tales Of series.Will the internet regard this as the press conference that E3 should have been? We suspect so!

  • Sin & Punishment 2 coming to Wii

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Although its only release in America came as a Virtual Console title on the Wii, Sin & Punishment (N64 version pictured above) has a pretty hardcore following here in the States. Nintendo has announced a follow-up to the Treasure-developed rail shooter. No details are available yet, but those who have played the original Tsumi to Batsu will know that the game is a perfect fit for Nintendo's current home console. Check out videos right here.[Update: Added screenshot of the new game.]