

  • ZigBee IP spec goes public, offers open IPv6 mesh networking

    While ZigBee hasn't become as ubiquitous in wireless as the likes of Bluetooth or WiFi, it has carved out niches in home automation and low-power gear. The format is about to expand its world a little further now that a more network-savvy spec, ZigBee IP, is officially available for everyone. The upgrade adds IPv6 and tougher security to the open mesh networking formula, letting it more easily join an internet of things where there's potentially billions of connected devices. The ZigBee Alliance isn't naming customers at this stage, although it's quick to note that ZigBee IP was built for smart grid use: don't be surprised if you first see it behind the scenes, keeping energy use in check.

    Jon Fingas
  • Harman preps in-car infotainment with Android, shows concept with gestures and HUD

    Harman often works behind the scenes to supply the infotainment systems for the cars we know. This year, it's hoping to catch more of the limelight by putting mobile front and center. Its high-end car system for 2013 runs a unique virtualized platform that keeps vital car functions running on QNX, with an Android-based interface on top: drivers will have access to Android's usual app suite as well as an automaker-run app store. While exacting details aren't available, Harman does promise integration with mobile devices (including Apple's Siri and Google Voice Search) as well as an interface that expands the touch target when fingers get close. If that's not sufficiently future-forward, the company also has a potentially distraction-free infotainment concept waiting in the wings. While the prototype isn't quite groundbreaking in carrying a heads-up display with augmented reality information, it builds in a pair of gesture control sensors as well; drivers won't have to take their eyes off the road, or their hands off the wheel, just to decline a call. Harman is likewise promising LTE data and a possible smart grid tie-in that shows messages only when the car is stopped at a red light. Any adoption of the infotainment updates will depend on car manufacturers lining up at an unspecified point in the future, but those who can't wait can learn more (including word of a third, basic system) after the break.

    Jon Fingas
  • Chevy Volt EcoHub app tells drivers how little they pay to charge, goads them into staying green (video)

    GM's OnStar team would really like us to stay on the electric side of the Chevy Volt's powertrain as much as possible. That's the selling point, after all. Rather than simply preach green driving and hope for the best, the division is testing a new EcoHub app that reminds Volt drivers just how miserly their plug-in hybrids can be. Qualifying owners who opt in or subscribe to OnStar have the Volt's energy usage costs compared to their home's total electricity bill, showing how much cheaper it can be to avoid the gas pump. There's more if money isn't enough of a motivator -- the app also builds in a counter that estimates how much gas Volt drivers are saving nationwide. The eco-friendly ego boost is currently limited to Android users participating in Pecan Street's smart grid project in Austin, but long-term plans have the app reaching iOS and all Volt fans eager to justify their ride.

    Jon Fingas
  • ARM forms UK group to foster an Internet of Things, put 50 billion devices online by 2020

    ARM isn't content with dominating the mobile space. It's been by the far the most vocal about an Internet of Things where everything is connected -- and to make that happen, it just established an industry forum in the UK that it hopes will establish common ground for all those internet-linked light bulbs, refrigerators and thermostats. Home energy firm Alertme, cloud-aware sensing outfit AquaMW, lighting maker EnLight and white space wireless guru Neul will start meeting with ARM from August 24th onwards to hash out our automated, eco-friendly future. There's a certain urgency in this for the chip designer: it expects 50 billion devices on the grid by 2020. With IDC estimating a billion new connected devices just in 2011, the clock on that connected device transition is ticking very loudly.

    Jon Fingas
  • The Engadget interview: OnStar's Nick Pudar talks smart grids at CTIA 2012 (video)

    While visiting the Innovation Showcase at CTIA 2012, we ran into Nick Pudar -- OnStar's VP of Business Development -- who was kind enough to give us a few minutes of his time. We sat in the LTE Skype-enabled Chevy Volt on display and discussed such topics as OnStar FMV, RelayRides and smart grids -- wherein power utilities can (with the customer's consent) send a signal to a vehicle to control when it charges. The idea is to allows utilities to maximize grid efficiency and minimize power spikes while giving customers options for when to charge the vehicle -- like when the rates are the lowest or when the power generated is coming from renewable energy, for example. Pretty neat stuff, eh? Watch our video interview for all the (pardon the pun) juicy details.

    Myriam Joire
  • Broadcom's got a WICED game it plays, to make smart devices feel this way

    Broadcom wants you to fall in love with its BCM 4319 WICED (Wireless Internet Connectivity for Embedded Devices) platform -- a weeny 802.11 a/b/g /n WiFI module that can be added to any device that uses a microcontroller. Jimmy one into your fridge, digital camera or aircon and it'll find its own way to the cloud. With instant networking for kit like this, doctors could monitor patients vital signs, your holiday snaps could find their own way online and, most importantly of all, you can make sure the kids aren't fiddling with the darn thermostat again.

    Daniel Cooper
  • HomePlug Alliance keeps plugging away at powerline communications

    Try as it might, the HomePlug Alliance just can't seem to get its foot in the proverbial door of consumers' homes. Now the organization is eying a different target market -- utilities. Its new Netricity Powerline Communications program aims to get utility companies and makers of smart meters to adopt the 1901.2 standard for sending data through existing electrical wiring and march us into the smart grid future. The low-frequency, narrow-band PLC won't do anything to help you stream HD video around your home, but it should be more than enough for monitoring your energy consumption. Check out the PR after the break for a few more details.

  • Honeywell and Opower team up for cloud-connected smart thermostat

    Normally we wouldn't get too excited about a thermostat, even a so-called smart one. But, unlike what normally passes for a "smart" home heating solution, Honeywell's upcoming touchscreen devices are going to be paired with some real brains courtesy of Opower. Details of the partnership are still a little thin, but we do know that customers will be able to program and monitor energy usage, not just from the thermostat itself but, via internet connected devices like smartphones. Opower will even provide suggestions for trimming energy bills. The first trials are expected to begin in the next few months through utility companies, but Honeywell eventually expects to offer the devices through broader retail channels. Check out the full PR after the break.

  • Nissan's 'Leaf to Home' system sends power back to your house or the grid

    The Nissan Leaf may look like a car, but it turns out it will soon also be an emergency power generator on wheels. The automaker just took the wraps off its new "Leaf to Home" system in Japan this week, which promises to let you send power stored in the car back to your house in the case of an outage, or even back to the grid (letting you charge the car during off-peak hours and profiting when demand is high, for instance). Of course, that also requires more than your basic charging station (this one ties directly into your home's electricity distribution panel), and it's not quite ready for consumer use just yet -- Nissan expects it to be available in Japan by April of next year.

    Donald Melanson
  • BMW, Porsche, others announce support for HomePlug's EV networking spec

    The HomePlug Powerline Alliance already wants to tether your entire household to the Internet, and it may soon extend its reach to your garage, as well. At Computex today, the company announced that Audi, BMW, Daimler, Porsche and Volkswagen have all agreed to support its HomePlug Green PHY (GP) technology as their EV charging interface of choice. The networking specification would allow electric car owners to link their plug-ins to the Smart Grid via the same ports used to charge their batteries, opening up new, Powerline-based possibilities. Once your EV hooks up to the network, it may be able to conduct system checks in real-time, for instance, or provide instant feedback on performance or the condition of your battery. The low power GP spec will also be interoperable with HomePlug's forthcoming AV2 spec, though it's still not clear when we can expect to see Germany's automakers incorporate it into production. Zip past the break for the full PR.

    Amar Toor
  • Microsoft and Toyota to partner on smarter charging systems for EVs (update: yes)

    Today at 3:00pm EST Microsoft and Toyota are holding a little webcast and, while they're staying mum on just what the topic of discussion will be, we're hearing they've been having some heart-to-hearts about making dumb power grids a little smarter. The details naturally are yet to be unveiled, but we're presuming it'll be similar to what Microsoft and Ford have worked on for the Focus Electric, technology that enables the car to know when rates are cheapest and only charge up then, also providing detailed data on the car's power consumption. The Tesla-powered RAV4 EV will be Toyota's first pure electric vehicle, and while it surely won't be as invigorating to drive as the similarly Tesla-powered Roadster, thanks to Microsoft maybe it'll be a little smarter. It'll certainly be cheaper. Update: Sure enough. Toyota and Microsoft have announced a ¥1 billion (about $12 million) deal to extend Microsoft's telematics wizardry (which powers Toyota's Entune system, among many others) to help "link people, automobiles and homes for integrated control of energy consumption." Interestingly it's all going to be built on Azure, Microsoft's cloud operating system that, apparently, works in cars as well. That and lots more PR speak after the break.

    Tim Stevens
  • HomePlug Powerline Alliance and Wi-Fi Alliance align, hope for wireless home nirvana

    Ah, now we're talking. Over the years, HomePlug and wireless HD / HDMI haven't exactly "taken off." Routing internet signals over a home's power network has been hampered by subpar transmission rates, and using wireless in the home for anything other than basic web duties has shown to be either too costly or too much hassle. Now, however, the HomePlug Powerline Alliance and the Wi-Fi Alliance have seen the light, and they're joining hands in order to jointly push their technologies to homeowners. Focused primarily on " facilitating interoperability of smart grid applications," these organizations are fixing to enable SEP 2.0 applications to operate across a diverse mix of wireless and wired networks, and hopefully they'll reach out to product manufacturers while they're at it. Here's hoping they'll be able to nail it -- the demand is certainly there, but the execution thus far has been downright depressing.

    Darren Murph
  • NC State patents multifunctional smart sensors, looks to 'revolutionize energy and communications infrastructure'

    Bold words coming from a program that choked in epic fashion this past Saturday in front of 58,000+, don't you think? Thankfully for those who are actually involved in the global energy and communications infrastructure (not to mention depressed alumni), NC State's athletics department is far removed from its research labs, and the university's latest development was born and bred in the latter. A team of researchers have managed to patent a new technology that is expected to enable the development of "high-power, high-voltage and high-current devices that are critical for the development of energy distribution devices, such as smart grid technology and high-frequency military communications." The secret? Integrating gallium nitride (GaN) sensors and devices directly into silicon-based computer chips, a feat that hasn't been accomplished by any team prior. According to Dr. Jay Narayan, this newfangled integration has "enabled the creation of multifunctional smart sensors, high-electron mobility transistors, high-power devices, and high-voltage switches for smart grids," and it also makes a broader range of radio frequencies available -- something that'll obviously be beneficial in the advancement of communications. Best of all, a US-based corporation is already in the process of licensing the technology, so it's likely that we'll see this in use in the not-too-distant future. An ACC championship, however, remains far more elusive.

    Darren Murph
  • Cisco sinks funding into WiMAX-supporting Grid Net, looks to ride the 'smart energy' wave

    Here's an interesting one. Just days after Cisco admitted that it was killing its own internal development of WiMAX kit, the networking mainstay has sunk an undisclosed amount of cheddar into a company that holds WiMAX in the highest regard: Grid Net. Said outfit has close ties to GE, Intel, Motorola and Clearwire, all of which have also voiced support (and invested real dollars) for the next-generation wireless protocol in years past. Last we heard, Cisco was doing its best to remain "radio-agnostic," and while some may view this as flip-flopping, we view it as brilliant; it's costly to develop internally, but buying stake in a company that's already well versed in a given technology allows Cisco to keep WiMAX at arm's reach without incurring the risk associated with building within. Beyond all that, we think that Cisco's just trying to get in early on the energy management biz, particularly after the US government announced that it would be funding the distribution of loads of in-home energy monitors in the coming years. According to Grid Net, it intends to "use the proceeds from this investment to promote its real-time, all-IP, secure, reliable, extensible, end-to-end Smart Grid network infrastructure solutions," though specifics beyond that were few and far between. Verizon mentioned that it would soon be using its LTE network for all sorts of unorthodox things -- we suppose WiMAX backers are planning to allow the same.

    Darren Murph
  • Home automation shocker: Bulogic bridges Z-Wave to Zigbee smart power meters

    Z-Wave. Zigbee. If you're a home automation nerd, these words mean something to you. You are an extreme form of pure nerd, and we envy your ability to invest in things like replacement light switches while the rest of us scrimp and save because now we have to watch TV in an extra dimension we never asked for. Anyway, that Z-Wave network you might have? Well, the Bulogics Smart Grid Controller bridges a Zigbee power meter into it using a new Sigma Designs chip, so you can track all your power usage easily and do something called "end-to-end load shedding," which either helps you save power or requires a painful medical procedure. You're welcome.

    Nilay Patel
  • GE's Smart Grid aims to cut home energy consumption to zero, promote world peace

    Judging by the company's recent infatuation with energy-efficient LED lighting solutions, we're not at all surprised to see General Electric launching a daunting initiative that aims to cut homeowner energy consumption to zero by 2015. The so-called 'Smart Grid' is part of the Net Zero Home Project, which combines solar and wind energy (for on-site power generation) along with specialized appliances that can "communicate with utilities to participate in utility-run demand-response programs." In other words, these intelligent devices can turn themselves down or off when no one's around in order to shave peak-time consumption, and the in-your-face nature of always knowing exactly how much juice you're wasting should also encourage conservation. Of course, we have all ideas that a Smart Grid-certified home will run you quite a bit more than you're willing to pay, but hey, Ma Earth deserves it -- doesn't she?[Via CNET]

    Darren Murph
  • NYT: Google's PowerMeter to let users track electricity usage

    The New York Times is reporting Google will announce a free web service tomorrow called PowerMeter that'll let users track energy consumption in their homes or business, provided there's a means to upload the data. That part of the equation's gonna be up to other companies to create compatible devices, and while no manufacturing partners have been named, we'd suspect strange bedfellow GE will probably jump aboard pretty quickly. The service is expected to roll out in the next few months. Ready to give the boys in Mountain View even more access to your life?Update: The official site has launched. According to the FAQ, PowerMeter is currently in closed beta. There's also a video about the program, which you can peep after the break.

    Ross Miller