

  • Video: The Super Metroid soundtrack on the Sega Genesis

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Most of us grew up championing the banner of either Sega or Nintendo -- if you were JC, you had a TurboGrafx-16. Aligning with one or the other wasn't a choice made lightly, predicated on which games you thought looked the baddest and, of course, that pesky money issue. If you were a Sega person, you missed out on some sweet Nintendo games and vice versa. Anyway, the point: HG101 posted a nine-minute video giving us a glimpse at how Super Metroid would've sounded if it was on the Sega Genesis, created by YouTube user Geckoyamori. Crank your speakers up to 11 and head past the break to give it a listen!

  • You can buy your own SNES retail display unit

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    An eBay user by the name of rifaavalon recently tipped us off to an item of interest that's currently on his storefront: An SNES retail display unit. This relic comes with an illuminated case, a monitor, a console and two built-in controllers -- but no games. (We're sure you have some lying around.)

  • PS3 gets early SNES and Dreamcast emulation

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    Brings a tear to your eye, doesn't it? Sure, jailbreaks and homebrew titles are all well and good, but you know a console has really arrived when it starts emulating the classics. The ever-versatile Snes9x has been given a quick and dirty port to the newly jailbroken PS3, and while it's missing fancy features like "save states" and "UI," it's certainly looks to be doing the most basic task of playing games just fine. Meanwhile, the creator of famed Dreamcast emulator NullDC has a very rough version it up and running on the PS3 as well. We naturally have a long way to go, but this looks like a promising beginning.

  • Modder loveablechevy completes HandyDuo, her two year quest for portable NES and SNES bliss (video)

    Tim Stevens
    Tim Stevens

    We never get tired of playing the classics, and we never get tired of new ways to play those classics -- especially hand-crafted portable ones. A modder by the name of loveablechevy has been working on this custom creation for over two full years now, a combination of a RetroDuo gaming system, providing NES and SNES compatibility, with a PSOne portable screen and a whopping 4,250mAh battery. The resulting creation, shown in a video after the break, looks to be on the beefy side, but we would definitely make room for it in our backpacks.

  • How to put SNES games on your iPad

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    Placing SNES games on your iPad is an extremely simple process. All you have to do is lay your iPad with the screen facing upwards on a flat surface, then start piling on your cartridges. You can really only stack around 20 games on there before things start getting precarious, though, so make sure you don't overload it. Now, if you want to actually play those games, you'll need to follow Lifehacker's fairly easy four-step guide. Of course, it involves a bit of jailbreaking and emulating, so if you prefer to keep your operation legit, you may just want to continue playing your SNES games on their native platform. Check out Lifehacker for the detailed guide, or watch the accompanying video explanation posted after the jump.

  • Play SNES on your jailbroken iPad, with an iPhone as controller (video)

    Sean Hollister
    Sean Hollister

    Not every Apple addict is lucky enough to own an iPad, iPhone and the means to jailbreak both, but if you belong to that elite group you're in for a treat: SNES HD for iPad. Built on ZodTTD's existing iPhone emulator, the new code has Super Mario World looking positively fantastic at the iPad's 768p. Better still, it works with the ControlPad app for iPhone, giving you look-alike wireless controls alongside the nostalgia of its ROM select screen. "Coming soon" to Cydia; see it in action after the break.

  • VC in Brief: Wild Guns (SNES)

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    What better way to celebrate Memorial Day than by mowing down countless waves of evil henchmen and robots? Natsume's Wild Guns is a great arcade experience that both fans of shooters and crazy interpretations of historical events can get behind. Seriously, it's not a bad way to spend $8 (or hours of your time). Wild Guns (SNES, 1 - 2 players, 800 Wii Points) Every week, we like to check out what's new on the Virtual Console. We offer VC in Brief as a sort of taste to help you decide whether or not you would want the game in question. We also toss in our own two cents because we're pushy jerks like that.

  • NintendoWare Weekly: X-Scape, Ben 10, Wild Guns

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Even though it's a holiday here in the US, Nintendo has released a plethora of new downloadable titles for the Wii and DSi. It's a great thing, not simply because OMG moar gamez, but because it gives us a distraction from the day's festivities. There's only so much of Aunt Linda's trip to the Grand Canyon we can listen to, you know? %Gallery-86442%

  • VC in Brief: Kirby Super Star (SNES)

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Oh how good it feels to be back. After a forced hiatus, Nintendo has finally released a new Virtual Console game -- and a good one, at that. We're talking about Kirby Super Star, a content-rich SNES offering from HAL Laboratory. Check it out in the latest episode of VC in Brief above. Every week, we like to check out what's new on the Virtual Console. We offer VC in Brief as a sort of taste to help you decide whether or not you would want the game in question. We also toss in our own two cents because we're pushy jerks like that.

  • NintendoWare Weekly: Bit.Trip Runner, Looksley's Line Up, Kirby Super Star

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    It's quite the week for the DSi and Wii as far as downloadables go -- Bit.Trip Runner arrives on WiiWare today and EA, Tecmo Koei and Konami all offer solid titles for DSiWare. Oh, and you can finally get your hands on Looksley's Line Up, the interesting 3D DSiWare game from Nintendo. There's even a new Virtual Console game starring a certain hungry pink blob to check out!

  • Man creates Bluetooth SNES controller, makes us jealous

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    While the image above appears to be a Super Nintendo controller with its cord mercilessly ripped out, it is actually much more. It is, in fact, the shell of an SNES controller stuffed with the guts of a fantastically ugly Bluetooth controller. The project was created by a modder known as Bacteria (no stranger to awesome mods). All the buttons function properly with the exception of the select button -- the Bluetooth controller only had a start button, you see -- and it runs on a single AA battery. Basically, it's the perfect way to enjoy all those legally obtained Super Nintendo games you have sitting on your hard drive. You can check out a video of the controller in action after the break. If you'd like to make one of your own, you can find a full guide here.

  • Bacteria creates Bluetooth SNES controller, makes smartphone gamers drool (video)

    Tim Stevens
    Tim Stevens

    We recently checked out the Game Gripper, which quickly turns a Motorola Droid keyboard into a gamepad, and when it comes to simplicity and cost it doesn't get much better than that. But, it isn't quite the same as a real controller, not like this creation from Bacteria, creator of many a wonderfully hacked console. Here he took an MSI BGP100 Bluetooth GamePad and stuffed it into a classic SNES controller shell, enabling all the buttons except, sadly, the lowly Select. It's all demonstrated in a thrilling video after the break that features action, gameplay, and nearly a minute of screw-turning excitement. The best part? He was hired to do this, meaning if you ask nicely (and write a check) he might just make one for you, too.

  • iPad running SNES, controlled with a Wiimote

    Sang Tang
    Sang Tang

    I can't think of many things that top playing Super Mario Kart and being behind someone while in possession of the red turtle shell. Oh wait, I can: it's playing Super Mario Kart on your iPad and using your WiiMote to shoot the red turtle shell at those in front of you. Provided you have a jailbroken iPad and the latest version of snes4iphone, you too can use your WiiMote to control Mario, Yoshi, Samus and the rest of the Nintendo gang. You'll first need to install version 7.0 of snes4iphone, which provides support for the WiiMote via BTStack. The jailbroken app can be purchased for US$5.99 at the Cydia store. As jailbreaking is required to install Cydia and non-App store apps, you'll first need to jailbreak your iPad. [via]

  • SNES Mario Kart power slides onto (non-jailbroken) iPad? (Update)

    Sean Hollister
    Sean Hollister

    You're looking at Super Mario Kart, running on the Apple iPad, courtesy of emulation guru ZodTTD. When do you get to play it, faithful reader? Hard to tell. If, say, the iPad had already been jailbroken, all you'd need to do is wait for a suitably safe jailbreak method, download RockApp or Cydia, grab the snes4iphone emulator you see running above, and fire up the ROM. However, the intriguing thing about the above video is not that it's running an SNES game -- but that ZodTTD claims he compiled a special version of his snes4iphone emulator "specifically for non-jailbroken iDevices." Since Zod is almost certainly an official developer, it's possible he output the emulator as an .ipa file and is testing it on a fresh iPad using Apple developer tools, but if we're lucky, it could instead mean that someone has finally found a way to sideload apps onto a stock Apple device. Either way, peep multitouch karts sliding and shells flying on video, right after the break. Update: ZodTTD tells us that while he does have access to the jailbreak, he did have to flex developer muscle (and official dev tools) to make snes4iphone work on a non-jailbroken iPad. He says: The build of snes4iphone running on my iPad as seen in the video was actually based on an AppStore app I submitted called "snesty". Apple quickly rejected it right after pulling the NES emulator. I combined snesty with some snes4iphone features such as using the private API called CoreSurface. I used Apple developer tools and self signed it. Zod says that after Apple officially releases iPhone OS 4.0 and the existing jailbreak is distributed freely, he plans to create new versions of his emulators that run at the iPad's 1024 x 768 native resolution and support touchscreen controls, hardware keyboards and even external controllers should they come.

  • Goozex now accepts SNES, Genesis and other retro game trades

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    The increasingly popular game-trading service Goozex is expanding its capabilities to encompass the game platforms of yesteryear. New to the site is an option to trade NES, SNES, Nintendo 64, Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Genesis, Sega CD, and Atari 2600 amongst the site's growing user base. Sadly, there's still no support for our precious Virtual Boy. Now we'll never be able to get our hands on that copy of Teleroboxer we've always dreamed of owning. There's already a ton of games from each platform up for trading on Goozex right now. Like, good games. Not the nine pathetic copies of WCW Mayhem which comprise your local used games store's N64 selection.

  • VC in Brief: Final Fantasy II (SNES)

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Final Fantasy II (actually Final Fantasy IV) is one of the most important role-playing games of all time. Not only was it the first to introduce the ATB system (Active Time Battle), but it also had an incredibly ambitious plot and, frankly, a downright great opening sequence. It would help bring the world to the JRPG (and vice versa), so however you choose to play through this bit of classic gaming, do it. You owe it to yourself to do that at least once in your life. Final Fantasy II (SNES, 1 player, 800 Wii Points) (actually FFIV) Every week, we like to check out what's new on the Virtual Console. We offer these videos as a sort of taste to help you decide whether or not you would want the game in question. We also toss in our own two cents because we're pushy jerks like that.

  • Neo SNES / SFC Myth Flash cart brings emulation magic to your aged console

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Oh, sure -- the Wii's Virtual Console may put you in direct contact with some of the best titles from yesteryear, but for the purists in attendance, it just feels like cheating. If you've been hanging onto that Super Nintendo (or Super Famicom, as it were) and you've recently been dealing with the emulation itch, Neoflash just might have the remedy. The Neo SNES / SFC Myth cart is pretty much the most magical cart you could ever slap into your classic console, offering up ROM support for "99.5 percent" of SNES games. Better still, titles can be offloaded from your PC and onto the cart via USB, making the entire transfer process a cinch. Of course, the $169 price tag will likely offend all but the most dedicated of retro gamers, but hey, at least you'll be staying true to those "roots" you value so highly.

  • NintendoWare Weekly: Final Fantasy II, Max & the Magic Marker

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Sure, you could play Final Fantasy XIII on PS3 and Xbox 360 this week, but you could also buy a Final Fantasy game whose quality isn't under any debate -- partly because it's really good, and partly because Final Fantasy II for SNES was released in 1991 and the debate has pretty much elapsed by now. Or you could bypass that whole Final Fantasy thing and play a cute game about a kid and his amazing drawing ability. %Gallery-86446%

  • Prince of Persia SNES included with The Forgotten Sands on Wii

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Which Prince of Persia game features "superb graphic detail and incredibly fluid animation" and "more thrills than a saber duel with a thousand sultans"? If you answered, "Ubisoft's Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands," you'd ... well, you'd probably be right. But that text first appeared on the SNES box of 1992's Prince of Persia, an enhanced port of Jordan Mechner's original vizier vanquish-'em-up. Nintendo announced at its San Francisco media event today that the SNES game will be included in the Wii version of Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands, which is slated for release on May 18. Earlier this month, rumors suggested that Prince of Persia Classic -- a direct remake of the original game, initially released on Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network -- would be included in The Forgotten Sands. Instead, Wii owners get classic Prince of Persia exclusively. Don't fret too much about the platforms, though. You're probably in for more thrills than a saber duel with a thousand sultans no matter what. %Gallery-85713%

  • We sure hope the new Sonic 4 isn't a remake of this Sonic 4

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    Here's a fun little piece of 16-bit history for you -- did you know that when Sega made its big announcement last week, a game called Sonic 4 had actually been floating around for 14 years? Sure, it's not an official Sonic game, mind you -- it was merely a modded version of the classic Sunsoft SNES platformer Speedy Gonzales: Los Gatos Bandidos. 1UP recently shared the game's illicit history -- a group of Peruvian hackers known as Twin Eagle Group got their hands on the game in 1996, removed all instances of the hasty Mexican mouse, and replaced them with Sega's spiny mascot. Check out a gameplay clip of the unsanctioned Sonic 4 after the jump. Yeah, it doesn't look great -- but to be fair, Sonic doesn't whip out a gun at any point, nor does he engage in light bestiality, so we guess it has its charms. [Via Kotaku]