social media summit


  • @realDonaldTrump (Twitter)

    Trump’s ‘Social Media Summit’ was a celebration of conspiracy theorists

    Edgar Alvarez
    Edgar Alvarez

    President Donald Trump kicked off his Thursday morning by doing what he does best: tweeting. Amid a sea of missives, which ranged from attacks on the "Fake News Media" to the Mueller Report, he said it would be "a big and exciting day at the White House for Social Media." It was all a lead-up to his administration's first "Social Media Summit," an event that was announced back in June and took place yesterday. Despite being billed as a summit about social media, though, the Trump administration didn't invite anyone from the two biggest players in the space: Facebook and Twitter. Instead, it brought together people who are under the impression that these tech giants are censoring conservative voices on the internet.


    The White House's social media summit may not include Facebook and Twitter

    Georgina Torbet
    Georgina Torbet

    The White House's upcoming social media summit might be missing some key players when it goes ahead this week. Facebook and Twitter have not been invited to attend, according to sources who spoke with CNN.