

  • Tamriel Infinium: The Elder Scrolls Online's rationale for roleplay

    Larry Everett
    Larry Everett

    After reading the roleplay-oriented AMA that released Monday on the official Elder Scrolls Online website, I resigned myself to the fact that I'm never again going to get to play an MMO with chat bubbles. I will miss you, my lovely communicative vesicle. I shall remember fondly the times you allowed me to easily distinguish between those who spoke right next to me and those who sat halfway across a tavern. Apparently, you are now a dated device that no longer holds importance to designers looking to make a game that revolves around player-to-player communication... I know that chat bubbles are not the only important device in the roleplayer arsenal of storytelling tools, but that doesn't mean that I don't find the irony humorous. And I am extraordinarily happy that developers took the time to answer some very important roleplay-related questions. As someone who happens to be very interested in the ability to roleplay effectively, I'd like to take a few moments to discuss the answers the developers gave. And surprisingly the discussion we had last week about the ESO community-building tools fits in quite well with the theme on the whole.

  • The Soapbox: Why solo players don't just play a single-player game

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Disclaimer: The Soapbox column is entirely the opinion of this week's writer and does not necessarily reflect the views of Massively as a whole. If you're afraid of opinions other than your own, you might want to skip this column. When I play an MMO, I tend to play solo. This isn't because I outright dislike grouping -- I've said exactly the opposite before -- but when given the choice, I'll default to solo. I don't always have a reliable play schedule, I like having the freedom to start and stop projects at my whim, and most importantly, I like the option of just tuning out a bit and losing myself in a solitary romp every now and again. Some people get very bothered by this, though, and they really dislike the fact that there are solo players asking for more solo content. Sometimes it's rooted in a fear that solo content will interfere with group content, and sometimes it's because of the fear that no one will group if there's plenty to do solo, but the same argument gets brought up every time: "If you want to play solo, you should be playing a single-player game." Except they're not the same thing. Not by far. There are distinct benefits to playing in an MMO even if you prefer doing most content solo instead of in a group.

  • Wasteland Diaries: Lone wolf

    Edward Marshall
    Edward Marshall

    An MMO is a massively multiplayer online game. So what would attract a lone-wolf type to something that is massively multiplayer? You would think this would drive someone who enjoys his solitude away. This is simply not the case, as every MMORPG has lone-wolf players. If that MMO happens to be Fallen Earth, with its post-apocalyptic setting, it might seem to attract individualistic survivalist types who strive to be self-sufficient. I have never played an MMO in which so many people were withdrawn, introverted, and downright antisocial. Well, it is the apocalypse, and there are times when I just want to be left alone to kill in silence. I am a bit of a lone wolf, myself. But many times, trying to get a group together can be like pulling teeth... from a drunken throwback's maw. Sure, people aren't bound to be as friendly in a ravaged, unlawful world like the one we call home in Fallen Earth, but sometimes the wasteland can be a very lonely place. I enjoy doing my own thing as much as anyone else, and in many cases I don't want to stop what I'm doing to help other players, but I tend to. And I'm almost always glad I did. After the cut, I'll take a look at the pros and cons of being a lone wolf.

  • Cities XL's new content pack to add bus systems

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    Monte Cristo games announced its second content pack for Cities XL, and it includes some pretty nice items for both planet and solo players, as well as the much anticipated bus system for planet players. Solo players will enjoy a price drop from the Omnicorp corporation as well as a few new buildings: City Hall and the Central Library of The Hague. Planet players will also receive the new buildings, as well as several more fun features. A New York map -- complete with the Statue of Liberty and some familiar skyscrapers -- is now available. Planet players now also have the ability to construct a fully animated mega-ferris wheel for their citizens to enjoy in their leisure time. The biggest item in this content pack, however, is one that Planet players have been looking forward to for a while. Bus lines are the latest addition to the growing Cities XL world and a handy solution to increased traffic flow. Larger cities who are beginning to struggle with traffic issues will find this a great help. (Cities under 50,000 can purchase it as well if they use Expert mode.) The content pack is available now, and more information can be found at the Cities XL site.