

  • Slaven Vlasic/Getty Images for SoundCloud

    SoundCloud updates Premier program terms after backlash

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    If SoundCloud's Premier program terms seemed too onerous to you, you're not the only one. SoundCloud has changed the Premier agreement in response to criticism, most notably removing a covenant not to sue the company. This was an "outdated" element from the previous invitation-only agreement, SoundCloud said. Artists won't have to go through arbitration (which tends to favor companies) if there's ever a dispute.

  • LIONEL BONAVENTURE via Getty Images

    SoundCloud’s Premier program is a bad deal for artists

    Mallory Locklear
    Mallory Locklear

    Earlier this month, SoundCloud made its direct monetization program public, allowing hundreds of thousands of creators to make money from the platform. However, The Verge has gotten its hands on the contract artists have to sign to become a part of SoundCloud Premier, and it's rife with stipulations that aren't in artists' interests. From mandatory arbitration clauses to weak payment terms, SoundCloud's contract stands to limit creators' positions and restrict the steps they can take if they feel that they've been wronged.