

  • Virtually Overlooked: Ninja Spirit

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Welcome to our weekly feature, Virtually Overlooked, wherein we talk about games that aren't on the Virtual Console yet, but should be. Call it a retro-speculative.This is the second time we've ended up following a theme from week to week in these features-- in this case, we wanted to talk about Ninja Spirit for the Turbografx-16, and didn't remember until we started researching that, like last week's Photograph Boy, Ninja Spirit was developed by IREM.The best way to describe Ninja Spirit for people familiar with Virtual Console games is "The Legend of Kage, but good." And we say that as fans of Kage.

  • Roombas get some holiday cheer, go caroling

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Just in case that "holiday cheer" you once had has completely vanished at the thought of battling the crowds this weekend in an attempt to snag those last-minute gizmos on everyone's gift list, here's something to not only brighten your spirits, but to help you procrastinate a bit more as well. While gadgets getting their sing 'n dance on aren't anything new, a trio of Roombas breaking it down to Frosty the Snowman is enthralling nonetheless. We figured out how to give that pre-programmed Roomba its own freedom of expression awhile back, but serving up a few glasses of "robo-nog" and donning the Christmas apparel just puts this act over the top. Still, the Trans-Siberian lightfest remains numero uno until further notice. Hit the jump to see these servantbots strut their stuff...[Via MAKE]

  • Answers for Those Nagging Priest Questions

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    This charmingly titled FAQ provides a nice compilation of answers to questions that are posted in the forums ten times a day by priests.  From what enchant to put on your Benediction to whether spirit gear is better than mana per 5 gear, this guide isn't covering the basics - for basic information for a starting priest you might try this FAQ instead - but it does hit on all the hot topics.  If you're a priest looking for answers, this is a very  good starting place.  Hopefully it will also slow the constant inquires over the best enchant for the Benediction, but I'm probably just being optimistic...