sprint lte


  • Sprint Galaxy Nexus gets approved by FCC, one step closer to daylight

    The Samsung SPH-L700. It may sound like a silly combination of letters and numbers, but it just so happens to be the model number for Sprint's version of the Galaxy Nexus -- and it's officially made it through the prying eye of the FCC, still on track for a launch in the first half of 2012. It sports LTE band 25, which is the 1900MHz flavor Sprint has chosen to use when it launches its take on the next-gen network in the near future. The latest variant of the Nexus also keeps in line with the measurements on its Verizon counterpart and offers support for 850 / 1900 CDMA, Bluetooth and NFC. It doesn't offer up many more secrets, but how often do FCC docs slip up and spill all the beans? With the government's approval in the rear view mirror, we're hoping this means we'll be seeing the real deal quite soon.

    Brad Molen
  • Exclusive: Sprint iPad shows up in Best Buy's database (Update)

    If you were keeping score during Apple's iPad keynote on Wednesday, you noticed AT&T and Verizon listed amongst the carriers that will get the new iPad, but what about Sprint? It's going to be rockin' LTE in the not-too-distant future, after all. Well, if our eyes dost not deceive us, what we're seeing above (and below) may help put friends of the Now Network at ease: the new iPad for Sprint has arrived in Best Buy's internal inventory system. Does this mean we're going to see the devices magically show up next week at the electronic megastore? Eh, we wouldn't count on it showing up that soon. But is it possible that Sprint will have Apple's iconic tablet ready to go alongside the Samsung Galaxy Nexus when it launches its multi-billion-dollar 4G investment? If that's part of the strategy, then nicely played, Dan. Nicely played. Update: After hearing from several Best Buy employees, we've gotten a clearer explanation of what's being displayed these database shots. As we're told, each listing is evidently referring to different Sprint plans for the iPad, rather than specific models of the tablet. That said, this info still does seem to corroborate nicely with the notion that Sprint's likely landing Apple's slate at some point in the future. [Thanks, Anonymous and everyone who sent this in]

    Brad Molen
  • Galaxy Nexus coming to Sprint's LTE network? This ad says so.

    See that? That's a Galaxy Nexus... for Sprint. The Android 4.0 handset -- only available in an unlocked HSPA+ form and on Verizon Wireless' airwaves today -- is currently being pimped in an official Sprint ad over on CNET, and it's probably no coincidence that it's live just moments after CEO Dan Hesse talked up the carrier's first LTE markets. Crazily enough, we had a similar situation a few years back at CES, where the Palm Pre actually emerged here on our own ads prior to the handset being properly revealed. We've reached out to Sprint and will be updating this post as we learn more, but here's what's true should the ad prove legitimate: We're looking at a familiar 4.65-inch HD Super AMOLED display, Android 4.0, a 1080p movie mode, front and rear cameras, and a 1.5GHz dual-core processor. For those keeping count, that's 300MHz more powerful than the 1.2GHz chip in the HSPA+ and VZW models. If you're going to launch an LTE network, might as well snag a phone like this, right? Maybe. What's strange is that the first LTE markets for Sprint won't light up until the middle of the year, at which point the device beaming above will likely be old news. Beyond that, there's the question of Sprint's unlimited stance -- the operator's been holding firm to date, but it'll surely become harder to justify a "truly unlimited" option when its smartphone base starts flocking to handsets like these. Update: Not surprisingly, the ad has been yanked. The cat, as they say, remains "out of the bag." [Thanks, James]

    Darren Murph