

  • The Repopulation gets a graphical upgrade

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    The Repopulation is getting a graphics makeover according to the latest developer update. Above & Beyond Technologies has updated its website with a look at what happened during the month of November, and at the top of the list is a "major revamp to the character models" as well as new building and environment models. Other milestones include the implementation of the game's weather system (including rain, snow, dust storms, sand storms, and meteor showers) and various combat and crafting abilities. Work also continues on the game's "awakening" sequence and starter/tutorial areas, with the goal being a more polished newbie experience than that of your typical non-linear title. The Repopulation is a three-faction sci-fi sandbox with toggle-enabled action combat and a substantial crafting system. The game is scheduled to begin beta testing in 2012.

  • The Secret World unveils Tokyo Flashback at New York Comic Con

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    As The Secret World draws ever closer to its April 2012 launch date, more and more information on the game continues to trickle forth. Today's treat comes to you from New York Comic Con, where Funcom has revealed the first eight-ish minutes of gameplay that new players will experience when they jump into the game. This introductory instance is known as Tokyo Flashback, and not only does it serve to introduce players to the mechanics of combat within The Secret World, but it also sets up the game's conspiracy-laden storyline by introducing players to four key characters of The Secret World's universe. Most players will be familiar with these characters from the title'sprevious trailers, including the one from Gamescom 2011. The demo of Tokyo Flashback follows a shotgun-toting heroine as she tags along with the NPCs against a horde of infected humans known as the Filth. The demo also imparts some new knowledge of gameplay mechanics. For instance, mobility is very important, and few -- if any -- abilities will root the character in place, allowing players to move freely at all times. It's also revealed that combat (or shotgun combat, at any rate) uses a combo-point-esque mechanic wherein certain attacks build resources on a target, and other "finisher" attacks expend those resources. For the full trailer, head on past the cut, and check out the write-up of the Comic Con panel over at The Hydra Initiative. And don't forget, players interested in beta-testing The Secret World can sign up for The Secret War on the game's official site.

  • The Daily Grind: What's your favorite starting zone?

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    No matter where we end up in our MMOs -- the hardcore end game raider, the PvPer, the trade chat troll -- we all share the same starting points: a delivery room at Warhammer Mercy Medical. No, wait, I mean that we all magically start our existence as fully grown adults who already possess advance combat training (just like real life, amirite?), and for whatever reason, we begin our story in the same spots as everyone else in the world. Perhaps we should be calling these starter zones "Mommy"? In any case, what's your favorite starting zone out of all the MMOs you've played? What evokes the strongest sense of nostalgia, provides the smoothest leveling experience, showers you with wondrous atmosphere and tells the best story? Some MMOs add newer starter zones long into the lifespan of the game, forcing players to choose between the creaky "old" newbie areas and the spiffy golden eggs that the devs just laid. As a bonus question, do you prefer these newer starting areas to the original ones?

  • Planet Calypso aims to attract new players with starting area

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Planet Calypso, the long-running real-cash economy MMORPG from First Planet Company and MindArk, will soon offer a new and dedicated starting area for new players. Previously, player colonists were at the mercy of the title's veteran residents and were thrown right into Planet Calypso's considerable learning curve with little in the way of an introduction. Now, newbies can partake of the safe starting area (restricted to new players), learn the game's basics, and grab missions in the new Calypso Gateway. Players will hunt, mine, and craft using starter equipment on the secluded arrival island, and they will not be able to return once they've completed the tutorials and traveled to mainland Calypso. Check out the official site for all the details.