

  • The smell of success: Stinky Footboard raises Kickstarter funding

    Danny Cowan
    Danny Cowan

    ​ Montreal-based hardware developer SteLuLu Technologies has reached its Kickstarter funding goal for the Stinky Footboard, a PC peripheral designed to boost player performance with foot-controlled input. The Stinky Footboard accepts four user-defined inputs, triggering different keypresses and game-specific macros if the player leans his or her foot forward, backward, to the left, or to the right. Citing feedback from professional players, SteLuLu claims that the board offers "more functionality, improved gameplay, enhanced performance, and increased actions per minute." Better still, if you want to exercise all of your limbs at once, SteLuLu notes that it's possible to use two Footboards simultaneously. Though the product is PC-only at the moment, SteLuLu has announced plans to add Mac support by the end of the year. Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3-compatible Footboards are also in the works. SteLuLu expects to ship its first wave of Footboards out to Kickstarter backers in July. To our knowledge, the Stinky Footboard does not emanate odors of any sort. Thankfully.

  • Fraunhofer developing bike helmets (and other products) that stink when damaged

    Joseph L. Flatley
    Joseph L. Flatley

    We're glad you're using a bike helmet (and we're glad you've opted for that really scary one we first saw in 2007). You do realize, however, that the more blows to the head you receive, the less effective the headgear is, right? Researchers at Germany's Fraunhofer Institute have developed a manufacturing process that injects microcapsules containing malodorous oils into the helmet itself, causing it to stink when damaged -- alerting you that it's time to replace it (and making it difficult to try and make do with a less than safe one, at that). Indeed, the process, which a thick foil made of polypropylene to house the microcapsules, extends to other products as well, including: pressure hoses, water, and gas pipes (in which case the odor can be detected by automated "smell sensors"). As for the lids, they're still trying to decide exactly which scent to use, but we have a suggestion -- smelling salts. Seems logical, right?

  •'s Guide to Precious and Stinky

    Michael Gray
    Michael Gray

    As you cruise to lay the smackdown on Professor Putricide and company, you will encounter two giant dogs. Yup, they look just like Gluth. These guys don't drop emblems, they don't have heroic modes, but they're difficult enough for many raids that they're worth a quick shout-out. We'll keep this guide short, though -- they're not terribly difficult. They just require a bit of management. Table of Contents Composition General strategy Abilities Tank strategy DPS strategy Healing strategy Other resources

  • The Light and How to Swing It: Looting in the Plagueworks

    Gregg Reece
    Gregg Reece

    With the Light as his strength, Gregg Reece of The Light and How to Swing It faces down the demons of the Burning Legion, the undead of the Scourge, and helps with the puppet shows at the Argent Ren Faire up in Icecrown. A quick service announcement: We will be moving The Light and How to Swing It over to Thursdays. We'll still have the weekend spot as well. How are we doing this you might ask? Chase Christian will be doing a holy paladin only version of TLaHtSI during the weekends with my coverage of retribution and protection on Thursdays. A looting we will go. A looting we will go. Hi-ho the merry-oh, a looting we will go. This week, we're delving into the geist filled section known as the Plagueworks. Precious and Stinky aren't technically bosses, but they're still fun little encounters, so I figured I'd give at least one of the puppies center stage in today's header. Last week, we looted our way through the lower spire in Icecrown if you want to go back and take a look. Otherwise, onto the loots!

  • Ready Check: Festergut and friends

    Michael Gray
    Michael Gray

    Now that you've conquered the tragic hero-turned-evil Deathbringer Saurfang, the path is clear for you to go into the Plagueworks. This is where some of the slimy, funky, icky creatures serving Arthas keep their truly hideous and nasty creatures."Slimy" really is the word here, as the whole area just seems... moist. In a small break from normal operating procedure, I want to talk a little about the trash on the way to your first boss. The trash in Icecrown Citadel is fairly awesome, and worth a little bit of description. As soon as you enter the main spire, you're going to find these jets of blue smoke shooting from the walls. It's worth noting that you shouldn't stand in them, or you'll die. Rogues can disarm these traps fairly handily. Jump behind the cut and let's start looking at Festergut and his wonderful array of friends.