storm 2


  • WiFi-equipped BlackBerry Storm 2 coming to Verizon in September?

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Looks like you might be able to cross at least one bullet point off of your Storm 2 wishlist. According to unnamed source who SlashGear swears is the bee's knees, the successor to BlackBerry's touchscreen smartphone will add WiFi support for faster home / coffee shop web browsing. The informant hinted there's other surprises on the horizon but wouldn't give specifics, so for now you'll just have to keep dreaming about that SurePress touchscreen that doesn't slow down your texting. As for when we should expect the sequel, the report pointed to a release sometime in September on Verizon's network.

  • RIM said to be toiling away on BlackBerry super-phone, Storm successors

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    So the BlackBerry Storm hasn't even made it onto Verizon yet, and in flies word that RIM is actually doing something other than resting on its laurels (and contemplating buyout offers from Microsoft). The Boy Genius has it from two independent sources that RIM is currently hard at work on a "super-phone" of sorts, complete with a 5-megapixel auto-focus camera, 1GB of memory and a "near-HD quality screen." In all seriousness, it's not too shocking to hear that the outfit is working up a formidable opponent to go against HTC's Touch HD / T8290, but it's not stopping there. We're also told that a second and third-generation Storm are already being whipped up in the design room, but it's pretty safe to say you won't be seeing those in the flesh for a good while. Regrettably, that's it for the details, but you can rest assured that we'll be keeping an ear to the ground for more.