

  • Android 4.1 Jelly Bean proven carrying rough but working code for multi-user support (video)

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    If there's ever been a persistent gripe among families sharing mobile devices, it's been the absence of multiple user profiles -- hand that iPad or Nexus 7 to Junior and you may have to play a spot-the-differences game when it comes back. Some long overdue testing of previously found code references in Jelly Bean shows that Google, at least, has explored ending that anxiety over who uses the family gadgets. Command-line code in AOSP-based versions of Android 4.1 will let you create a separate guest profile, complete with its own lock screen security, home screen layout and limited settings. To say that the code is unpolished would be an understatement, however. Apps and even some notifications cross over from the main account, which could prove more than a little embarrassing if the hardware is left in the wrong hands. At least it's easy to revert back, as the instructions (and video after the break) show. The real challenge will be waiting to see when -- or really, if -- Google gets to finishing multi-user code and turns that Nexus 7 into the communal tablet we want it to be.

  • Matrix One tablet goes on sale for an even more frugal $90

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Direct Merchandise Marketing might not have the most alluring name as a tablet maker, but it still raised a few eyebrows with its Matrix One in June: it hoped to crack the $100 barrier while still producing a device you'd still be proud to take home to Mother. The 7-inch slate is going on sale ever so slightly past its late July target, but with a surprise price drop to $90 -- more or less, considering that shipping costs a minimum $10. Whether or not that extra Hamilton bill's difference is an illusion, you're still getting a surprisingly competent device for the money, with a 1.5GHz ARM Cortex-A8 chip, 512MB of RAM and 4GB of built-in storage moving Android 4.0 along at a decent clip. The 2-megapixel front camera, full-size USB and HDMI also help reinforce that it's more than just a no-frills slab. Having said this, we'd be brave enough to crack the triple-digit barrier and spring for the considerably more future-proof $130 edition with 1GB of RAM and 16GB of space. The feature gap is still wide enough that Nexus 7 owners won't experience buyer's remorse; at this price, however, it's not hard to imagine handing out Matrix Ones to family members like so much candy.

  • Archos teases G10 xs with first press shot, vows launch in three weeks

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Previously, Archos has only ever given us a fleeting glimpse of the G10 xs tablets it's planning to launch this year -- FCC filings don't count. Cogs in the company's media machine are turning once again, as the company has posted a teaser press image on Facebook with confirmation that a launch is just three weeks away. It's difficult to read the tea leaves from the oblique shot we're given, although we already know that the Android 4.0 slate will support microSD, mini-HDMI and a connector for that Eee Pad Transformer-style keyboard dock. Our main questions now center on when the G10 xs pops up in the US as well as the degree of bang we'll get for our buck.

  • Samsung starts mass-producing 4x faster mobile flash memory, kickstarts our phones and tablets

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Samsung isn't content to leave fast NAND flash memory to traditional solid-state drives. Its Pro Class 1500 promises a big jolt to the performance of frequently pokey smartphone and tablet storage. By how much? That name is a clue -- it reaches 1,500 IOPS (inputs/outputs per second) when writing data, which along with 3,500 IOPS data reads is about four times faster than any previous embedded flash chip Samsung has tested. In the real world, that leads to as much as 140MB/s when reading data and 50MB/s for writes. The speed comes after Samsung has thrown virtually every trick in the book at its new chips, including a dense 20-nanometer manufacturing process, quick toggle DDR 2.0 memory with its own controller and a new JEDEC memory standard with 200MB/s of bandwidth to spare. Samsung hasn't named customers for the 16GB, 32GB and 64GB parts that are rolling out of the factories, although we'd do well to remember that a flourishing phone business doesn't guarantee that the only major customer is Samsung itself: even in the face of legal challenges, Samsung still has at least one noteworthy client that tends to snap up much of its flash supply.

  • Nexus 7 dock and covers leak, promise high style in small sizes (update: source goes down)

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    There have been teases here and there that Google's Nexus 7 was going to get a full, official accessory treatment from ASUS, but actual details have been scarce. Consider ASUS' cover blown, almost literally. Presentation files finding their way to Nordic Hardware show the known Smart Case-like, $20 Travel Cover that's already lurking on the ASUS and Google websites, but they also spoil a leather Premium Cover that will reportedly cost $40. As for a cradle to round out the set? While the company had previously confirmed that a dock was coming, we're now getting a glimpse of the $50 Nexus Dock's super-simple wedge design and audio output. With the exception of the Travel Cover, the accessory bonanza is pegged by the slides as arriving in late August -- just in time for that last-gasp summer vacation. Update: Nordic Hardware has since taken down its original post "at the request" of an unnamed party.

  • ASUS Tablet 810 with Windows 8 transforms its way past the FCC

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    ASUS must want its Windows 8 tablet family to move together as one. The Tablet 810 has swung past the FCC just two days after a visit by its younger brother, the Tablet 600. While not what we'd call a stunning revelation, the filing for the 810 (as the TF810C) shows a WiFi-only device with the expected NFC for quick peripheral syncing. The 11.6-inch transforming slate is still devoid of a few key details in spite of having its wireless life laid bare -- namely, if and when it reaches the US. Clearing the approval hurdle, however, leaves few obstacles to ASUS being one of the first out of the gate with an Intel-based Windows 8 tablet after October 26th rolls around.

  • Archos Arnova GBook heads to the FCC, may have literary ambitions

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Archos makes regular stops at the FCC. We know this. When it passes an Arnova-badged device called the GBook through the US agency, though, that piques our interest. The name immediately suggests a reading-friendly Android tablet in the vein of the Kindle Fire or Nook Tablet, but there's not much in the way of imagery and details to make a definitive judgment call. The hand-friendly small design and the 802.11n WiFi inside only fuel those suspicions, however. We don't see clues in the testing as to when the Arnova GBook might reach stores; that said, the looming back-to-school and holiday seasons may have some sway in getting the device to bookworms sooner rather than later.

  • Is HP showing the Slate 8 in its latest commercial? (video)

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    HP has acknowledged that it's been working on a Windows 8 tablet; it just hasn't mentioned whether or not the rumored Slate 8 is part of its plans. Imagine our surprise, then, when we're told that HP's 60-second "Make It Matter" commercial ends with an unannounced yet familiar-looking tablet right at the 56-second mark. There's only a fleeting glimpse, but it shows a metallic-looking body with a large black antenna window -- the combination of which would fit in with the Slate 8's purported aesthetics. We've asked HP whether or not this is a clever teaser for a real product or just as conceptual as the rest of the ad, and we'll let you know if we hear back on the subject. In the meantime, you can inspect the video evidence for yourself after the break. [Thanks, Brian]

  • North Korean media reports North Koreans love North Korean tablet

    Jamie Rigg
    Jamie Rigg

    Remember those futuristic PCs we reported North Korea was producing last year? Well now the Democratic People's Republic has unveiled a seven-inch flagship tablet called the Achim (Morning). Understandably, we don't know what's inside this 0.66-pound (300g) device with a five-hour battery life, but it's apparently very popular with local students. There's no word on the OS either, but a touch-friendly build of the homegrown Linux variant Red Star would make sense. Although unconfirmed, sources suggest internet connectivity is wholly absent, with a pre-loaded selection of fun, state-approved content available instead. Eager to get your hands on a Kim Jong-unPad? Well, you can't.

  • Apple wins stay on having to post 'Samsung did not copy' notice

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Apple's pride can stay intact for at least a little while longer: the company successfully won a stay on a UK ruling that would have it post notices clearing Samsung's name in the wake of the two tech giants' patent dispute in the country. Apple now won't have to face any kind of public flogging unless it loses an appeal on the non-infringement verdict, which is due to be heard in October. Not surprisingly, the iPad creator doesn't want its own site to become a billboard promoting someone else's work. The decision makes Samsung's victory that much more bittersweet -- along with losing that instant satisfaction from a humbled Apple, it still has to accept a verdict that claims the Galaxy Tab supposedly isn't cool enough to have been an imitation.

  • Google Handwrite lets us scribble our way through mobile searches (video)

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Not eager to hunt and peck on a keyboard? Google Handwrite is here: the search engine's mobile pages will now let you draw letters on the page to conduct searches with the writing method you learned before this whole computer fad took hold. There's no special plugin required -- it's just the flick of a settings switch. As long as you've got an Android 2.3 or later phone, an Android 4.0 tablet or an iOS 5 device of any sort, you can immediately remind yourself of just how much you've forgotten about handwriting since elementary school while you're searching for the local sushi restaurant.

  • Strategy Analytics: iPad keeps riding high in Q2 tablet market share, Android doesn't budge

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    The Apple iPad may as well be called the Teflon Tablet for now, since challengers can't quite stick. Thanks to those 17 million iPads shipped in the second quarter, Strategy Analytics estimates that Apple held on to the 68 percent of tablet market share that IDC credited to the company in the previous season. That may not sound like a change in the status quo, but it's a significant jump from the 62 percent Apple had a year ago -- and not very good news for anyone else. Android is still holding on at 29.3 percent, although that's slightly underwhelming given the surge of extra devices in that time frame. The real hurt was dished out to Windows 7 tablets and "others" like RIM's BlackBerry PlayBook, both of whom were cut down to just 1.2 points of share each in the spring. We'll see if the newer crowd moves the needle for Android in the summer, although the well-received Nexus 7's current scarcity won't help its chances -- and both Microsoft as well as RIM are in holding patterns for the next several months.

  • Apple to present at Black Hat conference for first time, talk about iOS' padlocks

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Apple is taking a different, more cautious tack when it comes to security these days. That doesn't make it any less surprising that the company is planning to give a presentation at the Black Hat conference: the company will have someone on stage for the first time and won't just socialize in the corridors. When he takes to the podium on July 26th, platform security manager Dallas De Atley will go into detail regarding iOS' security measures in front of an audience used to finding a way around them. The company hasn't said whether that involves current or future technology; we suspect that Apple may be eager to show what iOS 6 brings to the table, however. If it all goes down like Black Hat general manager Trey Ford says it will, Apple may both open up a bit on security and set more of the agenda this week -- instead of letting conference goers set it themselves.

  • Lenovo IdeaTab S2110 quietly goes on sale as the Gobots of transforming tablets

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Lenovo's 10-inch IdeaTab S2 was one of the belles of its CES ball in offering a distinctly Transformer Pad-like experience for those not beholden to ASUS' view of the world. While there wasn't much attention given to the Android 4.0 tablet outside of the FCC filing we saw last month, it's getting its time to shine at last: the device is now sitting on Lenovo's virtual shelves as the S2110. The 10.1-inch slate's selling point remains its (strictly optional) keyboard dock, which supplies a trackpad, an SD slot, USB and 10 extra hours of battery life to keep that movie marathon going. Even if you have no intention of constructing the Gobot to ASUS' Transformer original, though, the S2110 is still a big leap over the so-so S2109 from the spring. A 1.5GHz dual-core Snapdragon APQ8060A, a rear 5-megapixel camera and a landscape 1,280 x 800 screen are all incentives to pay the premium over the S2110's budget predecessor. Not that there will be much of a premium to pay -- despite setting a $449 official price, Lenovo is already discounting the S2110 to as little as $343. That's low enough to lure the cost-conscious away from the Transformer Pad elephant in the room, even if it reminds us of relatives that always bought us the cheaper robot toys when we were kids. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • Google takes Nexus 7 camping for its first ad, can afford to pack light (video)

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    There's more than a small amount of fervor swirling around the Nexus 7, so it only makes sense that Google wants to seize the moment and pitch its first Nexus tablet to the world. Its first commercial is a very Norman Rockwell-like, father-and-son camping trip -- if Rockwell replaced Boy Scouts with Jelly Beans, that is. The 7-inch slate handles just about every task the two could care for, whether it's learning about (and exaggerating) the local fauna as well as keeping busy on a rainy day. We'll let you witness the slight twist of an ending first-hand, although we'll add that Google is careful to use a lot of Nexus 7 features that don't demand always-on WiFi: the search giant wants us to know that we can head to the boonies without the tablet becoming a paperweight. The one shock is the absence of that all-important $199 price, which you'd think would help trigger some impulse shopping. You can reconcile your disbelief and enjoy some family bonding by catching the full commercial after the break.

  • Engadget's tablet buyer's guide: summer 2012 edition

    James Trew
    James Trew

    Time flies, doesn't it? It seems like only yesterday that we were just putting the final touches on our spring tablet buyer's guide, and here we are, updating it for a new season. This time, the sun is out and the trousers are getting shorter, which can mean only one thing -- yep, it's the summer edition! Even if the weather isn't so lovely where you are, or you're still wearing long pants, there should be something in here to tickle your technical fancy. Not least because we've seen at least one major player enter the foray, along with some other strong contenders. So, how has that changed the line up? Head on past the break to find out, but before you dive in to the cool refreshing water, remember you can visit our review hub all year round. Surf's up!

  • Qantas to hand out free iPads to all passengers on Boeing 767s, save fuel and our sanity (video)

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Qantas just upped the ante for its Australian counterparts Jetstar and Virgin in the airline tablet wars. Following an earlier trial, the transporter plans to hand out free iPads to all of its passengers -- not just the high-flyers in business-class, like with Jetstar's iPads or Virgin's Galaxy Tabs -- on every Boeing 767 aircraft in the fleet. The rollout, which starts in the last quarter of the year, will let those bored in the back seats watch an equally free 200 hours' worth of QStreaming audio and video. Don't confuse the gesture with a sudden bout of altruism on Qantas' part, however. The pound-and-a-half weight of a current iPad sheds the tremendous amount of weight that would normally be needed for a conventional in-flight entertainment system built into the headrest, which on a typical 375-seat 767 could see the iPads pay for themselves within years, if not sooner. The option will give many Aussies something to look forward to for their domestic summer vacations. In the meantime, hop past the break for a Qantas video explaining how QStreaming worked during the original trial run.

  • N-Trig pen tech whittled down to single DuoSense chips and sensors, shrinks scribblings to travel size

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    As much as N-Trig is an old hand at supporting styluses, it's had to focus on tablets and other larger devices due to technology limits: the HTC Flyer is about as small as the company has gone to date. A new version of N-Trig's DuoSense chipset family could be the ticket to going to much smaller sizes. The new 4000 series condenses both pen input and multi-touch finger gestures into a combination of one chip and one sensor, letting any entrepreneurial device maker stuff the two control methods into a handheld device with as little as a 5-inch display. Naturally, the chip line scales all the way to 15.6-inch panels for creatives poking at the screens of laptops and larger Ultrabooks. We're told that both Android and Windows slates will get N-Trig's tinier touch tricks before the end of the year -- whether or not that includes phablets with the same girth as the Galaxy Note or Optimus Vu, however, is left to our wild imaginings.

  • Microsoft delves into Windows 8 touchscreen keyboard design, wants us to be extra-comfy

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Microsoft has lately become big on touchscreens -- sometimes, really big -- which makes it only natural that the company would want to explore Windows 8's on-screen keyboard in detail. As User Experience team member Kit Knox explains, the company has made an about-face from the days of unceremoniously foisting touch on a desktop OS. Windows 8's keyboard is not only optimized for fingers, but accommodates the little subtleties that others might miss, like the typical postures for tablet use and our tendencies to frequently hit certain wrong keys. The crew at Redmond ultimately hopes to bring out all the advantages of touchscreen keyboards while reminding us of some creature comforts from old-fashioned physical buttons. The surest way to understand Microsoft's keyboard research will likely be to pick up a Surface tablet this fall, but those of us who can't wait to put fingers on real glass can hop over to Knox's all-encompassing overview at the source link.

  • German court rules Motorola Xoom doesn't violate Apple's iPad design patent

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Apple filed a stealth lawsuit last summer alleging that the Motorola Xoom violated the design patent that underpins the iPad. While Apple has had some success leveling its big patent gun against Samsung, the same can't be said for Motorola: a German court just declared that the reference Android tablet doesn't infringe on Apple's design claim. The ruling isn't a complete win for Motorola, however, as the court wouldn't invalidate the patent -- it could theoretically be leveled against other tablets in the future. The loss will still sting for Apple, which now has to resort to a multi-touch patent claim (among others) if it wants to make Motorola feel the heat in Mannheim.