

  • Next wave of HDTV adopters may lean towards HD DVD

    Steven Kim
    Steven Kim

    If there's one group that likes the format war, it's market analysts. The latest prognostication comes from The Diffusion Group (TDG), which looked at consumers intending to bite into the HD fruit in the next six months. These "HDTV Intenders" tend to, among other things, have a lower income than the "early adopters" who have already taken the HD plunge. But here's the rub: among these "HDTV Intenders," TDG finds that 43% prefer HD DVD and 27% Blu-ray. If that figure holds up, will it be enough to decide the format war? TDG expects this group of mass-market buyers to open their wallets as the early adopter wave settles down in he beginning of 2008. No doubt about it, we've seen growing evidence that both HDM camps are reaching for lower price points.