

  • Mass Effect

    The next Mass Effect game may pick up where 'ME3' left off

    Kris Holt
    Kris Holt

    A teaser hinted at a direct continuation of the original trilogy.

  • Sprint promises 'industry first' at February 7th event

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    Let's just end the speculation right here: a Sprint-locked CDMA iPhone on the heels of Verizon's wouldn't be much of an "industry first," so we're thinking that whatever the company has to unveil on the evening of February 7th in New York will be of a very different flavor. The event invite goes on to say that they'll show "that the impossible is possible," which could very well mean the Epic 4G is getting Froyo. Burn! Also look for guest David Blaine to hold his breath in a tank of things that bite for 45 minutes or so, which will make for an awesome liveblog (yes, we'll be there).