

  • Scattered Shots: It ain't over till it's over

    David Bowers
    David Bowers

    Scattered Shots occasionally wanders around collecting arrows and bullets when they totally miss the target.The key to understanding hunters in the beta is to look at the big picture. This is something affecting all classes currently, but I'm going to discuss it in relation to hunters in particular. Beta testing buffs and nerfs ultimately come down to a matter of perspective -- do you see your class changes happening in isolation, for now and forever as long as you and your pet shall live? Or are your particular class changes happening as part of an ever-evolving system involving you, me and everyone else over time?As you've probably heard, hunters got some nerfs in the latest beta update, and some people are understandably upset about them. I'm not worried about it though -- and now I'll tell you why.

  • Perfect World International beta test opens up to pretty much everyone

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    Perfect World International, the English-language version of the popular Chinese MMO of the same name sans "International" and plus a "2," has moved into its open beta testing phase. The beta test features two servers -- one PvE and one PvP -- and characters created in the testing period will be kept through the live launch of the game.Like most Chinese games, PWI is a microtransaction-based MMO, but it was originally slated to be a subscription-based game. It got all the subscription-based-game-type triple-A graphics and game design treatment, so it should appeal to Western users more than most Eastern free-to-play games. At least, that's the company line.Features include mounts, marriage, PvP territory wars, and pretty much every other staple, all in a Chinese mythology setting. It's been in closed beta testing for only a few weeks. There's no official word on the live date for the post-beta version yet.[Via 1UP]

  • The Warhammer Online open beta test has begun

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    Mythic Entertainment just opened the virtual gates for the Warhammer Online open beta test. After fans spent half the morning expressing their impatience and Rickrolling one another on the game's various forums, the log in program/patcher suddenly stopped telling everyone they didn't belong and said, "Come on in and play!" Well, for most people anyway. It turns out that some folks still can't log in, but be patient; your time will surely come.We're sure you can expect massive lag and overcrowding if you try to play today (or probably at any point in the open beta, really) but if you're willing to weather such tribulations, then by all means, grab your own Warhamma' and log the hell in!If the lag proves too much for you today, or if the servers just explode, feel free to continue reading our extensive coverage. Otherwise, we'll slay you, err, see you there! Did you enjoy this? Make sure to check out all of our previous Warhammer Online features, and don't miss any of our ongoing coverage as Massively goes to WAR!

  • Beta patch possible today with changes to XP, Storm Peaks, and premade characters

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    According to Tigole, Blizzard will "try to patch" the Wrath of the Lich King beta today. Storm Peaks will open back up and should not crash the sever. No word yet if Naxx will be introduced in this patch. The servers should be up between 4:30 p.m. PDT and 6:30 p.m. PDT.The XP required to level will also be reduced by 10% this beta patch. Things should go faster for all you playing around with leveling.Finally, there will be a new beta realm opening up named Murmur. Tigole mentioned that the premade characters should not have been made available on the existing realms. He tells us that "they are being removed." There is no indication as to whether or not current premade characters will be moved to the new realm or just outright deleted.

  • New Tabula Rasa event brings the pain

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    When you get invited to an in-game event that consists of the word "pain", you know it has to be good. Kagasumi, one of Tabula Rasa's QA Testers, is looking to test the limits of high-level monster AI with an event called The Pain Train. This event will take place on the Public Test Server on Friday, August 22nd from 2pm to 4pm Central Time (-6 GMT) on the Palisades map.As Kagasumi says, this event was created to test some very strong monsters against players to see how they fare. Apparently, he says he's been surprised at how players can always come out on top when they're up against large mobs of Bane. So Kagasumi simply wants to test the limits of player/monster combat balance, with your help. He promises lots of giveaway goodies, so even if the thought of high-level Thrax makes you wish you were back in Bootcamp, you'll want to show up and help out as much as you can.

  • Wilmington, NC plans one minute analog TV shutoff next week

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    In an effort to reduce the ZOMG surely to be experienced by whatever percentage of Wilmington, NC residents are unprepared for their early entry into a digital television-only world September 8, the city will perform a one minute Las Vegas-style "soft test" August 19 at 7:30 p.m., prompting customers with analog to upgrade their equipment to receive digital broadcasts. Readers have already reported seeing ads mentioning the upcoming early analog-shutoff, and it looks like the regions main broadcasters (WWAY, WECT, WILM and WSFX) appear to be doing all they can to get the word out, so everybody tell a friend, okay?

  • The Daily Grind: What's your Bartle quotient?

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    The Bartle Test of Gamer Psychology has long been a staple of the MUD and MMORPG community. We've ever mentioned it here a couple of times.The Bartle Test (developed by -- you guessed it -- Richard Bartle) is a series of questions the answers to which result in the test-taker's Bartle Quotient. In your Bartle Quotient, you're told how closely you identify with each of four types of MMO gamer pychologies -- Achiever, Explorer, Killer, and Socializer. The final figure is a ranking -- from most dominant to least dominant -- of those types in your own gaming personality. For example, this blogger is an ESKA.The test has been criticized over the years as an innacurate or insufficient measurement, but it's remained popular nonetheless. Take the test, and tell us where you stand. Do you feel it's accurate? If not, where did it go wrong?

  • Raleigh, NC's WRAL testing MPH mobile DTV system

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Although Raleigh, North Carolina is set to become one of the first DVB-SH test markets in America, WRAL is already testing out yet another standard. The station known nationwide for taking its local newscasts to the world of HD while everyone else sat and moped in their SD control rooms is currently teaming with CBC in order to test out the ATSC-compatible MPH mobile television transmission system. As we've seen before, the system enables "local broadcasters to deliver digital television to mobile devices including cellphones, laptops and personal media players," all while moving quickly in vehicles, hoverboards, rocket-powered scooters -- you name it. There's no word on what exactly will happen once the trials conclude, but we'll be keeping an ear to the ground just in case it's something big.[Via BroadcastingCable]

  • Texas Memory breaks records, budgets with blisteringly fast RamSan-440 storage device

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Texas Memory has been around longer than most of you readers have been alive (or so we're told by our resident omniscient overlord), but it's been quite awhile since it was talked about freely in the same breath as WD, Fujitsu, Samsung, et al. Now, however, the company is making the rounds once more thanks to its "record setting" RamSan-440, which provides between 256GB and 512GB of RAM-based SSD storage, 600,000 IOPS, 4,500MB/sec random sustained external throughput and latency under 15-microseconds. The entire rig arrives in a 90-pound 4U rack-mount enclosure and claims to be "the first SSD to use RAIDed NAND flash memory modules for data backup." Chances are, you were already bracing to hear a pretty ludicrous figure when it comes to pricing, but $150,000 for the 256GB edition and $275,000 for the 512GB iteration? Please -- we'll take a Lightning GT, thanks.[Via DailyTech]

  • Audi pilot program tells drivers how to squeeze the lemon

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Though we're hesitant to believe something this fantastic could actually be implemented in real life, word on the pavement has it that Audi is currently running a pilot program that informs motorists "how fast to drive to catch a green light." Over in Ingolstadt, Germany, 50 traffic lights have been equipped with sensors that beam information to specially equipped whips; the network of "smart" signals not only "adapts to traffic patterns to deliver optimum light switching," but gives drivers a heads-up in order to get 'em through lights and cut down on idling / pollution / road rage. We can just hear those red light camera appeals now: "But judge, my car told me to do it!"[Image courtesy of NOLA]

  • Breakfast topic: Why should you be in the Beta?

    Amanda Dean
    Amanda Dean

    Not long ago Blizzard opened up the expansion content to selected friends and family. We've had a few days to sign up for the Wrath of the Lich King beta test. Blizzard has made it clear that assignment in the Beta test that aside from a better chance of selection among* World Wide Invitational attendees, the beta testers will be selected by a random lottery. But what is it that makes a good beta tester? I've entered twice for the Beta, as I have two accounts. I'm not sure how many participants will be selected, but I really hope I get in. If I wasn't with WoW Insider, I probably would avoid the beta. I'm rather in favor of delicious surprised once the expansion is actually released. Recent iterations of the Public Test Realm have invited everyone to come and play. Many have taken that challenge to see nifty, new gear and test new mechanics. Blizzard has proven open to feedback through progressive testing.

  • Age of Conan test server now open to public

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    To our ever-lasting surprise and confusion, there always seems to be a significant number of players in any given game who are so eager to try out the latest patch that they're willing to spend their time on a test server testing content before it goes live. For a game like Tabula Rasa, with its monthly deployments, there's at least some logic in this. There's an advantage getting acquainted with tweaks before they go live. For a game like Age of Conan, with its current bi-weekly patch schedule, this isn't quite the case.Still, one thing that's become clear over the past couple weeks is that Funcom could really benefit from a more rigorous testing process for their patches. As we discussed on Saturday, the old beta test servers are coming down in favor of a new public test server, or Testlive, as they're calling it. If you want to participate, simply follow this link to download the executable, point it to the directory where you have the game installed, select a destination directory, and let it do its thing. Once its installed, go into your destination folder, run ConanPatcher.exe and you've got it. They'll have vendors up in the coming days to allow you to buff up your characters to specific levels, which should speed up the testing process as well.

  • Orlando passes its simulated analog shutoff

    Steven Kim
    Steven Kim

    The simulated analog shutoff carried out across 12 stations in Orlando, Florida came off with nary a hitch this past week. For the benefit of viewers, the stations broadcast a 10-second long pass/fail message for analog and digital viewers, respectively. The two Cox stations in the group, WFTV and WRDQ, reported that only 501 viewers called in to register their outrage at the brief interruption. Fully 146 of those calls came from analog Comcast customers who are fed a retransmitted OTA analog broadcast of WFTV. The second most popular group of complaints, 123 callers, were legitimate, though -- older TVs that pick up OTA-only. All said, it's a pretty good sign that the world will still be turning come February 18th.

  • DirecTV 11 satellite tests out 17/24 GHz BSS bands

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    DirecTV looks to make the most of DirecTV 11's test period, before things go live in September, testing out an experimental payload at a second test location. While the satcaster collects readings on recently-allocated bandwidth and other satellite traffic to plan future launches (adding even more channels, or maybe 1080p broadcast television), we'll just keep twiddling our thumbs. Specifications, speculation and all other data necessary to satisfy the satellite geek within resides beyond the read link.[Thanks, sixto]

  • Test the loot items on the PTR

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    We've never seen this one before, but then again, we've never seen a loot item as complicated as that Ethereal Soul-trader before. Blizzard wants to test those new Upper Deck loot items on the PTR, so if you go Landro Longshot in Booty Bay on the test realm only, you can input special test codes for each of the new items: 1111 for the Path of Illidan item, 2222 for the D.I.S.C.O. ball, and 3333 for the one everyone wants: the Ethereal Soul-trader.The only news coming off of the PTR is that the disco ball object still has the placeholder tag on it ("[PH] Disco ball"), which means the name might be a little more formalized when it actually appears on the live realms. But this testing might answer one of the more pressing questions we've got about the Soul-trader -- we already know that any player (not just the one who summoned it) can exchange the "Etherium" currency that you use to buy items off of the vendor, but does that mean that any players who kill mobs that give experience or honor near the trader can gain currency, or only the person who summoned?We'd assume that everyone can do it -- in that sense, getting this card is really like opening up a special vendor rather than just getting all the trader's items for yourself. And there's one more bit of news we can take from this: since these cards are going into stores on July 1st, we'll very likely see patch 2.4.3 on the live realms before then. To the PTR!

  • Testing strategy reading abilities, Part I

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    Everyone reading this site knows that it's pretty important to read strategies for the various boss encounters in WoW. No matter if they're from Boss Killers, our own Ready Check, long threads over at Elitist Jerks, or home made modifications, studying boss fights outside of the game is essential to success.However sometimes it's kind of hard to tell if everyone is actually spending the 15 minutes to read over and understand the strategies outside of the raid. This is particularly troublesome for the raid leaders and officers, since some of the fights can be very hard to explain without first having an understanding of where and what things look like.We're having this problem in our guild right now. Not that big of a problem, granted, but it's still something we'd like to get better at. So last night our guild master made a map of the Kalecgos play field, detailing where everyone should stand (I know that some readers will comment that it's not necessary, but it's what works for us). In the bottom right hand corner there's a derogatory yet funny message about yours truly, something along the lines of a suggested act I can go do to/with myself. It's obvious, it's funny, and it sticks out like a sore thumb.Tonight the GM will go around and ask each of the 35 or so raiders we have in the guild, "What was out of place on the strategy map I posted today?" If they can't answer correctly, they won't be raiding with us again anytime soon.

  • EVE Online: play test factional warfare, June 4-6

    James Egan
    James Egan

    CCP Games announced a new series of factional warfare playtests for EVE Online's imminent Empyrean Age expansion, and are seeking help from all available pilots in New Eden. EVE dev CCP Tanis stated that the first release candidate for the Empyrean Age is being put on the Singularity test server, and that CCP is now focusing its attention on the gameplay mechanics of the long-anticipated factional warfare system. The playtest will focus on the offense and defense of capture points and the conquering of solar systems. Players will be divided into either Caldari or Gallente factions; each faction will have an offensive and defensive team. The ultimate goal is to capture as many systems as possible while preventing the opposing faction from gaining any territorial control. CCP developers and ISD will be on hand to answer questions and guide players. When: June 4 to 6 (Wed., Thurs., Fri.) from 11:00 to 14:00 EVE time (GMT).Where: Singularity test serverWhy: "We really cannot stress how important your feedback is to us." Another Why: Each day the players on the winning side will be given a stock of officer modules !! ... *dramatic pause*... on the test server only. (Sorry.) Also the player who submits the best bug report will be given maxed out skills on the test server. How: Join the in-game channel "Faction Testing" for instructions.CCP Tanis also reminds players that the latest Singularity test server patch is required to participate in the playtest. The patch should ONLY be applied to a second copy of the EVE client, and NOT the main client used for everyday play on the Tranquility server. That is, unless you'd prefer to call the test server "home" from now on. Further details can be found in the official announcement; EVE Online account login is required to access this information.

  • FCC grants DirecTV 30 day test period for DirecTV 11 satellite

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    As our tipster Rob so eloquently put it: "Gentlemen, start your satellite." According to fresh documentation from the FCC, the agency has granted DirecTV "temporary authority" to operate its recently launched DirecTV 11 satellite and "conduct in-orbit testing." The satcaster will also be allowed to "conduct telemetry, tracking and control operations" when the window opens on May 25th. September's getting closer all the time, eh? [Warning: PDF read link][Thanks, Rob]

  • Singularity's Empyrean Age begins Saturday

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    CCP will begin testing EVE Online's recently announced Emyprean Age expansion on the Singularity test server beginning this Saturday, the 17th of May. To celebrate the event, the dev team is hosting an event at 19:00 GMT. Everyone is invited to test the new features -- particularly Factional Warfare -- with the dev team.There will be awards for achievements like "most kills" and "most bizarre bug found" once the dust has cleared. If you're an EVE subscriber, read the announcement for more details. If you want to jump right in, don't forget to download the patch and apply it to your client (not the installation with which you play on Tranquility, though!). Once you're all patched up and ready to go, log in on Saturday and join the chat channel "Faction Testing."How often do you get the chance to blast the entire EVE dev team out of the skies? Sounds like fun.

  • THX to release Optimizer Blu-ray disc

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    It's apparently not too late for THX to squeeze its high definition test material onto a Blu-ray disc, as it's informed CNET of plans to do just that. Look forward to an "expanded version" of the THX Optimizer that ships with certain movies, but built for a less technical audience than a disc like Digital Video Essentials. Of course, the box probably won't include a sticker to proclaim your generic LCD THX-Certified, but you'll always know it is in your heart (or maybe you won't, since the company declined to say exactly what the "secret sauce" of factors is that garners a display the special label).