

  • Jay Z is calling Tidal users to personally thank them for signing up

    Billy Steele
    Billy Steele

    In addition to signing on a roster of big name artists to help lure new subscribers, Jay Z is handling some of the customer service duties as well. Mr. Carter is calling folks who signed up for Tidal's music streaming service to personally thank them. It sounds odd, but the company confirmed to us "that's 1000% true." He's not the only one, though, as Tidal executive Vania Schloge told Business Insider that Jack White and others are calling subscribers, too. Using one of the services' features, artists can log in and see exactly who is listening to their music alongside contact info for those people. It's certainly a personal approach, but one can wonder if that star-packed relaunch didn't provide the boost in new subscriptions the company hoped. The company also announced today that it replaced CEO Andy Chen with Peter Tonstad, who was in charge before Mr. Carter & Co. took ownership. Of course, being a part owner of the project is certainly motivation to get more involved. I just wonder if Jay Z used a video phone. [Image credit: Anthony Harvey/Getty Images]

  • The Think Tank: Giving thanks for MMOs

    Bree Royce
    Bree Royce

    Indulge us a little today, won't you? In our Think Tank today, we the Massively writers gather 'round the virtual feasting table on our virtual golden yacht to express thanks for those MMO-related things we're grateful for. Won't you share yours down in the comments also? We can get back to arguing over raidmills and gankboxes tomorrow -- I promise.

  • Perfect Ten: What I'm thankful for in MMOs

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    It is good to give thanks. It is good to be grateful. I love having a holiday this time of year to encourage me to do what I should be doing all of the time, which is to recognize the blessings that I have and the sacrifices that others have made on my behalf. Even when it comes to games, there's so much to be thankful for. So if you'll excuse a list full of sentiment and seriousness, today I'd like to give a shout-out to 10 things that I'm thankful for in the realm of MMOs. Check them out and then perhaps add your own thanks in the comments section!

  • The Thank Tank: What are you most thankful for in the MMO genre?

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    Today is Thanksgiving Day in the USA. so it's only natural that we ask a thanks-related question for this week's Think Tank. As much as we, as a fanbase, like to be critical of our favorite genre, it's important to take some time to be thankful for what it is to us. So I asked the Massively team members what they're thankful for in MMOs. Grab a turkey leg dipped in cranberry sauce and stuffing (go ahead and double-dip; Uncle Leon won't mind) and follow along after the cut for our thoughts.

  • WRUP: A very thankful staff

    Michael Gray
    Michael Gray

    Turkey day approaches, like the looming weight gain we all know it will be. And while it's still a few days away, obviously, a little thankfulness is always good for the soul. And so, we asked our dear staff what they're playing this weekend... and what they're thankful for. We all have a little extra room for a bit of thankfulness in our lives. Adam Holisky (@adamholisky) I'm leveling a new mage up, and I'm have an absolute blast. I'm thankful for three things.

  • Wings Over Atreia: The anti-rant

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Admit it: Whether it is born of a desire to vindicate yourself using the opinions of another or because you just sharpened your claws and are eager to rip said opinions to shreds, sometimes you just love to read a juicy rant. Love them or leave them, we all have opinions and tend toward sharing them, from superstitions to sports to Aion. What make rants so delectably special are the passion and power behind them. Unfortunately, this is not a rant. In fact, this week's Wings Over Atreia is going to be an anti-rant. No, that does not mean I will rant against rants because I am opposed to them (that would still be a rant, not to mention they can be cathartic at times); rather, this will be the opposite of a rant. Yes folks, I am going to do something radical! Trolls, cover your eyes: I am going to give a compliment. And not just any compliment -- I am going to give praise to NCsoft's customer service! *gasp* What confluence of events in Aion brought me to this? Take a peek past the cut to see for yourself.

  • Arcane Brilliance: Things I'm thankful for

    Christian Belt
    Christian Belt

    Every week, WoW Insider brings you Arcane Brilliance for arcane, fire and frost mages. This week, Arcane Brilliance is feeling especially festive. Pyroblasting a turkey will do that. So apparently it's the holiday season. I'm still burping up cranberries and stuffing, my wife has started forcing Christmas music upon me (and frankly, if it's not Mannheim Steamroller, I don't want to hear it), and I've reached the point in the year when -- for my own mental well-being -- I refuse to look at a bank statement until February. To those of you who survived yesterday's annual gladiatorial bloodletting and emerged victorious from the front doors of Walmart or Old Navy, hoisting your hard-won set of hand towels above your head like a trophy: I salute you. To those of you who, like me, stayed home and bought stuff on Steam and Xbox Live: I also salute you, only I do so from my chair, by typing in an emote. Because, really, we're all pretty lazy. But damned if I don't feel well rested. In deference to the spirit of the season, we here at Arcane Brilliance thought it might be nice to spend a column thinking about the things we're grateful right now. You'll find the mage-related stuff behind the jump, but here's my non-mage-related short list of awesome things: flatbread chicken sandwiches getting randomly tagged on Dragon Quest IX while walking through the airport Tuesday night troll druid cat form The Walking Dead Mumford and Sons discovering the brilliance of Arrested Development and Friday Night Lights on Netflix Taco Bell, Netflix, Square Enix, etc. ... feel free to make any and all endorsement checks out to Christian Belt, care of WoW Insider. Also, screw you, AMC, for canceling Rubicon. I was just starting to enjoy that one. And screw you double, FOX, for putting Fringe on Fridays, where all good FOX shows go to die.

  • Breakfast Topic: Thankful

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    About this time every year, we Americans go into food coma lockdown mode, hop on board planes, trains and automobiles and head to family and friend gatherings. Thanksgiving is happening in the United States, and much food will be eaten, relatives will be awkward and some delicious pie will be baked. We also usually spill our guts about what we are thankful for. On the nerdy side of things, we lost a lot in World of Warcraft in the past few days. The Shattering took a lot of our old-world nostalgia and focus and replaced it with the beginnings of Cataclysm and a whole new experience. I'm pretty damn thankful to Blizzard for creating essentially World of Warcraft 2 without making us all switch over to some new world and splitting the playerbase. On the less nerdy side of things, here in the real world, I'm very thankful for the very fact that I get to type these words into this text editor and hit "post." I'm incredibly thankful that I have the opportunity to work with WoW Insider and talk to so many fans and WoW enthusiasts. Above all, I'm thankful for your comments and discussions and how incredibly wonderful you all make me feel with supportive emails and feedback. I'm thankful that you enjoy my writing and my ramblings on the WoW Insider Show. So thank you all. What are you guys thankful for this year? You don't have to be from the United States to get in on this sap train.

  • Happy Thanksgiving from WoW Insider

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    America today is celebrating Thanksgiving Day, a holiday where we all sit down with friends and family, eat loads of turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberries, and all the other good stuff, and give thanks for all the blessings we've received throughout the year. WoW Insider would like to wish you, our readers, a happy Thanksgiving and a great and safe holiday season. We are thankful for many things, but mostly for you: it's because you come and read and visit the site that we get to keep it going every day of every week the rest of the year. Much appreciated -- thank you.Many of our bloggers are also with their families and attending their own celebrations this weekend, so posting may be slow around here today and tomorrow. Odds are that you haven't reached 80 yet, and even if you have, odds are even better that you haven't grinded all the reputations you want, so just head on into the game and work on that for a bit, and we'll be back after this weekend with our usual news, views, and insight into this game and its players.

  • Max Schaefer thanks Mythos community

    Matt Warner
    Matt Warner

    It wasn't long ago that Max Schaefer, a Flagship Studios cofounder and operations chief, admitted to mistakes that the company encountered with Hellgate: London. Now, in a strange twist of irony the players are learning firsthand the lessons of Flagship's failures. The Mythos beta ended as it was placed on hiatus last night, possibly being the last time players will grace the world of Uld. Not long after that the Mythos beta forums went dark but before they did Max Schaefer left a wonderful message to the community. "They say it's not so much the destination as it is the journey that's important. We're really hoping that's the case around here these days. I can't really believe I'm writing a post like this, but here we are faced with the unpleasant task of taking a hiatus from this crazy project. Unlike most games, Mythos has been running with our testing community for almost its whole life. I really feel like we've all done this together. And despite this bump in the road, I think we've succeeded wildly. This is undoubtedly the best game community I've ever seen. This is the best game development team in the world, in both Seattle and San Francisco. The things we've learned here, and with you all, will be with us forever.

  • Thank you, Harmonix, Nyko, Naughty Dog, and you!

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    When Harmonix throws a party they get The Who to headline that jam; when Joystiq throws a party, we get Harmonix to headline. The generous devs from Boston brought Rock Band 2 to our E3 afterparty in Santa Monica for the 300 plus attendees to prove their mettle. Take Joystiq superband The Blueberry Muffintops who closed off the night with this rendition of Elvis Costello's "Pump It Up" – take note: by this point in the night, we'd already blown out the setup's speaker. Rawk!So really, our heartfelt thanks to Harmonix for making everyone's night. But we'd also like to thank Nyko for the peripherals, Naughty Dog for the great signed stuff, and of course for the super generous use of their space. Most of all, thanks to everyone that showed up. We put Joystiq together every day for you guys and it was flattering, and humbling, to see everyone turn out today. This one's for you (hit play now!). Love, JoystiqPS: If you've got any pics, please add them to our Flickr group page.

  • Forum post of the day: Thank you

    Amanda Dean
    Amanda Dean

    It seems like far too often we take the contributions of our fellow players for granted. Whether that happens when moments are tense or we forget that the other four people in our instance (or 24 people in our raid) are real folks, Bellwether of Dark iron set out to change that on the official forums today. She posted a well considered list of the roles that everyone should be thanked for in the game, just for doing their jobs. Here are some of her comments: To Warriors: Thank you for standing in front of me and letting things hit you. Thank you for shouldering the massive repair bills that come with your job. Thank you for preventing my death. To Shamans: Thank you for every single totem. Thank you for Brain Heals. Thank you for Ankh and saving us from having to run back

  • The Daily Grind: Giving thanks

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Today, as you may know, is known in the United States as Thanksgiving, which is supposed to be the time we sit down together as a family and give thanks, but usually ends up being the time we eat way too much turkey and/or the day before we go out and spend way too much money.But here at Massively, let's be glass-is-half-full people: what are you thankful for in the world of MMOs this year? Me? I'm thankful for daily quests in World of Warcraft, because otherwise I would have no money instead of the pittance I have now. I'm thankful for my uber mining Osprey in EVE Online -- that damn ship can pull ore down like nobody's business. And I'm especially thankful for the Warhammer Online hype-- it's about time someone tried giving Blizzard a real run for their money, and hopefully the game will live up to it. What are you thankful for?And from all of us here at Massively, if you're in the US, have a safe and happy Thanksgiving out there in your various virtual worlds. And if you're not in the US, have a great Thursday anyway.

  • RSS feed has errors, will be fixed soon

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Just wanted to thank everyone who has sent in tips about the error messages on our RSS feed (which you can find right here, when it's working, which is most of the time). We are aware the feed is broken, we have forwarded every one of your notes on to our technical guys, and hopefully the error will be fixed soon.And while we're at it, I'll take this opportunity as well to remind everybody about our tips form, ready and willing to receive any news you have for us. If you've heard or seen something big about the World of Warcraft that we haven't posted yet, feel free to drop us a note. Unfortunately, due to the volume of tips coming in, we can't answer everything you send (although we do try to-- some folks have sent technical questions about the game to us, which we try to answer to the best of our ability, as well as on our Ask WoW Insider feature). But we do read each and every note sent through that form, and there's no better way to contact us with tips, feedback, errors like the RSS feed problem, or anything else you'd like to tell us.Thanks for reading and letting us know what you think. We appreciate it!

  • Happy Turkey Day from DS Fanboy!

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    For us Americans, today is a day for football, food, and freedom. Younger Americans need not worry about school for the rest of the week and older Americans need not worry about work. We're free to pass out on the recliner with a plate of food on our lap during the last ticks of the first game. It's a wonderful day and we give thanks for being able to have it every year.We here at DS Fanboy would just like to wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving. If you're not doing anything, why not enter our contest or help us decide on next week's Game Night game? If you've got the DS, we hope you enjoy the day with your handheld and have all of your gaming needs fulfilled. From the entire DS Fanboy staff, we hope you have a fun and safe holiday. Thanks for reading!

  • Happy Turkey Day from Wii Fanboy!

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    For us Americans, today is a day for football, food, and freedom. Younger Americans need not worry about school for the rest of the week and older Americans need not worry about work. We're free to pass out on the recliner with a plate of food on our lap during the last ticks of the first game. It's a wonderful day and we give thanks for being able to have it every year. We here at Wii Fanboy would just like to wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving. Now that the Wii has finally launched, how many of you plan on spending the day with a drumstick in one hand and a Wiimote in the other? Plan on showing the family what the system is all about? Or will you take the time this day affords for a break from all things gaming? From the entire Wii Fanboy staff, we hope you have a fun and safe holiday. Thanks for reading!