

  • One Shots: Trifecta!

    Today we offer another in an unplanned series of waterfalls. Truly, it's a trio of tremendous terrain treats on One Shots! This gorgeous overland view comes to us from another of our regular contributors, Vendayn, who goes by The Explorer here on Massively, or as Isasis Wraithmire in the game we see today -- Vanguard. Between the fluffy purple clouds overhead, and the combination of cliffs, waterfall, and interesting foliage, we couldn't resist. Vendayn writes in to explain: "This is looking out toward the West of New Targoner in Vanguard. [It is located] on the Thestra continent. I was taken aback by this beautiful landscape. The waterfall in the background, with the rock pillars...and the sun was just setting, which made it even more perfect." Do you have screenshots of your favorite game that you haven't sent in to us yet? If so, why are you holding back? You should gather those up and send them to us here at! We can always use more screenshots to show off. %Gallery-85937%

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Play me

    Another Sunday has rolled around, and as always, some of the comics are talking about what's in the news, including the sale of BlizzCon tickets, the latest word to be officially adopted into the English language, and the BlizzCon pet! Check out the latest from Cru the Dwarf. Dark Legacy Comics: Donald the Explorer. Experience Points is inquiring into BlizzCon ticket prices, and /rolling for loot. Check out the latest from Flintlocke vs. the Horde. GU Comics: The Shedding. GU Comics: They're Haunting Me. GU Comics: Wait. Ted Said What?. Where do you stand on this issue? Personally, I'm going to take the opportunity to use it in an essay. Check out the latest from LFG. Massive Pwnage: Could be Worse. NoObz: Everything in Moderation. NPC: Payback and The Deal. Check out the latest from Teh Gladiators. World of Warcraft, eh? KHAAAAAAN! (That is my shortened version of the title).

    Amanda Miller
  • Breakfast Topic: What's the best pun name you've ever seen?

    We've all seen some Alliance kiddie named "ikillhoarde" or a Warlock named "ifearyoudie." After all, what Horde wouldn't run for cover from a Hunter who's named after his very death? And woe is the person who actually thinks he can get away from a Warlock's fear. Phear the lock, baby.Add titles into the mix. "Doora the Explorer" is probably my favorite of all time. Every time I see someone named that I yell out "Swiper, No Swiping!" Of course insert the obligatory NSFW Kevin Smith reference here.Another favorite of mine that I've seen is "Highlander the Immortal."What's the best pun name that you've encountered in the game? Ever thought about renaming your character to make yourself pun-famous?

    Adam Holisky