The Internet Archive


  • Engadget

    The Internet Archive will host 490,000 music tracks 'lost' by MySpace

    Rachel England
    Rachel England

    When MySpace announced that it had "accidentally" (and there are question marks around that) lost 12 years of content last month, former users were devastated to learn that many of their audio files -- which they assumed would continue to exist on the site like a digital archive -- had been lost forever. But The Internet Archive comes bearing good news, having managed to salvage a collection of MP3s it's calling the "MySpace Dragon Hoard."

  • The Internet Arcade has 900+ games, no quarters needed

    S. Prell
    S. Prell

    The Internet Archive, a non-profit collection of movies, music, books, websites and (most relevant to the following information) games, has unleashed The Internet Arcade: a collection of more than 900 classic arcade games which can be played for free inside your browser. On The Internet Arcade, you'll find classics like Out Run, Millipede, Tapper and Paperboy, alongside some not-so-classics like Turkey Shoot, The Three Stooges and Kangaroo. But hey, since there's no coins to gamble, why not give them all a try? Jason Scott, a developer of the project, described the process converting arcade games as surprisingly easy on a blog post (despite the fact that he also acknowledges scaling issues, control mechanisms that don't translate to keyboard or gamepad and several other minor problems). "My hope is that a handful, a probably tiny percentage [of people], will begin plotting out ways to use this stuff in research, in writing, and remixing these old games into understanding their contexts," Scott writes. "Time will tell." If you're having trouble getting started with a game, press the 5 key to insert a coin, and Tab to change the controls to something comfortable. [Image: The Internet Archive]