

  • Thorpe Park

    One theme park's mission to perfect VR horror

    Nick Summers
    Nick Summers

    I still can't figure it out. Inside the warehouse, I press against the railing, squinting through the darkness to get a better look at the Ghost Train. A Victorian carriage hangs from the ceiling, suspended by iron chains. Step inside, however, and it's a modern London Tube car, caught up in an outbreak that threatens to turn everyone into monsters. You put on a VR headset, contextualised as a life-saving gas mask, and prepare for the worst as the train disembarks.

  • Thorpe Park

    Thorpe Park's VR ghost train will open on May 6th

    Nick Summers
    Nick Summers

    Derren Brown's new ghost train attraction for Thorpe Park is still wrapped in secrecy. We know visitors will sit in a suspended carriage and that the experience will feature multiple HTC Vive headsets. We know that it's a "multi-sensory" ride combining live-action and special effects. But otherwise, the details are scarce. What we have been told today is that the ride will open to the public on May 6th. Better mark those calendars.

  • Thorpe Park

    Thorpe Park unveils VR ghost train designed by Derren Brown

    Nick Summers
    Nick Summers

    VR headsets have matured to the point where some of the UK's biggest theme parks now want to integrate them into their next rides. Alton Towers announced a VR rollercoaster last week and today Thorpe Park has unveiled its own plans for a VR ghost train. Designed by mentalist Derren Brown, the attraction promises "grand-scale illusions" using a mixture of live-action, 4D special effects and "next generation technology." That last descriptor is important because, buried at the bottom of a press release, the company explains that this is a reference to the HTC Vive.