

  • Your favorite WoW Insider posts this month

    Barb Dybwad
    Barb Dybwad

    By a show of hands (and by hands we mean clicks), you've voted on your favorite posts on WoW Insider for the month of March. Here's the list of the top trafficked posts this month: In Death and Taxes, pallies heal and priests DPS (vampiric embrace FTW!) Who can resist delicious Hordecake? Leaked 2.1.0 patch notes? (zomg FAKE!) Food on the flying mount wing (warning: cute cat video enclosed) Tier 6 names and bonuses -- 'cuz we all want the Professor Plums. Use the Armory to find WoW's worst player because they're sure to make your sorry ass look halfway decent. Blue Notes: Seduction, Pet Health, and Old Hillsbrad -- because "seduction" is always a popular search term. Instance griefing not against the ToS? -- a) we don't need Blizzard to tell us that PuGs suck; b) couldn't there be a more elegant solution to this? Leveling build for a Retribution Paladin -- because Retnoobs need love too. Armory + Signature Generator = AWESOME! (note that the original server was crushed by the teeming hordes (see what we did there?) clogging the intertubes, but the original URL will redirect you to the new signature generator). And to level our fishing skills -- any other posts from this month you particularly enjoyed that you wouldn't want your WoW-loving comrades to miss?

  • Tier 6 names and bonuses

    Eliah Hecht
    Eliah Hecht

    I heard these were out a few days ago, but the link I got was to the official forums, and the thread had been deleted by the time I got there. Well, MMO-Champion has them now. Delete that, Blizz! Now keep in mind, as MMO-Champion warns us, these aren't "official" bonuses, but were rather extracted from the currently game files somehow, and will most likely change when 2.1.0 goes live (which according to Tseric will be "soon"). Still, this should be something to get your mind going.The bonuses mostly follow the same pattern: 2-piece bonuses makes a skill cheaper (or sometimes return more mana), and 4-piece bonuses makes a skill stronger. Since the 4-piece bonuses mostly affect our "bread and butter" skills (e.g. Greater Heal for healing priests, Fireball, Frostbolt, and Arcane Missiles for mages) and mostly by about 5%, they seem pretty cool. The 2-pieces vary in how much they impress me. Tier 6, if I'm not very much mistaken, drops in Mount Hyjal the Black Temple [thanks, klink-o], which is certainly out of the reach of most guilds, but I'm sure some of us will see it eventually. Without further ado, all the Tier 6 names and (provisional) bonuses are after the cut.

  • Blizzard updates Under Development page

    Eliah Hecht
    Eliah Hecht

    For the first time since before the Burning Crusade was released, Blizzard have updated their Under Development page to tell us that the Black Temple is going to be opened soon, and will contain Tier 6 armor. We knew it was going to be opened eventually, given that the physical edifice is already in the game, and even the instance portal (though it tells you that the instance isn't available yet), but this probably means it'll be in the next content patch. Here's Blizz's text:Originally founded as a Draenei temple, this plot has been conquered and despoiled many times throughout the history of Outland, removing any spiritual grace it may have once held. The Black Temple has been the stage of the Orc Horde's blood curse, a fortress for the then-mortal Ner'zhul, and a prime staging ground for the Burning Legion's campaign of destruction. Most recently, it has been claimed as home by Illidan, where he and his minions make their bid for power over the remnants of the shattered planet. Now, it is up to you to face the malefic forces of Illidan and his minions in hopes of freeing Outland from chaos and tyranny.Black Temple is a 25-person raid dungeon located in Shadowmoon Valley. Explore an ancient site steeped in Warcraft lore Gain access to more than a hundred new rare and epic items, including tier-6 armor sets Choose your path through a nonlinear level-70 raid dungeon, as you make your way to... Face Illidan himself! I'm interested to learn more about the nonlinearity of this place, although it probably just means that you don't have to do all the bosses. Also, note that we almost certainly won't be able to destroy Illidan -- Blizz have hinted that he's too powerful to be destroyed by mere level 70s. The usual guess is that it'll go something like the Majordomo Executus fight in MC. And the stats on T4 and T5 are already pretty crazy -- anyone have any info on what T6 is like?

  • WoW Moviewatch: Armor set double feature

    Eliah Hecht
    Eliah Hecht

    Neither of these two are the greatest or best videos in the world. However, they do give us a look at the appearance of some upcoming gear that as far as I know hasn't been seen yet.First off, here's a showcase of what the poster is calling 'Dungeon Set 3', whose power at 70 is supposed to be analogous to what Tier 0.5 (a.k.a. Dungeon Set 2) is like at 60. The probable conclusion is that it is composed of mostly or entirely blues, not epics. The video has every set except Hunter (sorry!). Skip to 1:40 for the actual armor sets, unless you want to see some footage of flying mounts and some bits stolen from the Burning Crusade cinematic. Check here for stills, including the Hunter set (but not the Shammy one -- go figure).